Page 3 of Double the Fun
I shouldn’t be here. I shouldn’t be outside her building waiting for her to get off from work. And yet here I am. Doing exactly that.
How did I find out where she worked when last night I didn’t even know her name? Funny story, really. I went out to put the car in the garage and happened to see something glittery lying on the floorboard in the front seat. I thought at first it might be one of the girls’ earrings or something, but it turned out to be Harper’s purse.
With her name, I did some light social media stalking to find her sister - my girl - Harley. It wasn’t hard since most of the pictures either had Harley in them or they were tagged so she would see them later. After that I did more social media stalking but this time probably not as light as before. She mentioned getting a new job about a year ago…I told you it wasn’t light, damn it. Nothing about this is light. I saved pictures to my camera roll for fuck’s sake.
I might be more than a little obsessed with this girl. Harley. Even her name is sexy sweet. She comes out of the glass doors walking next to a man in a suit holding a briefcase. I thought she looked good in a pair of tight pants and a low-cut shirt but today in a skirt that comes down to just above her knees, heels and a sensible blouse has me falling in love with her all over again.
What I am not loving, is the cheap suit with her who acts like he has some claim on her. That’s got to stop. Before she can say another word to Light-and-Fluffy I make my move. Unfurling my body away from the wall of the building I spot the moment recognition hits her beautiful face.
“Hey firecracker, how’s it going?”
“Hey.” A smile tips her lips up and draws my eyes to them. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to walk you home.” I put myself in between her and the stiff. “Your sister left her purse in Cade’s car last night when we were all together. He’s taking it back to her and I was lucky enough to come for you.”
A mischievous light comes into her eyes.
“Or at least I would love to be the one cumming for you later tonight but for now I’ll take walking you home.”
The guy doesn’t walk away and isn’t taking the hint. Time to up the heat. “Harley, why don’t you introduce me?”
I step closer to her and put my arm around her hips so I can pull her into me as I ask my question. “To whom?”
Ouch! Take that resting stiff face! “To the person who walked you out, firecracker.”
“Who?” I can’t help but laugh. “Oh, you mean Jeff. Oh, how rude of me. This is um, my boss, Jeff, um…” She pales for a moment when the guy's last name doesn’t come to her.
“Jeff Smith, the CEO,” he holds his hand out for me to shake.
I don’t. There isn’t going to be a day I let something as sexy and dynamic as Harley go so I can make nice with anyone. “Colm. Nice to meet you.”
I purposefully don’t give the assface my last name. I find when I drop it a lot of times people start treating me differently - especially people with money - and this stiff-necked, limp-dicked loser just reeks of opportunity digger, which is a lot like the female gold digger but at least those ladies offer you something in return usually. Opportunity diggers want the same thing and are only willing to fuck…you over.
“Um, I should really be going, John…Jeff. Sorry.”
I chuckle again as I turn her towards her apartment building. She doesn’t really ask me how I know where she lives and I don’t offer the information willingly. Why give my future wife a head’s up on just what a raging stalker I can be? I feel it’s probably better to wait and let that one come out over time.
“Thank you for, um…back there. He can be…annoying.”
That better be the only thing he can be. I’m not just a pretty face. I find out he’s been making Harley so much as uncomfortable and they’ll find him in pieces with a tattoo gun shoved up his ass - if they find him at all.
“No thanks needed, firecracker. I should be thanking you for letting me walk you home.”
She looks at me again with a sense of…is that awe I see in her eyes. Whatever the hell the name of it is, I like it and want to put it there more often…like for the rest of our lives.
“Do you, um, want to come up? I could at least offer you something to drink.”
I have something I want her to offer me. And I could even drink it. Hell, if she would allow me back between those thighs again, I would use her for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I would never need another thing, just her sweet pussy, to sustain me.
“I would like that. Very much.”
I follow her up and wait beside her while she opens her door. My twin sense starts tingling and I can’t help but wonder if Cade ever left once he dropped off Harper’s purse, or if we are about to be greeted by the ugly side of Cade…his ass. How bad would it affect my chances with this little goddess if she walks in and finds my brother ass up and dick deep in her sister? I start talking louder and making more noise. No need to tempt fate and find the answer to that question quicker than I need to.
Chapter Four