Page 24 of When Sinners Dare
I don’t look back. “We should?”
“Yeah. Maybe we can do that again later.”
I do look back at the thought of that, but then I notice the reddening in her eyes while she tries to perch against the sink, one hand holding herself steady. A slow smile spreads on my face. “Alright, little lady, I think you’re probably about done for the night. You got what you wanted. You should get out of here now. This is no place for a girl like you.”
“Excuse me? A girl?”
I open the door and look out into the corridor, then half-wait for her to follow me back out into the noise.
“Hey, wait.”
I keep moving until I’m at the main entrance and pulling it open for her. “You got a ride?” I look around the parking lot to find a shiny Aston Martin sitting there amongst the trash and old cars. No way is she driving that given the amount of booze we’ve been drinking. “I’ll call you a cab.”
“Wait, hold on,” she says, pulling my arm. “I’m not leaving.”
“You need to get home.”
“Screw you. Get back in that bar and buy me another drink. In fact, I’ll do it myself.” She’s gone before I get a chance to say anything, and by the time I catch up with her, she’s back at the bar and ordering more tequila. I shake my head at the barkeep to stop him pouring, and that seems to cause a riot of aggravation in her because she pulls a truck load of cash out of bag and slams it on the bar. “Keep them coming,” she spits. “Asshole here can have all the Jack he wants if he behaves.”
Seems like the barkeep isn’t about to turn that kinda money down because he brings both bottles over to us and heads to the other end of the bar.
I sigh and slide on the stool, damn sure if she’s staying here, she’s at least staying with me rather than some of the other assholes. “This is a mistake, little lady.”
“He says, after it’s already happened. If it was a mistake, well, it's done now.” She sighs and picks at the wood grain of the bar. “You're right, though. It was a mistake. I didn’t mean to.”
“You didn't mean to fuck? Because if this is some shit where you say I forced-”
“No, not that.” Her eyes rise to meet mine. “Might as well drink, don't you think?”
For someone as young as her, she seems damn lost about something. “Look, Mariana, I don’t know what you’re hiding from, or what you’re trying to forget, but drinking yourself into a bottle isn’t going to help. Believe me, I know.”
She looks into her shot glass. “You don’t know anything about me.”
“No, but I do know that you’re not meant for the likes of this place. We had fun, but it’s time to leave now.”
She pours a shot for herself and downs it, refilling immediately. “We did have fun, didn’t we? Don’t spoil it by being yet another pain in my ass.” My lips tip up. I could be a pain in her ass all day long. “And don’t even think that. Although, a few more of these and who knows?”
I chuckle. “Alright.” Maybe a few drinks won’t hurt, and then perhaps I can get her home and try for this decent guy I’m attempting to be. “Talk then.”
“About what?”
“Whatever’s eating you.”
“I don’t want to talk about that. I came here to … forget about that crap, and apparently have some fun.”
“Yeah, but-”
“What is this? Twenty goddamn questions? Just let me breathe, will you?” Another shot downed, and she shakes her head. “No one ever lets me breathe. I’m capable, you know? I am, and I don’t need guys like you thinking I’m not.”
I reach for the Jack. “I didn’t say you weren’t, but-”
The sudden sight of her being yanked sideways shocks me, and before I can do anything about it, some big guy’s slapped her so hard she lands near my feet. I push into whoever the hell it is, sending him a half stride off balance. “What the fuck, dude!” I shout, reaching for her.
Next thing I know, I’m sent halfway across the goddamn bar, feet tripping over themselves for my own balance. I regain straight sight and spin on whoever the fuck thinks it’s okay to play hardball with me. A face I know well stares straight back at mine, but this time he’s wearing a suit rather than the gear I’m used to seeing him in.
I back up a step, as shocked about seeing him here as I was her getting slapped.
Sudden silence fills the whole bar – music turned off, no one speaking – and I glance at the space that’s been created around us.