Page 38 of Bratva Daddy
I reflect his smile. “They can be pretty pricey.”
“Trust me, Nat. Money isn’t an issue. I’ll spare no expense.”
Simon babbles as he peers up at his father. It’s nothing coherent, but his joy is obvious on his little face. Simon clings to Dimitri’s shirt, clumsily crawling into his father’s lap before pressing his face against the crook of Dimitri’s elbow. I can’t help but laugh at the squish of his adorable chubby cheeks.
“What a handsome boy,” I coo.
“Why, thank you,” Dimitri says with a goofy grin.
I roll my eyes at his little joke, smiling. I get up slowly so I can go check on Lev. It’s just about time for him to take his heart medication. I’m surprised when Lev reaches for me, taking my wrist with much more force than I was expecting.
“They’re coming, Catherina,” he rasps, yanking on my arm.
“Oh!” I exclaim in surprise. “Lev, everything’s alright.”
Dimitri frowns, standing up quickly with Simon wrapped protectively in his arms. “What’s going on?”
“I think your father’s having an episode,” I say, doing my best to keep my tone calm. It’s obvious Lev is on the verge of a panic attack. The last thing I want is for things to escalate. “Lev, you need to let go of my hand, please.”
“You don’t understand, Catherina,” Lev snaps, so loud and forceful it starts to make Simon cry. “They’re going to fuckingkill us!”
Dimitri moves quickly, setting Simon down in his playpen before coming to my aid. “Father, let go of her.Now.”
“Who the hell are you?” Lev spits. “You’re with Konstantin! Catherina, take the boys and run!”
My mind spins. One moment, we’re enjoying a lovely morning together. The next, it’s chaos. Lev grows more and more agitated, yelling at the top of his lungs about some imaginary threat. Simon wails, clearly confused and disturbed by the sudden clamor. Dimitri does his best to pry Lev off me, his distress more than clear. And I’m trying desperately to keep a lid on the situation.
Dahlia rushes in, her footsteps squeaking over the wooden floorboards. “Good Heavens, what’s going on here?”
“Take Simon to his room and stay with him until I call for you,” Dimitri orders. “Now, Dahlia!”
“Of course, sir!”
The housekeeper quickly scoops Simon up and carries him out of the room. I’ll check on him later, but for now, I need to make sure Lev doesn’t hurt himself or others.
“Lev,” I try again, my voice firm. “Lev, you need to let go. You’re hurting me.”
The poor man is haunted, fear clear in his eyes. It honestly makes me want to cry. Even with my few years of experience as a resident, I’ve never seen a case more severe. I can help heal wounds and relieve pain, but the mind… I just don’t have the experience. I know the basics and I know things in theory, and while I’m confident in my abilities, what Lev really needs is a specialist.
“I betrayed the Bratva,” Lev goes on. “I shouldn’t have, but I did. There’s no going back, there’s no going back.”
Beside me, Dimitri freezes. “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about,” he says quickly. “He’s confused.”
“I know he is,” I reply, still desperately trying to free myself from Lev’s death grip. “This is really starting to hurt.”
Dimitri moves in and pries Lev’s fingers off one at a time. I stumble back when I’m finally free, tripping over my own feet. Thankfully, Dimitri is there to catch me before I fall.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
I nod, swallowing hard. “Yes, I’m alright. Just surprised.”
“They’re coming,” Lev continues, his eyes wide in horror. “Catherina, you must keep our boys safe. I’ve arranged everything for you. You’ll have a fresh start in America. It’s the only way.”
“What on Earth is happening here?” A woman’s shrill, pinched voice interrupts the tirade.
Dimitri and I turn to see a tiny blonde woman entering the room. I have no idea who she is, but the second I lay eyes on her, I’m immediately filled with dread. This woman is power incarnate, dressed in an impressive fur coat and frighteningly sharp stiletto boots. Everything about her reminds me of a raging blizzard—frighteningly cold, painful, and overwhelming.
“Mother?” Dimitri says. “What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be back for another two days.”