Page 22 of When Sinners Dare
The guy makes a face and slides the glass away before turning to me and looking me over. “So, this is gonna sound corny, but what’s a little lady like you doing in a bar like this?”
“Well,” I start. “That’s a long-ass story. And I’m not drunk enough to tell it.” I lean in towards him. “How about we just say I’m giving myself some TLC.” It’s not a lie. Maybe for a few hours, I can push the reality of life aside and let loose. It’s certainly not something I’ve had permission to do before. And now…
“TLC sounds good to me. I’m ready to leave today behind me. Another?” He pours me a glass but doesn’t top up his.
I frown at the single drink lining up on the bar. “Hey, where’s yours?”
“I’ll drink. But not that shit.”
“Fair enough.” I take the salt and shake it on my hand, and, making sure he’s looking right at me, I hold his gaze and make a show of slowly licking the grains clean off my hand before downing the shot.
“You’re not gonna like where that leads.”
“I’m not, huh? What’s the matter? Big guy like you feeling intimidated?” I wink, feeling my confidence grow.
“Intimidated? No.” He turns towards the bar. “Two Jack’s.”
“Oh, Jose, now, Jack. Sounds like a party.”
The guy holds out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Kai. Hope I’m invited.”
I happily take it, noting the tattoos starting at his wrist and travelling up his arm. “Mariana.”
“A pleasure, Mariana.”
“I’ll drink to that.” We both pick up the shots of Bourbon and toast before downing them. I catch my breath on the shot and feel the alcohol seep through my chest as I drink it down.
“So, Mariana. You're from around here?” Kai asks, as he slams the shot glass down on the bar.
“San Antonio, yes. You?”
“At the moment, yeah.” He doesn’t sound convinced, as if he might not still be around in a week from now. “But, as I said, you don’t look like you fit in a bar like this.” He looks around the room and then takes a longer look at me. I like the feel of his eyes on me.
“I’m the kind of girl who can visit any bar she likes. Are you the kind of guy who only hangs in places like this? I’d have said you’ve got a biker-rock vibe going on from your tee shirt and tattoos.” I look at his rock shirt and the ink covering his arm. I’ve never seen the obsession that my brothers have with tattoos. Dante’s is a work of art, but then Shaw seems to have allowed the artist to doodle on him.
“You got all of that from what I’m wearing?”
“A calculated guess, but not a hard one. I’ve had one or two drinks, so I might be off. This guy I met keeps pouring me drinks.”
Kai smirks, and I can feel the chemistry between us start to build. He’s certainly the distraction I didn’t know I wanted. But with him in front of me, I can push the real problem to the back of my mind.
“I’ve got an Indian parked out there,” he confirms for me. “And I like my ink. Work at a place called Viper’s. Two for two.”
“So, what’s my prize?” I ask, wanting to play the dangerous game.
“What do you want it to be?”
The alcohol is making my head a little fuzzy. Not enough to make me stop and question what’s on my mind, but enough to make it easy for me to drop any inhibitions and find some comfort. “I’m going to use the restroom.” I stand and lean over him, making sure my lips are only a fraction away from his ear. He smells musky and real, like a man that’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. “Give me ten, and follow me back.” I pull away and look into his eyes to make sure he gets the message.
Ican still smell that sweet perfume as I make my way along the corridor. Prettiest damn thing I’ve ever seen, but with the amount of booze swimming its way around in me, this isn’t gonna last long.
Pushing at the private bathroom doors, I find the last one on the left open. She licks her lips as I turn into the small space, and sneaks a look back at the bar full of noise behind me before I close us in.
“Well, this is naughty,” she says. Damn right it is, and any woman as fine as her that’s up for this kinda trouble is a warning sign I should be listening to. “So.” I keep looking at her as she backs up to the wall and wanders her fingers over her neck. “Are you going to get on with it?” No. I’ll wait for her to instigate it because I don’t push myself on anyone – drunk or not. “Oh, you’re shy. Sweet.”