Page 17 of Double The Pleasure
She doesn't say a thing to me to start with and then I see tears start leaking down her cheeks. "I...I'm so sorry." She takes a deep breath and sobs the rest, "I saw them and they were so beautiful and they had a key and everything. I thought you might not really want to be with me that you just stayed around to find out if I was pregnant or not."
What the hell?
"No, I'm sorry. I should have never give you reason to doubt me." I reach for her and pull her into my arms. "The only reason I've not given you a key is because I never thought of us being alone so you wouldn't have to have one. I shouldn't have been such a dense fuck."
"No, it's my fault. I don't know what's wrong with me. I was so tired last night I couldn't stay awake long enough for us to..."
"Make love?" She nods.
"And today I've been a mess because I thought...I'm so embarrassed. You're aunt is gorgeous."
"Lisa thinks so. To me and Colm she's just Aunt Jackie." I wipe the tears away, "She raised us after our parents died."
"She must have been young when she took the two of you. She can't be very old now."
I chuckle and think about how much Jackie is going to love Harper. I told her and Lisa all about her over lunch with Colm. He told them about Harley too. They wanted to tell us the news about the engagement first before they did anything else and asked me and Colm to give her away at the wedding.
"Sweetheart, I realize we might have started things because of unconventional circumstances but I'm in this. One hundred percent. I know what it feels like to be cheated on and I wouldn't do that to another person."
A look of horror goes across her face, "Oh my gosh, Cade. I'm so sorry. I forgot." Another tear runs over. I never get to mention that if I was just waiting to find out if Harper was pregnant or not I probably wouldn't have been filling her little ass full of cum every time we make love. Hell, the very idea of breeding Harper has my dick hard and my heart beating faster.
I can't stand to see any more of her tears so I work to stop them the only way I know how. I kiss her, soft at first and then hard and fast. I run my mouth down her throat and cover it in kisses as I lay her back on the couch and pull her shirt from her body. Next comes the bra, she's in the one that got us into so much trouble all those weeks ago. I love that one so I won't try to rip it off of her. Next comes my shirt and then her shorts. I have my mouth on her by the time my hands drop to undo my pants.
God, I missed her. She's right, she was too tired last night and I let her sleep because I wasn't going to be an animal and wake her just for sex. Now I can tell she feels the same way I do. It's more than just the act when we do it. It's the way we meld our souls together and share with one another - breath, space, our bodies, our essence.
I eat her to a fast orgasm before I lift her naked and clinging to me so that I can carry her into her bedroom. Something does have to be done about the arrangements. Something we need to talk about soon because I don't like being without her. I want her to live with me and have stuff over at my house which will be our house.
I lift up and slide my cock into her snug entrance. As I push in she lets out a gasp that rocks through her body. I kiss her breasts and back to her neck before I whisper to her. "We need to talk about the apartment thing."
It takes her a few seconds to respond. "What apartment thing?"
I slowly tease out of her. Harper likes feeling me slide in and out of her. Sometimes if I time it just right I can make her cum by just taking my dick out or putting it back in. No thrusting needed. "I want you to move in with me."
Her eyes have grown wide and she stares at me like I might have lost my mind but pushing back into her gets that look off her face. "I'm tired of this my home/your home bull shit. I want you to have a key but I also want you to need one because you live there. With me."
"That's a big move. That's...I've never done anything like that before and that means leaving my sister."
"Uh, I'm pretty sure that Colm is going to be right next to me helping the two of you move if that's what you want. I'm sure he can talk your sister into moving in with him and then you won't have to leave her anywhere except on the other side of the house."
"You're aunt must think I'm horrible for leaving like I did."
"My aunt is going to love you and she thought you were rushing off to work because I had made you late. She's going to think this is funny as shit when I tell her what you were thinking. Not to mention you thought she was younger than she really is. No, I can say with every certainty that my aunt is going to love you. Now enough talk about my aunt while I'm trying to show you how sexy and desirable you are. You are moving in with me. Yes."
It isn't a question and I make sure to punctuate it as not a question by driving into her deep enough to feel her cervix meet my dick. I'm seated so deep inside of her that when she cums she massages the seed out of me from balls to tip with that tight little pussy and I spill inside of her yet again. I'm not worried about whether Harper might or might not be pregnant any longer. I never was if I'm being honest. I'm only concerned with when we will finally know for sure. Because as much cum that I've been dumping inside of her she's bound to be pregnant sooner rather than later.
Several hours later the nagging thought still pulls at my mind and I can't sleep or rest until I make sure. I call Harley. She doesn't answer the first time and I can guess what she's up to with Colm so I leave her a message and wait. Ten minutes later she's calling me back.
"What's wrong? Did something happen? Your voice mail said this was about Harper."
"I need to know if she's alright."
"Is she not with you? Did you all not make up when you got to the apartment?" Her voice sounds worried.
"No, I'm here with her now and she's resting but something...something doesn't feel right and I'm calling you because you'll tell me the truth where Harper wouldn't because she thinks it would cause me too much stress or something like that. Is Harper alright?"
"Cade, I love you like a brother so I'm not going to tell you what you just interrupted but the fact that you did catch me right after has made my mind less than sharp so you're going to have to help me a little bit on this. If Harper is there with you sleeping soundly why in the world would you think anything is wrong with her?"