Page 7 of Double the Fun
Did Cade do mine too? Is his name on me as well as on my sister? What the hell did I do?
Colm bends and takes my foot in his hand. I have to fight the shiver that runs through me at the touch of his hand. This is so not the time for that.
“I did this one.” He looks over at his twin and gives him a cocky smile. “Guess we were thinking the same thing, huh?”
Wait! “Does that mean…?”
I have Colm’s initials on my leg. It never hits my hungover mind that, duh, the initials would be the same anyway. But still, the thought of Colm doing my ink is a lot more…reassuring than if Cade had done it. And why would that be, I wonder? Before I can dig too deep into the question Colm answers my first one but not exactly the way I would have liked.
“Yep, right there in the roses.” Oh shit. He put his mark on me. “Only I put my whole name on you, firecracker.” His hand rubs across the design gently.
He put his whole name on me. There can never be a doubt that it was Cade because Colm made sure his name was the one on me. Like he was laying claim to me. Only Colm isn’t like that. He’s not that serious. Right?
Something in his eyes, when he looks at his handy work, makes me question exactly how serious Colm can be. This is not the fun guy I thought of him as. It’s…the look is so much more possessive. Almost to a dark degree and why do I have to tell my fucking nipples to stand down over that fact.
We try to piece the night back together but my brain shuts down when we come to the part where I take my pants off at his tattoo shop and let him put his mark on me. I took my pants off! I was sitting in front of him in nothing but a tiny top and my thong. What the hell was I thinking? Oh yeah, I was thinking about giving Colm my secret cherry.
I groan loudly and instantly regret it. But the memories are rolling in now and the night only gets worse. “You were going to fuck on my bed?”
We all moan when Harper accuses me and Colm of…, “No, I was…um…trying to find something.”
I try to think of what I was looking for. Colm shouts the answer out. “Condoms! We were looking for condoms.”
“Why would you go to my room in search of condoms?” My sister asks incredulously.
“Why would I need them?!” That’s the real question that we need to focus on.
“Because you didn’t want a baby yet?”
“Yet?!” Me and my sister stand to look down at Colm who answered.
“Uh oh.”
The entire room looks over at Cade. I see Harper pale. “I don’t think you wanted to wait.”
Harper starts to sink but Cade is there to catch her. We wait for them to fill us in on all that happened on their side while I have flashes of images about my own night with Colm. My blush burns down my face and what feels like my whole body.
The things I did…I pretty much threw myself at Colm. I remember pulling the string that held my shirt together free and my shirt coming off so that I was left in nothing but a pair of tiny panties that were nothing but strings. His hands come up to cup my breasts and even though my memories are fuzzy I remember vividly his mouth on them. I remember vividly us rubbing against each other until both of us got off. I'm still not sure how I got his shirt on or many of the other smaller details.
My attention is drawn back to Cade and Harper. “So…what happened?”
“I let him…um, I…”
“What? What did you do?”
“I came inside of her.”I stare blankly at Cade until he explains better. “I put my cock next to her…”
“Oh! Okay. We get it.” I don’t want details, good grief. “She can’t get pregnant like that though, right? I mean, it has to be..” Oh my God, if Harper’s pregnant from just dry humping then am I? Me and Colm did just as much as they did. Or more.
I look to Colm who doesn’t look at me. My heart is fluttering so hard I’m not at all certain it’s not going to fly right out of my mouth. Why won’t he look at me?
“Can I have a minute alone with Harper?”
“I think you’ve had all the minutes…,” I’m upside down and moving away before I can finish. Colm is taking over and taking me back down the same hall we went down last night.
Chapter One