Page 70 of Love Like Mine
She was looking for clubs around here. I see the ones in Riverside then Fairview and then the others on the list. I take a guess and say she’s gone to Fairview because she wouldn’t want to go to the ones here, knowing I’d catch her ass easily.
Just then I get a call from one of the bouncers at the club in Fairview, telling me that she’s there. I thank him and hang up before making my way down the stairs and out the door. No doubt Ash sent her pic to our guys so they could look for her and that’s how she got found so quickly.
I drive as fast as I can to get to her because I have this uneasy feeling in the pit of my gut. I don’t know why that’s happening but it’s like a premonition of something to come. From the feeling I’m having, it’s not good. It makes me want to get to my girl faster.
I pull up to the club and park my car in the VIP section before hopping out and making my way to the front. I walk right up and straight into the club without any issues. The guys there already know who I am so they don’t have shit to say to me.
I make my way in and I’m halfway to the bar when I see her red hair. She’s making her way to the back of the bar, to one of the lonely spots that people use to make out or do drugs and what not.
Oh shit! The thought of drugs makes me walk as fast as I can, pushing through the crowd to try and get to her. I’m hoping she isn’t being fucking stupid right now because I really will wring her fucking neck.
I get to the bar and I’m in line with her across the room. It takes me a minute to comprehend what I’m seeing because she takes my breath away. She’s wearing a black dress with high slits and her creamy thigh is showing. It makes me want to devour her. Her dress clings to her like a second skin and I’m hot and bothered in no time.
When my eyes finally catch up to her, I see that she’s sniffing cocaine from her hand. I’m instantly fucking pissed. She has no idea of the fucking danger she’s putting herself in. She must feel my angry stare on her because she looks up. Her eyes widen but there’s also something else there. It’s like she’s angry and sad at the same time, or more likely, she’s trying not to break.
I finally snap out of my stupor and take a step toward her. She sees me beginning to move and that pushes her into action too. She sprints in the direction of the back of the club and I let out a curse as I begin to follow her in that direction.
I’m really going to fucking spank her ass when I get my hands on it. I can’t fucking believe that she’s moved on to hard drugs.
I begin running after her. When I finally manage to make my way outside, I run toward the front in time to see her get into the Porsche. She definitely took it out of the garage but I don’t even fucking care about that right now. All I care about is her being behind the wheel while on drugs. Fucking hell! She should have more goddamn sense than this.
She peels out the parking lot like her ass is on fire before I can get to her. I let out a curse. I quickly make my way to my own car before hopping in and peeling out of there as quick as I can to follow her.
I see her a few feet in front of me. She’s driving too fast for my liking. Reckless too, I might add. I don’t know what the hell is going on with her to have caused this reaction in her. She was fine and resting when I left the house earlier, and now, she’s back to acting out.
She’s still going too fast and my heart is in my throat as I watch her go slightly into the other lane. I don’t think she sees that I’m behind her. A few moments later, I see another car coming in the opposite direction, straight at her and I don’t think she’s noticed that yet either.
I slam my hand down on my horn, my heart racing. I know where this is heading and I fucking wish I could stop it. She finally sees the car and swerves but it’s too late. She hits the edge of one of the construction worker’s equipment which causes her to lose control of the car and it flips.
It flips over four times before coming to a stop upside down. I slam my foot down on my brakes and come to a stop, grabbing my knife before rushing out of my own car and heading for her. My heart is about to beat the fuck out of my chest.
“Raine!” I yell as I run toward her car.Please be okay, baby!I pray as I finally reach her and slam down onto my knees. I grab the banged-up handle to her door and begin pulling as hard as I can to open it.
I finally manage to get it open. Just as I thought, her seatbelt is still around her. I make quick work of cutting through it and help her as gently as I can to get her out of there. She looks dazed as I look down at her face. My whole body trembles as I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. I could have fucking lost her just now and I’m not doing okay with that.
“Fucking hell, baby! You fucking took ten years off my life! Are you okay?” I question her. My voice is shaky even to my own ears and I hug her tighter to me. I don’t think I can let go of her right now.
But as usual, she likes to fuck with my program because just as I look down into her face again to reassure myself that she’s fine and she’s alive, her face scrunches up and she screams out in pain.
I suddenly feel wetness on my thigh. She places a hand between her leg and when she lifts it up to her face, I can see from the headlights on my car it’s covered in blood.
“Holy shit, baby! You’re bleeding! We have to get you to the hospital!” I yell out, a note of hysteria in my voice. I don’t know what’s wrong with her but she keeps whimpering in pain. I quickly check her out but don’t see anything more than the obvious bruising and cuts from the crash.
I quickly hop up with her in my arms and run for my car. I maneuver her a bit and quickly open the door to the backseat and gently place her on the seat so she’s lying down. She closes her eyes for a moment and I look down at her, scared shitless. I can see there’s a lot of blood under her and on the seat.
“I need to go. It’ll all be over soon,” she mumbles with her eyes still closed. She’s starting to freak me out.
“No. No! Fuck no! You’re not leaving me, baby! Stay with me please. Just hold on for a little while longer,” I beg as I shut the back door and hop into the driver’s seat. I take off like a bat out of hell.
How dare she think she can leave me like this? Nope. Not fucking happening. I must break every fucking speeding law because I get us to the hospital in no time. I gently take her out of the car and hold her in my arms. I take off running with her toward the emergency room’s entrance.
“Help! I need help!” I scream as loud as I can as soon as I enter the door. Two nurses rush over with another one bringing a stretcher when they see the blood that’s still flowing out of her like some kind of fucking pipe. I’m scared as fuck right now.
“What happened?” someone asks and I reply on autopilot, pretty sure I’m in shock.
“Sh-she was in a car accident,” I manage to mumble. “She has what I’m pretty sure is cocaine in her system if that helps at all,”
They rush her through a door and I’m about to follow but one of the nurses stop me. “I’m sorry, sir, but you can’t go back there,”