Page 57 of Love Like Mine
“Worse. Come break me out of this prison.” I laugh.
I don’t hear what he says because the phone is snatched away from me. Knox looks at the name and scowls at me.
“Don’t call my girl again, asshole!” he says before he hangs up and then turns to me. “You’re talking to that dickhead?”
“He’s my friend,” I say, shrugging.
He grumbles something under his breath before walking back to the counter and grabbing our food. I text Aiden to tell him that I’ll text him later and quickly put the phone back on the table. Knox narrows his eyes at me but I don’t pay any attention. I take my food and start to eat it.
Once we’re finished eating, he takes both our plates to the sink before walking back to me and motions for me to follow him. I don’t know what to make of him since he’s being so nice.
I’m surprised I don’t feel the overwhelming urge to vomit. I wonder if that’s a step to hopefully get better. I do feel exhausted all of a sudden though, so maybe something is still wrong with me.
He takes us to one of the sitting rooms and when we enter, I see a woman sitting in one of the chairs. She stands as soon as we enter and greets us.
“Hi! My name is Michaela and it’s so nice to meet you! Are you ready?” she asks enthusiastically.
“Um, who is this?” I ask carefully, coming to a complete stop just inside the door. Knox places his hand on my back and urges me forward.
“Michaela is a hairdresser. She’s here to take care of your hair for you,” he says gently.
I let out an almost relieved breath. If she was some woman he’s seeing after how he’s been with me the last few days, I have a feeling I would have committed murder.
Though his words bring back memories of me sobbing in front of the mirror while chopping my locks off. I haven’t looked into a mirror since. I was pretending that it never happened. How to deal with a problem you don’t want to deal with? Pretend like it doesn’t exist.And you should follow me for more tips!
I spin around with every intention of leaving the room but he’s there, right in front of me. He pulls me into his arms with my head resting on his chest as he whispers into my ear, “Please don’t think about any of it. I just wanted her to cut it for you so you wouldn’t have the reminder. When you look into the mirror, I want you to see how motherfucking beautiful and breathtaking you are,” he says and places a kiss to my forehead before turning me around again.
With a sigh, I walk over to one of the chairs and take a seat as Michaela takes out her stuff and sets it up. Knox takes the seat opposite me and he sits there and just watches me. I avoid his gaze at all costs but I can still feel the heat of it burning along my skin. She gets to work, cutting and spraying my hair with water and cutting some more.
“All done. Do you also want a blowout?” she questions.
“No. This will be all,” I say.
One of the maids appear at the door, ready to escort her out. I walk out of the room and back up the stairs and straight for the bathroom.
I take a deep breath before looking into the mirror. I look different but also good. My hair is cut into a bob now, just under my chin, and I kind of like it. At least it’s better than the hack job I did on my own.
It’s a good thing I didn’t go too crazy. Well, I probably would have if dickhead hadn’t come in and stopped me.
“You look beautiful,” he says from the doorway.
“So, I don’t look ugly? Or like a whore? I’m pretty sure strippers have these kinds of cuts so I’d fit right in. Don’t you think?” I question, not able to help myself.And here I go again, ready for another pointless fight.
Instead of answering like I want him to, he strolls into the bathroom and throws me over his shoulders before walking out and heading into his room. He drops me onto his bed and then crawls in too.
He sits up and braces his back on the headboard and then he pulls me in closer to him. He sets me between his spread legs and now I’m in a position where I’m lying with my back against his chest so that we’re both facing the foot of the bed where his television is mounted on the wall. He wraps an arm around my tummy before pulling his blanket over us. When I go to protest, he shushes me.
“No more talking. We’re going to have a quiet day without any of your bullshit. You need to be taken care of. So shut the hell up and let me take care of you,” he says before pressing play on whatever movie he just put on.
I lie there stiff against him for a while until I finally give up and relax. We watch movies for a while. I can’t remember the last time I just relaxed like this and watched a movie since my head is all over the place these days. Eventually, I get tired and fall asleep right there with the warmth of his body against mine.
It’s beena week since I found out who attacked me…
A week since I completely lost it, for what seems like the millionth time. Finding out who was responsible caused me to have some sort of mental breakdown. Somewhere deep inside, I should have known it was them but I was too stupid to figure it out.