Page 56 of When Sinners Dare
My phone rings on the table just as I’m finishing a client.
I look down at Mariana’s name and smile, then input the next appointment this asshole of a guy needs. He grunts his thanks and leaves without any further conversation. It’s been fucking limited anyway considering his attitude when he arrived. I’m not down with dick’s who complain about their ‘bitches’ and how they need to be put in their place.
I hit redial and wait for her soft drawl to cut in, needing to hear it after that session.
“Hey,” she says.
“Hey. What can I do for you?”
“Well, I can think of plenty, but at the moment, I need a little of your body.”
I chuckle and walk out front of the shop, looking at the sun up high. “Really. You need some of me nice or nasty?”
“I think a little of both would be useful. Can you meet me?”
“I’ve got another two clients booked. I’ll be four hours at least.”
“Can’t you get someone to cover? I want to share something with you, and I need your help.” I frown and look back at the shop. Doubt it. Although, if they both did one each I could. “Kai. I'll make it worth your time. Promise.”
“Give me ten minutes to see what I can work out.”
Ending the call, I walk back in and search for Richie or Viper. Richie’s the first one I find, and she says she’s fine to do one if Viper can do the other. When I eventually find him out in the backyard unloading a delivery, he barely looks at me. Guess he's still pissed about the heated words we had the other day. Still, he makes sure to ask me what I need the time for.
“Problem back home needs some dealing with,” I reply.
He huffs, probably knowing damn well I’m lying about Mariana. “Fine. Go. You’re not back on for a few daysanyway.”
A quick trip back to the login to show the system I’m out and they’re covering, and I go upstairs to get myself changed. Doesn’t take a minute, and before long, I’m phoning her again to find out what the plan is, grabbing an overnight bag, and heading back down to grab my Scout.
The journey takes me out onto the freeway for a bit, and then down some smaller roads until there’s high wire fencing on both sides of me and I’m travelling along a rough road leading me somewhere. A security box sits waiting for me at the end of it, and the guy in there asks who I am before raising a barrier and telling me to head down to the hangars on the left. It’s only when I ride around the corner that I realise what’s happening. High-end jets are parked up at different angles around the place, some small, some huge.
I slow to a stop and watch one taxiing out there, then keep on watching as it leaves the ground and heads off into the sky.
“Shit,” mutters out of me. I’m not one for flying. Call it claustrophobia, or simple fucking sense. If we were meant to fly, we’d have goddamn wings. This is not my idea of sharing.
Still, I keep riding on until I see her and her Aston Martin parked up by the side of a hangar. She’s leaning on it and talking on the phone, pretty-ass smile beaming out at me as I pull in.
I kill the engine and get off, pulling the backpack from my shoulders.
“Ready?” she asks.
“Not in the slightest. Never been up there. Don’t want to, either.” She giggles, like this is funny. It isn’t. “Can’t we just go-”
“Kai. It’s a plane. It’s not going to kill you, and we need to get on it to get where we’re going.”
“Where’s that?”
“New York.”
“We can ride there. No ocean.”
She laughs again and walks closer, lifting her arms to drape them around my neck. “But then we wouldn’t be able to fuck all the way.” It’s a fair point, but I’m still not getting on a plane for it. She licks up the side of my neck and gets in real close, attempting to rub my dick, that’s fucking inward presently. Not coming out. Even for her. “Kai?”