Page 63 of When Sinners Dare
“Cut the crap, Bella. You can’t pick and choose. You want to be grown up, fucking act like it. You seem to be able to do it at least some of the time.”
“Knox and Shaw came.” I shove it in his face but know it won’t make a difference. Ironic that I started Apartment B to impress him. Dante and Abel, that is. The same with going after Naja. Yet nothing has changed.
“Knox was checking on our investment. And you know what Shaw was there for.”
“Do you hear yourself? Really? You insult me, call me a whore and even after I stepped up to go and get our property back – seek our revenge – it’s still not good enough. What happened to you? Only room in your life for one woman, now?”
“Bella, it’s not a fucking competition. And just so you know, you’d lose.” His words hurt more than I wish they did. He's been my rock for so many years, and I thought he saw me as more than a risk or weakness.
We eat in silence for a few moments, and then I decide to just tell him everything. “I’m seeing Kai.”
That snaps his attention, and suddenly I see the Dragon within as his features morph into the angry aggressor I know he can be. “What the fuck does that mean?”
“What do you think?”
“I’d say you’re not thinking straight. You want to get laid, fine. Do it. But don’t fuck about with guys like him or you might not like what happens.”
“I’m being serious, Dante. You might have missed him earlier as you were hauling Naja out of the office, but he was there. For me. With me.” I shake my head, throw the pizza slice back into the box, and turn to face him. “I’m an adult. I’ve more than proved myself to this family, and I’ve paid my dues far more than Shaw. Yet he has a free pass. Well, I’m tired of all your bullshit. I’m seeing Kai. I have feelings for him, which means he’s off-limits. Do you hear me?”
“You’re dictating to me?”
“Yes, and about fucking time.” None of them listen to me, and I had grand plans that Naja might change that, but apparently not.
He holds my stare, but I don’t back down. This was meant to be a good talk, a heart-to-heart. We used to be able to share. We used to be on the same page, at least that’s what I thought. He’s the only brother I’d want to share something personal with and it’s turned into a fucking disaster. Well, so much for them seeing me as anything other than the baby of the family.
“Are you really that serious about him?” he asks, his tone more level and calm.
“I am. I’m not kidding around. I’d never have involved him if I wasn’t. Antony was a means to an end, a way for me to get what I wanted. I admit that. But Kai is different, and I’m not going to take any of your bullshit over him. Nor Abel’s.”
He doesn’t move, and I hope he’s considering what I’ve said. He nods and grabs another slice of pizza.
The streets are busy as hell tonight.
I shuck the rest of the groceries in the bag and weave the last of the people to get back to my place. I’m too confused to be dealing with people anymore. Viper’s been acting like a dick since midday – short and fucking aggressive, and I’ve done nothing but shit ink all day on overgrown teenagers wanting to seem cool.
And through all that, I've been mentally dealing with what I did for Mariana a few days ago. Actually, it's not even that. It’s the way she was about it. Watching her be so precise with that tape is something I’ll never forget. She was every inch a Cortez – female or not. It’s like that soft woman I know is only half of a whole I’m nowhere near understanding. She was vicious with her hands. And scathing with her words. And then she just got in the driver’s seat and drove again, no care about what we’d done to see on her features.
Let's not discuss a full room of Cortez men in my face when we eventually got back.
It’s all making me angsty, and edgy, and ready to use some muscle on something. I wish I didn’t know where the main confusion was coming from, but I do. It’s all based in her. More specifically – her family. When it’s just me and her and the wind around us, I’m fine, but the second I start thinking and analysing and trying to see a future that doesn’t involve me back to where I was, or worse, I’m failing at seeing anything positive.
Viper’s head comes out the door of the shop as I’m about to walk past it, and he waves his hand for me to follow. “You mind fitting someone in? Richie’s gone, and I’m rammed. Shouldn’t take long.” I nod and keep walking after him as he heads to the back rooms. “I’ll take those,” he says, grabbing my groceries. “Client’s already in your room.” I look at his back as he starts walking off towards the storeroom, wondering why he’s barely looked at me. Yeah, we argued about Mariana, and he said some shit I probably needed to hear, but his whole demeanour is off.
“Viper?” He stops but doesn’t turn. “We okay?”
“Then why aren’t you looking at me?” About thirty seconds goes past with me still looking at his back and waiting. No turning. No talking. “Look, I know I was pissed the other day about Mariana and I’m sorry about that. You probably didn’t deserve it, but-”
“Client, Kai. Now.”
And he walks off.
“Fuck,” mutters from me. Looks like I just screwed up any relationship I was building here.