Page 41 of Bratva Daddy
“Who’s looking out for you, Dima?”
I set my jaw. “I don’tneedanyone looking out for me.”
“That’s a load of horseshit and you know it. My point is you don’t have to fight so hard for everyone else. There’s no shame in putting yourself first sometimes.”
“Since when did you become the sensible brother?”
“I’ve always been the sensible brother, asshole. I just don’t run my mouth and let everyone know it.”
I snort. “Go to sleep.”
“I wastrying,” he says, feigning irritation, though I know for a fact he doesn’t hold it against me.
When the call ends, I set my phone down on my desk. Dealing with Catherina always leaves me in a terrible mood, but I do feel better now that I’ve spoken to my brother. I take a deep breath, feeling the slight burn of my lungs as I exhale slowly. Maybe my mother is right. Idohave a lot on my plate right now. Figuring out who my attacker is, learning to take care of my son…
And dealing with Lev’s slip up.
I can’t hold it against him because he’s not in his right mind, but did hehaveto mention the Bratva in front of Natalya? Thinking back, she didn’t seem all that surprised. I can only pray she took what my father said with a grain of salt. Still, my mind reels. What if she starts asking questions? What will happen when she discovers I lied to her?
I tell myself it was for her own good. Itisfor her own good. Natalya is too sweet and innocent of a person to be wrapped up in all this. In all likelihood, she’d probably want to leave. Hell, I expect her to, but that doesn’t mean I want it to happen.
With a groan, I get up and leave my office, descending the stairs. The house is quieter than usual. Eerie. Today’s events have certainly put a dampener on the mood.
I find Natalya in the kitchen, seated at the island with an icepack on her wrist.
“Are you alright?” I ask.
She jolts in her seat. I’ve caught her by surprise. “O-oh, yes. I’m fine.”
I don’t believe her. I make my way over and gingerly take her hand, inspecting the area Lev latched onto. Whatever memory he was reliving must have been a truly terrible one because his grip was so tight Natalya’s skin is red and bruised. I can see where his fingernails broke through her skin and can make out the clear outline of his fingers.
“It’s fine,” she says, as if reading my thoughts. “Nothing to be concerned about.”
“Where is everyone?” I ask.
“Simon is down for a nap. Dahlia went out to grab me some ibuprofen for the swelling. Boris is guarding the front door, I think.”
I nod. It seems we’re finally alone.
Gingerly, I raise her hand to my lips and place a tender kiss against her palm. The sound of her soft gasp delights me to no end, the light shiver slithering down my spine urges me on. I press another kiss to the inside of her wrist, allowing my lips to trail over her tender skin. I’m careful. More careful than I’ve ever been with anyone, kissing her as though I possess the magic to heal her.
“I’m sorry he was rough with you,” I murmur as Natalya sweetly caresses my cheek. “I should have stepped in sooner.”
Natalya shakes her head, her heavy gaze burning. “There’s no need to apologize, Dimitri. It was no one’s fault.”
I peer deep into her eyes, falling into the vibrant blue of her irises.
She makes the first move, leaning in to kiss me on the corner of my mouth. She braces her good hand on my chest while I guide her other one to my neck. It remains there, her fingers wrapped around my throat as our kiss deepens. For one tantalizing moment, she squeezes lightly.
“I think I’m going to go upstairs to take a shower,” she says, hopping down from the island’s bar stool. “While Simon is down for his nap.” Natalya walks away slowly, throwing a flirtatious glance over her shoulder. Her mischievous smile tells me all I need to know.
It’s an invitation.
One I’m definitely going to accept.
Chapter 18