Page 69 of When Sinners Hate
The man’s hands go to his pockets. “Why don’t we call it you giving me this one to play with, and we’ll be settled.”
“The last fucking man who touched my wife is in those suitcases, Chance. You still want her?”
The guy – Chance – looks back at me again as if thinking about the possibility. “So, this is the lovely Mrs Cortez. Interesting circumstances you find yourself in.” I don’t say anything. Don’t move. Don’t speak. I can barely look at him, regardless of his relaxed words. “Fine. Go. I’ll deal with this. You’ve got fifteen minutes to get out of here. But I want three girls next week. Make them good.”
Abel nods, and Dante heads out with the first bag, followed by Chance. My heart is in my throat thinking about what’s in the case – what they’ve done – and if anyone will stop them. Taking a case out of a hotel isn’t suspicious, and I doubt anyone would challenge Dante, but it’s terrifying and grotesque. It leaves me alone with Abel, and I’m not sure if he’s waiting to scream at me, accuse me of being an Ortega whore, or worse, just biding his time.
He still doesn’t talk to me, but he does take off his jacket and toss it to me.
“You’re a mess.”
I pull my arms through and wrap it around me, grateful for the familiarity and comfort. “Thank you.”
The time in here, staring and keeping my attention away from what Dante was doing to move the body in suitcases, has made me think of how petty I’ve been, demanding to be let in.If my own father can trick me, then why should Abel trust that I won’t after only a few months?
Amazing how a little murder can suddenly clear your head.
After what happened tonight and my father’s hand in it all, there’s no doubt in my mind who my allegiances now lie with. And, if it’s possible, I can understand how my brother ended up killed. He took Wren – the literal light of Dante’s life. She means everything to Dante, and for the Cortez family love means everything. They defend. They protect. And Nicolas touched something that wasn’t his, just like that scum did to me. My husband protected me in the most literal and brutal way imaginable. He beat the man’s head into the wall and drowned him. For me. And whilst I don’t believe my brother deserved to die, I can at least understand why now.
The itch for revenge over what Dante did lessens with every breath because he looked at me in this room and decided to help me, too. He looked out for me.
While I’m stuck in my own head, I don’t have to face Abel and notice Dante’s come back. As his eyebrows pinch together, he looks me over, nods and then leaves with the last case.
“Time to go.” Abel walks out after Dante, and I grab my bag and make sure the jacket covers the fact my dress is in ruins. I can’t do anything about my hair or makeup, so keep my head down and follow.
The elevator ride is suffered in silence, and then we’re striding out through the lobby. Abel heads straight past his car to whatever car he used to get here. “Wait.” I race to catch up to him. “Abel, I can’t drive.” The thought of being in control of anything right now is terrifying. “Please don’t make me follow you. Take me with you? I don’t want to be on my own.” I want to be with you. I don’t say those words, but I feel them. Despitewhat went on in that room after he arrived, the important part that I’m holding onto is that he showed up. He protected me.
He protected me.
“Get in.”
I climb in and put my seatbelt on.
He leaves me there and walks back to one of the valets out front, then comes back and pulls his phone out while starting the engine. “Mariana, I need you to come get my car from Grimaldi’s downtown. It’s parked out front in the VIP section. Take it to yours, you can bring it back tomorrow.”
I can’t hear her response, but I’m a little surprised he called Mariana. Shaw or Knox, yes. But no, again, he offers the job to his sister – a woman.
He ends the call and shoves the car into gear, merging into the traffic with no concern for whose right of way it is.
The further we get away from the hotel, the more at ease I feel. The muscles in my shoulders begin to unwind, and then I remember I have another conflict ahead. There’s no way that Abel will accept everything I say easily. He’s suspicious of me every day, let alone finding me in a compromising situation. He’ll see the bad before he hears anything. And I’m sure he’s already run through a hundred different scenarios in his mind since he first barged into the suite. Most of them where I’m in the wrong and betraying him.
It's funny because of all the ways in which I could betray him, sleeping with another man wouldn’t be one of them. Revenge and an attack on his family were at the top of my list – taking something precious to him and ripping it apart.
But after tonight, that’s gone.
The air between us is stifling, thick with unsaid words and accusations as we make our way back to his place. Relief drains through me at the sight of his entrance way because he hasn’t shut me out.
We park in the garage, and still, he hasn’t spoken a word. Words jumble in my head as I sort through what I want him to hear first, but my overriding feeling is gratitude, and keeping my shot at being part of the family he’s been shoving in my face is the only thing keeping me from speaking right now.
He has to ask. He has to give me permission to speak.
I follow him into the house, and he heads straight downstairs to the bar and pours himself a drink. He doesn’t offer me one, and I don’t ask. I gingerly perch on one of the chairs and wait. His pacing starts again, this time through to the kitchen and then back. He pauses a few times, seemingly in two minds about something, before carrying on
Another slosh of liquid is tipped into the glass and knocked back. “You have one chance, Lexi. Every fucking word that passes your lips needs to be the truth, or we’re done.” He turns and looks at me, and I see the threat in every fibre of his being. His shoulders, his crossed arms and the deep frown on his face. He’s closed himself off. He’s going to judge me, and if I pass, then we can maybe get another chance.
A tremor rushes over me, and I breathe in, holding my breath to try settling my nerves. In my heart, I know I shouldn’t have anything to be nervous about, but dread weighs heavy in the pit of my stomach.
“Thank you.” I make sure I look him straight in the eye. “I’ve never had someone I could count on for help before. It meant a lot that you came.” My eyes begin to sting, and I blink the tears back and look away.