Page 56 of Wild Hearts
“Speaking of romance drama, what’s happening with you and Wren?” Jordan wears a shit-eating grin as we make our way to our Human Anatomy class. It’s the only class we share. Despite my best mate’s “don’t give a shit” demeanour, he’s really smart. He decided to go into medicine when his mum got sick with cancer a couple of years ago.
I sigh. “Nothing. We’re just friends.”
“Uh huh. Friends... right.” He smirks.
“You know,” I narrow my eyes. “For someone who has never had a serious girlfriendever, you’re mighty interested in everyone else’s relationships.”
“Ha!” Jordan scoffs. “Like I said, who wants any of that drama? Not me.” He winks at a group of girls who walk past us.
I roll my eyes. “Come on, Casanova. Let’s get to class.”
IVY’S STUDYING AT THEkitchen table when I get home and I hesitate before lowering myself into the chair across from her. She turns the page of her textbook, keeping her eyes fixed on the page as she chews on the lid of her highlighter. It’s clear that she’s ignoring me.
“I’m sorry,” I finally say. She raises her eyebrows but says nothing. “I know I’ve been a grumpy asshole these last couple of weeks,” I clear my throat. “I haven’t been fair to you, and I’m sorry.”
“Keep talking,” Ivy says, still not lifting her eyes from her textbook.
I sigh. “Come on, Ives. I’m trying here.”
She looks up at me with a sad smile. “What do you think I’ve been trying to do?”
I rub the back of my neck. “Yeah, okay. I’ve apologised for being a dick. So what do you say? Do you forgive your asshat of a big brother?”
That elicits a laugh from my sister, and I grin.
“Well, isn’t this a sight for sore eyes,” Mum says from the doorway. She walks over, kisses the tops of our heads and rests her hand on my shoulder. “It’s nice to see my children getting along rather than slamming doors in each other’s faces.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I roll my eyes and Mum swats me playfully across the head, making Ivy snort.
“So how does pizza from Marco’s sound?” Mum knows the way to my heart, and half an hour later I’m stuffing my face full of the best meat lover’s pizza on the East Coast.
“Where’s Lachy?” I ask. “I haven’t seen him around much lately.”
Ivy picks a piece of pepperoni off her slice of pizza. “He’s been working closing shifts at the shop all week and tonight he’s covering for Jordan.” She pulls a face that tells me she’s not impressed with my best mate right now. “Maribel’s cancer came back. She’s getting more chemo treatment in Brisbane, so she and Alfonso are staying at their apartment in the city. She doesn’t like the boys seeing her when she’s going through that.”
My stomach drops. “What?”
“You didn’t know?” Ivy’s nose crinkles.
I shake my head. What kind of mate am I? I had no idea Jordan and Lachy’s mum was back in hospital. I’d been with Jordan most of the day and he hadn’t said anything. Am I that self-absorbed that my best mate feels he can’t tell me what’s going on in his life?
“Those poor boys,” Mum says. “Make sure and let them know they can come over any time.”
Ivy nods. “I will. Wren and I said we’ll help out at the shop for the rest of the week.”
“I can help out,” I offer.
She looks pointedly at my crutches. “That’s nice of you, B. But I’m not sure how much help you’d actually be.”
“I could work the register.”
She smiles, but shakes her head. “It’s okay. Wren and I have it under control.”
Mum pats my hand. “Maybe you and Harley could help take Jordan and Lachy’s mind off everything.”
I nod, dropping my half-eaten piece of pizza back on my plate. I’ve lost my appetite. These last couple of weeks I’ve been angry at my dad, frustrated with my injury, cut up over Wren’s indifference. I was raging against the world and feeling sorry for myself, but I’m not the only person who has been dealt a rough hand.
Each of my friends have their own problems right now. Harley’s dealing with the fallout of his dad being in prison and Ellie’s brother’s not thinking he’s good enough for her. Jordan and Lachy are worrying about their mum. Ivy’s been stressing about my reaction to her wanting to be a part of Dad’s new family. And Wren’s going through... something.