Page 44 of When Sinners Dare
“Yeah, well, it’s a whole lot worse out here. He spent that time inside instructing Dragon, and by the time he came out, this city was theirs. You name it, they control it. Dragon’s second in command and fucking psychotic, then there’s Poe who deals with all the finance and is also a mean son of a bitch, and Mariana’s got a twin – Shaw. Only thing they didn’t do was drugs, and even then, they controlled the cartels. But then Abel married Alexia Ortega. Ortega is all drugs. So, yeah, this is their kingdom, and you need to have a goddamn word with yourself. They kill, they maim, they run all the whore houses, and they traffic. Enough for you to find some sense?”
I sit and take the information in.
Still isn’t making the thought of her turning fragile any less goddamned annoying.
“Kai, you need to stay away from this bullshit. What’s the point in you trying for a new life if you’re heading towards her all the time? I know love. This isn’t it. It’s infatuation or lust or whatever you want to call it, and I don’t blame you because she’s pretty as hell, but youcanbreak out of this before it starts. You’re lucky you’ve got this far with her and survived it. Use your head.”
Trouble is, my head got invested, as well as my dick.
He stands and goes for the door. “You know, when Courtney and I started this place years back, I slowly became the one all the bad dudes came to. It’s kept this place safe, and while she might be gone now, I intend to keep it safe, Kai. I’ll do anything I need to to make sure it stays that way. You hearing me?”
“You’re married?”
“Was. She passed three years ago. Cancer. That’s her work out there in the folders.”
“The cartoons?”
“Yeah. She was all about light and love and fun. Kept this miserable ass of mine happy.” I nod and look at the floor. “She was a good woman. A fine, decent woman. Never wanted me in any trouble and sure as hell made sure everyone who came in here knew that no business stepped on these premises. You get me? Don’t bring it to me, Kai. I’ll have no choice but to cut you loose and side with them if you keep going down this road.” He opens the door to leave, but hovers, as if he’s got more to say. So I wait.
Hovering turns into nothing but him shaking his head and eventually closing the door behind him as he goes. I guess, if my own head was set on right, everything he’s said should be enough. Can't stop seeing that fire of hers burn down, though, and because of that, I'm not sure anything will be enough to stop me.
My tattoo is healing.
Dante won’t talk to me about what happened at the shop.
Are you ok?
What was the fucking point of giving me your number if you were going to be a fucking pussy and ignore me?
Two days of relative peace from all of the men in my life. Although, I’m not sure I can call Kai ‘in my life’ when he won’t talk to me. And he’s doing it because I’m trouble? He’s the one running into the fucking fire with that guy, Jonny.
Dante couldn’t keep his big mouth shut and told Abel where I was. Luckily, he’s been in New York, so I’m free from his wrath. I wasn’t spared from Dante, though. His anger didn’t hurt physically, but they did their damage. It’s the first time he’s spoken words like that towards me, and in front of Kai, I’m still fucking fuming. He had no right. Of course, all my brothers think they can treat me how they like. Another legacy of Mother’s doing, perhaps. And is it any wonder they just see me as another girl – a piece of property – after what they deal with? What we do?
It’s not ever weighed on my mind, but it sure does right now.
Maybe years of dealing in the trade we do has changed them? It’s changed me, I know that. Or rather my kidnap when I was a child did. That was the start, and seeing the freedom my brothers have because of our business gave me something to hope for.
Dante’s never been so harsh with his words, though. I always thought he was the one to see my potential and treat me like he would a brother, but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe my expectations of a woman with the name Cortez need to be realigned.
At least I know he didn’t kill Kai. That much he did tell me.
I smooth down the black dress and brush through my long hair, twisting it into an understated braid. Demure and respectable, considering the occasion.
The house feels especially empty today, and I wonder if she’s haunting us, yelling at us from the grave, at what we’re doing wrong. It’s the first time I feel sad, genuinely sad, at her passing. I walk around the rooms and take in the absence of her. There’s a space missing – a void – that’s still here, and I hate that I feel it.
Taking a deep breath, I try to calm the agitated emotions at the centre of my chest.
Not today. I need to get through today.
Aren’t funerals a time to celebrate? She made her own rules, even when it came to her own son’s send-off. Not for him or us, but for her. She liked to be the centre of attention. Always has, and that was always part of our problem.