Page 76 of When Sinners Hate
Suit on and I walk down the stairs, searching for her. She’s nowhere to be seen. Suspicion might flick through my head for a half second, but it’s gone before I give it any real thought. No one’s getting in here without me knowing about it, and, after the last few days, I doubt she’s going anywhere without me. What else does she have but me? Her father’s a piece of shit. Her brother’s dead, and, despite what brought her here, we’re beginning to find something worth fighting for.
I drink the last of my espresso and look towards the open doors to the pool. She swims by, naked, rolling her body well enough that at least her abilities in the water aren’t something I need to worry about. The thought sends me back a long time, to a place where we swam as kids and enjoyed the life we thought we’d have back then. White sands. A beach that stretched for miles. A new father I thought I could trust. He was good at it for a while. Turned out to be another piece of shit, though. Just like hers.
I walk out to the pool, snatching my car keys on the way. “Enjoying yourself?”
She smiles and looks over at me from behind her sunglasses. “You’re not joining me?”
“No. I’ve got work to do.”
“And what wonders do you have in store today?”
“New intake. Carmen’s bringing them over to Berettas for me to look at.”
She swims closer until she’s at the edge of the pool, leaning her arms on the side. “Berettas?”
“Strip club.”
“How exciting,” she mocks. “Presumably, you don’t need to fuck any of them to prove their use.”
I crouch down. “You getting all insecure again, darlin’?”
“About other women? No. I am, however, bothered about how clean you are. I don’t want their potentially diseased pussy anywhere near me.”
A laugh bursts out of me, and I stand up again and look at her darkened hair, now it’s wet. Suits her. Not that I give a damn if she needs it blonde, but it would be good to see her as nature intended. “You'll be alright here?” She nods, but I'm not convinced. She still has moments where I find her thinking about what could have happened. “You're as safe as you can be inside these walls. No one can get in but family.”
“I'm fine. What's done is done. Time to move on. Besides, you've given me enough time, and what are you going to do? Stay here and not work?”
“I will if you need me to.”
She smiles. “Well, that's enough reason for you to go then. I don't need you to.”
“I'm wounded.”
“I doubt that very much.”
I chuckle. Doubt she’ll ever admit to needing anyone. “Your things will be here by lunch. I'll be finished about eight,but I’m sending Shaw to pick you up. Dinner. He’ll be here at seven thirty.”
She pulls herself out of the pool, gracefully stretching her fine frame up until she’s standing in front of me and pushing her hair back. “Or you could take a different car and I could just drive and meet you there?” Unsure how alright I am with that, considering the shit that’s just gone down, I keep staring. Her wet hands land on my jacket, and she slides them up to the back of my neck. “Come on, Abel. You know it’s in safe hands, and it’s not like I’m going anywhere else anymore. I can’t be locked up here. I need a little freedom.”
“I mean, you don’t want a little woman who’s incapable anyway. And if you think I’ll be driven everywhere and coddled, you’re wrong.” My brow arches. She’s damn right about that. Last thing on the planet I want is a woman who needs coddling, but I'm still fucking wary. “You're going to have to give in on this. You know it as well as I do. Whatever happened, happened. That's done now. We'll start arguing again if you don't let me and–”
“Fine.” I take her hand from the back of my neck and pass her the keys. “Eight o'clock. Sharp. Do not be late. I’ll text you the address.” She skips back away from me and grabs her robe, smiling to herself about her win, as I turn to leave. “Don’t trash my car and make me regret this.” I turn back as soon as I’ve got the other car key and head back to her. She’s still celebrating her win by twirling around as if she’s dancing. I smile a little, amused by this version of her. “Don’t leave until you’re ready.”
“You won’t be able to get back in. I haven’t set the security or access for you.”
“Oh, right. Yes. Can't we do that now?”
“No. Eight. Sharp. Yes?”
She nods and watches me go, and I get in the car and leave her in my place all alone. It feels strange to think about as I make my way over to Berettas. I’d like to say it sat well, but I’m not sure it does. I never intended for a woman to be there with me. It was always supposed to be my space and mine alone. It’s built for me, designed for me, and tailored to what I need it to be. Something about her in it just doesn’t work.