Page 34 of When Sinners Dare
I’m not sure I like that.
Taking the cup of coffee, I smile and take a seat to wait for Viper. It doesn't take long to drink, and not long after I finish, Kai emerges from the back. His brows are drawn together in a scowl that would rival Abel’s. From my memory of our conversation at the bar, he isn’t the kind of guy who likes to be told what to do, either. He’s got that sexy, broody vibe down to a tee, though, and so far, I’ve got more questions than answers about him.
I expect him to leave. After all, he couldn’t possibly tattoo me when he’s free and ready to close up. What an inconvenience for him. But instead of leaving, he goes over to a cabinet and starts to pull out some paperwork.
“Do you even know what you want?” he calls.
“Me? I thought you were too busy to entertain the idea of inking me up.” I make the ‘p’ pop on my lips.
“Viper asked for a favour.”
“I see. Well, what would you recommend? You’ll be taking my cherry, Kai.” His eyes close as he tilts his head skyward, and I smile at his reaction.
“I’ll need to work up a design.” He’s still towards the back of reception, so I head toward him. “You can’t come back here,” he protests, so I stop where I am, a few feet away.
“And where are we going to get this done? I’m assuming there’s a room back there for us?” I bite my lip thinking about our last encounter in a private room. Hell, his tattoo chair would be fun to fuck in. If only Kai would relax. Or better, tell me what’s between him and Abel so we can move past it.
“Fine. But this isn’t happening without a design.”
“Details. Details. Take me back then, Kai.”
He reluctantly takes me back into a small room and switches the light on, shoving a form at me. “Fill it in. Insurance.” He’s all business as he starts setting up his station.
“We all good?” Viper stands in the doorway and looks in.
I look up from the form. “We’re fine. Thanks for asking.”
“Dragon good?”
“He is.” I leave out the family drama details.
He nods. “Shout if you need anything. Kai.” Viper sticks him with a hard stare that would intimidate Dante himself. Well, that might explain the scowl from Kai. Viper clearly doesn’t want me causing problems. Too bad.
He leaves and closes us in.
In the silence of the room, I can hear the sigh from Kai, as if he’s resigned to what he’s about to do.
“Mariana, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to make a point.”
“And what point is that?” He shakes his head. “Good. Shall we get on with this?” I step forward and drop my pants, stepping out of the wide-legged trousers.
“What are you doing?” He takes a while to look me in the eye.
“Getting ready. I want a tattoo on my inner thigh, please.” This might not have been the reason I came here, but I can’t help but feel excited about this. Plus, I like the thought of Kai’s hands on me. He’s interested. I know that, and now I can torture him a little. Now just to work out what I’d be happy with on my skin for the rest of my life. A rose or other flowers look pretty but don’t speak to me. The idea of a crown wrapped around my thigh floats in my mind, but that’s too much for today. Something small and intricate.
“Can you do an ornate dagger? An elegant blade with some scrollwork or something?”
He grabs a pad and pencil from the side and starts to sketch. “Like this?”
My eyes take in the small drawing. It’s delicate and balanced and reminds me of the two sides of me. It brings a mist of tears to my eyes, and I blink it back in frustration before nodding and handing the pad to Kai.
“I’ll get it worked up.” He leaves the room, and I sit in silence.
Where the hell did that rush of emotion come from?
Nevermind. I push it back down and look around the room.
Ten minutes pass, and I’m starting to get impatient, but Kai walks through the door. He doesn’t speak but grabs a bottle and pumps some foaming stuff onto my thigh and wipes it all over the area with a cotton pad.