Page 1 of Double the Fun
Chapter One
I look over at my brother sitting at the bar. He needs to get out, meet people, and get over the cheating harpy that messed with his head so badly. It’s not like I’ve never seen Cade like this, he’s the serious one after all. But I like to imagine that whoever had a hand in the grand scheme of life put me with this sour, serious man to liven up his life and make him get the fuck over himself. That’s why I’m the fun twin. Everyone says it. It’s not a secret and besides, I secretly think Cade likes being the serious one who takes responsibility and does the right thing all of the time.
So I’m down for being his opposite. His wing-man, if he ever needs one. Maybe if the guy got laid more he wouldn’t be so…uptight. He looks like a little thundercloud sitting on his own. And then…something magical happens. My dour-faced brother shows the first signs of life in…ever. A little strawberry blonde slip of a thing literally falls into his lap and I can tell even from where I am dancing that my brother is intrigued.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, tonight just got interesting. I wonder what caught his eye. I mean she’s pretty and all but hundreds of women are pretty. Does this one smell better than everyone else? Is she secretly using some sort of infatuation gas on the people around her because my brother DOES NOT notice women and he is taking notes in braille with this one.
And then all hell breaks loose. In that weird twin psychic way that connects us just because the kid shared a womb with me - and took up most of the room might I add - I can tell something serious is happening and Cade is going to need me. I make my way closer to my brother at the exact same moment he sets the little thing in the seat he was just in, then chaos. Seconds later, Cade is throwing the first punch.
Oh hell yeah! Tonight just got fun. I use a beer bottle I swipe off the bar to put down the asshat who’s trying to sneak up on Cade to attack him from behind.
“Uncool, man, totally uncool.”And give another one a good old-fashioned boot kick to the chest. He’s going to be bruised when he wakes up tomorrow. And then like a thunderbolt from the heavens, my world is rocked. Out of the crowd darts a fiery redhead with enough badass vibes about her she doesn’t need to go around telling people she’s one. I stand back stunned as she trips one of the guys and gives him a good swift kick.
I seriously think my heart stopped. Once it starts back up again, I start receiving twin messages again as mine and Cade’s eyes meet and he pulls the little thing out the door with him. Hell if he’s going to take one home, so am I. Not to mention I’m pretty sure the two women are related since they look enough alike they could be twins themselves. What a hoot if me and Cade found twin sisters to bone. How cool would that be?
I see the battle maiden rear back and give a swift kick in the balls to the guy Cade hit first. “Serves you right for breaking my sister’s heart, you piece of shit!”
Have I mentioned that I am in love over here, if not let me be the first to say…I am in serious love. Her voice, even as it hurls colorful curse words upon the head of the douche at her feet, is like the sound of summer and magical nights spent fucking to a really great playlist. I realize time is short and we are all about to get shitcanned to the old pokey if I don’t act fast, so I just pick her up around the waist and take her out another entrance.
She wiggles in my arms for a moment but must put two and two together to make twins because she does the prerequisite double take and then calms the fuck down so I can take her with me.
How could this night get any fucking better?!
Before we even get to the car, I see Cade searching for keys. When he comes up empty I remember I was the one driving us tonight. Even though I have to throw my brother the keys I don’t plan to put this hot little number down to do it. I’m not stupid. I know wet dreams like her only show up in a man’s life once and if not grabbed and held onto tightly are just as likely to drift away again. Cade might be the serious twin but I’m the smart one.
“I’ve got them!”
His girl must not have seen me because she looks even more astonished than her sister. At least I think it’s her sister standing in front of us with Cade’s hand wrapped around hers. Aww, they make a cute couple. That has my mind tripping back to what me and my girl look like together. Probably even more stunning than my very handsome and sexy slightly older brother and his very pretty girl.
The sound of sirens rend the air and Cade’s eyes grow big and round as the night is lit up with their lights. “OH FUCK!”
I act before I can think. Or think with the part of my anatomy trapped in my pants. Either way, I end up pushing my redhead into the back of the car once Cade unlocks it and covering her with my own body. Part of the reason is to make the cops think that we have been out here making out with one another instead of inside instigating a fight in the club. The other is because the top my little firecracker is wearing isn’t rated to hold the force of her boobs in while lying flat. I’m pretty sure I’m going to be able to tell what color my firecracker’s nipples are by the end of the night one way or another but I’ll be damned if I share that treat with the men in blue coming our way! Hell, I have no plans to share this hot little thing with anyone else. For the first time in my life, I’ve found something I want to be serious about!
Chapter Two
Well, this is an interesting turn to my evening. I can’t say this is a position I’ve ever been in before. Everyone always thinks because I am so flirty and…well, I'm not sure why people just assume I’ve had a lot of experience with men really. Is it just because I’m flirty with almost everyone I meet? Is it because I don’t care for most men - they don’t catch my eye or fascinate me - so I’m not nervous or whatever around them like my sister is? Or is it just my age? Am I supposed to be some connoisseur of men at my age?
All of those questions are moot points to answer right at this moment because the facts aren’t going to change. I just got in a fight in a club, kicked that slimy bastard that hurt my sister in the balls, and somehow wound up in the arms of this gorgeous man who I happen to find myself under at the moment and I can’t even blame the alcohol because I didn’t have that much to drink.
I look up into the face of the man who grabbed me and find the most stunning light blue-green eyes I’ve ever seen. What color would you call those? Aqua, teal, sexy as hell? Yeah, I would say that’s the color. Sex - sex and sin. Damn, I bet that would make a great nail polish color too. I know I would wear it…and think about this hot man every time I look down at them. I would get nothing done.
I’m pulled back to the here and now when a bright beam of light flashes across my face, blinding me. All I can think about, the only thing that is running through my head, is not losing my job because I got arrested over the weekend.
“We weren’t having sex, officer. Just making out.”
I close my eyes and pray the car opens up, the ground cracks open and the world swallows me up whole. The only thing worse than getting arrested for assault or public indecency is being arrested for fucking in the back of a car like a teenager.
Ironically, my sister is the person who sweet talks the officer into moving on which is unusual since she’s the less vocal out of us. I couldn’t start my honeyfuggling because of the mortification I was feeling over being laid out in the backseat of a car with a man - the first man who trips me up so bad I am speechless - lying between my thighs. What the hell? How can I not have some quip or a sarcastic one-liner to spit out? What is wrong with me?
It has to be this guy. It has to be the man still resting himself between my legs even though my sister and his brother are sitting up now. Finally, after what feels like forever, he moves and reaches out for me. Electric sparks skate up my arm when I take his hand and let him help me up.