Page 48 of Wild Hearts
“You’re smart. You’ll think of something.”
Double shit.Harley’s brother, Tom, was a year above me and Conrad in school. He fell in with the wrong crowd and started dealing drugs in year eleven, eventually dropping out. He was the life of every party until Conrad got busted with weed and squealed, dobbing Tom in as his dealer. Principal Foster went straight to the cops. Harley’s house was searched, and Tom was imprisoned for eighteen months.
Only three weeks after he got out, their dad was driving home on a rainy night after a work function and lost control of the car. The car ran off the road and hit a tree, killing Mrs Breed instantly. Mr Breed was taken to hospital where his bloods were drawn. His blood alcohol level was just over the legal limit, so not long after his son was released, he was sentenced to two years for culpable driving resulting in death.
Tom’s taken over his dad’s mechanic shop to keep the business afloat, and he’s trying really hard to turn his life around and be a good role model for Harley. If he finds out that Conrad didthisto his little brother... Well, I wouldn’t want to be Conrad, that’s for sure.
I take a deep breath as I dial Tom’s number, leaning on my crutches as I put the phone to my ear. It rings three times, and I almost hope that he won’t pick up. I start to think I’ll suck it up and call Rookie to come get us, but then Tom answers.
“What’s up, Brady?” There’s a surprised lilt to his voice.
“’Sup, Tom.” I glance back over at his brother, who’s leaning up against a car tapping away at his phone. “Any chance you can come pick up me and Harley from Res Drive? There’s been a bit of a... scuffle.”
“You alright?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.” I let out a sigh. “Harley’s a bit worse for wear though.”
There’s a pause.
“What do you mean he’s ‘a bit worse for wear’?” Tom finally clips out.
“A split cheekbone and maybe a couple of bruised ribs?”
Tom curses. “I’ll be there in ten.”
I text Jordan that I’m leaving, but I doubt he’ll even notice I’m gone. After slipping my phone into my back pocket, I go check on my mate.
“Do you think he broke a rib?” I ask, resting next to Harley.
He shakes his head with a grimace. “Don’t think so.”
“What are you going to tell Tom?”
“What you said. There was a bit of a scuffle and I managed to get in the firing line.”
“And if he asks who did it?”
Harley snaps. “What is this? Twenty fucking questions? That I didn’t see who it was. Tom doesn’t need any more trouble.”
I hold my hands up in defence. “Settle down, just trying to get our stories straight.”
“Sorry,” Harley says, his eyes glued to his phone. “I’m worried about Ellie. She hasn’t replied to any of my messages.”
“Maybe just give it a rest for tonight,” I suggest. “Give her brother a chance to cool down. She was pretty pissed. I’m sure she’s just busy giving Conrad a piece of her mind. She’ll call you in the morning.”
Harley doesn’t look convinced, but he sighs and slides his phone into his pocket. “This is so fucked up.”
“How’d you two get together, anyway?”
Ellie’s a good-looking girl, but, as her brother pointed out, she’s only seventeen. Plus, she and Harley hang around different crowds.
“She was at the end of summer bonfire with a couple of her friends. We were talking and drinking. Next thing I know we were making out.”
“She’s still in high school,” I point out. “Where her dad is the principal.”
He narrows his eyes at me. “I only graduated last year, Brady, and I only just turned nineteen. Don’t make out like I’m some creep. She’ll be eighteen in six months. It’s not that weird.”
“Does Tom know you’re seeing her?”