Page 6 of When Sinners Dare
Yeah. I intend to.
Antony is just as precious over his car on the way out as when we arrived yesterday. He’s a little less talkative as we head home.
I’ve ignored my phone since breakfast but can see all the messages from Dante. Knox gave up and, not surprisingly, nothing from Shaw. It seems he doesn’t show the same brotherly concern for me. For once, I wish everyone else would follow his lead.
We arrive back at the house, and Dante’s green Mustang is in the drive.
“Not your car?” Antony asks.
“No. My brother’s.” I can’t help but smile as I remember the race day we had at the track. We were so tight, and on the surface, happy, but there’s a fracture running between all of us now, and I fear it will only grow deeper.
His Ferrari pulls up next to the American muscle, and he rushes to open the door for me, ever the gentleman. He leans in to kiss me, and I let him. In fact, I pull at the lapels of his jacket to deepen the kiss. When I let go, he looks a little star-struck, which makes me feel good. “I’ll be in touch.”
I walk around the car and up to the steps of the house.
Funny that I don’t call it home often.
Dante’s at the door, leaning against it with a cigarette in hand. I walk through without looking back and head right upstairs. A shower, followed by a change in underwear, is needed.
“Nice car,” Dante calls after me.
“You don’t believe that, Dante,” I scoff.
“Who is he, Bella?”
“Does it matter?”
I keep walking to my room. There’s no point closing the door behind me because he’ll just come in regardless. Twenty seconds after I walk in, Dante shows his face.
“Do you mind? I’d like to get changed.” I smile at him sweetly, but he just stands and scowls.
“Who is he?” His eyes narrow, and I know he won’t let this go.
“Fine.” I concede. “His name is Antony.”
“And what the fuck are you doing staying out with this guy? You know better.”
“Use that imagination of yours.” I look him over, noting the darkening bruises on his face from Abel. “And from now on, I’m not taking some arbitrary crap about what I can or can’t do. I’m done, Dante. I’m not kidding anymore. A tracker on my car and a panic button in my phone for emergencies should be enough for you and everyone else to leave me alone.”
“Now is not the fucking time to have a tantrum, Bella.”
“Fuck you, Dante. You don’t get to say that. I get you’re protective, and I love you for it, but it’s stifling – all of you are. I can’t have my own place; I can’t live my life or do anything on my own terms. When you need something, that’s different, and I do whatever is asked of me. Whatever shit you guys get into, I’m there for you to back you up, but you’re not there for me and I’m tired of that shit. You all think I’m this princess needing protecting. I’m not. I’m a Cortez. You taught me that.” My anger adds fuel to my words as I face him down. “Things are changing, and they better change in my favour. We’ve lost a brother. You don’t want to lose your only sister.” I hold his glare, knowing I’m dangerously close with those words, especially after what happened. But it’s time they’re said.
Dante’s fist slams into the wall next to the door, his violence unable to remain in check. “Don’t go there, Mariana.”
“You went there first. Get the fuck out of my room.”
I’ve not heard from Dante since our little disagreement, and I hate it. He’s the one I’m closest with, and usually we’re on the same page. My words weren’t aimed at him alone, but he was the one to take the burden. Always is.
Abel, on the other hand …
I park in the underground lot and make my way up to my club in the lavish elevator. With the first clients booked, the finishing touches will ensure everyone pays the price we’re charging.