Page 72 of Wild Hearts
I’m leaning against the bar sipping my soda water and casually surveying the crowded room when Felicity sidles up next to me.
“Hey,” she says with a genuine smile. “How’s it going?”
“Good,” I reply, trying to push away the irrational feelings of jealousy from earlier. “You?”
Felicity nods along to the music and waves at the bartender to get her attention. I hover there awkwardly for a moment, wondering if I should make my escape while she’s ordering her drink, but she speaks again before I can.
“We haven’t officially met, but I’m Airlie’s cousin.” She holds her hand out to me.
“I know,” I say, shaking her hand. I take another sip of my drink.
“This is awkward,” she says with a laugh. “But between Airlie and Brady, I feel like I know you.”
My heart stutters at the mention of Brady’s name. My mouth can’t seem to form words, so I just nod. My silence doesn’t seem to faze Felicity though. Something tells me there’s a purpose to this conversation.
“He really likes you, you know,” she says. She takes her drink from the bartender with a polite smile before turning and facing the crowd. “I don’t want to talk out of place, and please don’t get mad, but Airlie told me you went through some pretty horrible stuff back home.”
I stiffen. My hands become clammy.What does she know?I can’t bring myself to look at her, as I don’t want to see what she thinks of me. Has she told Brady?
Felicity must notice my panicked expression because she rushes on. “I don’t know the details, and I would never say anything to anyone else.” She sets her drink down on the bar and turns to face me. “I just know that Brady is crazy about you and he’s been kicking himself for the way he treated you. He’d take it back in a heartbeat if he could.”
My eyes find Brady’s across the room and he smiles, lifting his drink before getting pulled back into his conversation. I force myself to look at Felicity.
“I really appreciate that,” I tell her sincerely. “I care for Brady. I’m not going to deny that. I even got a little jealous seeing how close the two of you are.” My cheeks heat up and she bursts into laughter. Her genuine mirth has my body relaxing and a smile creeps onto my face.
“Oh God!” she cackles. “I love Brady, but he’s definitely not my type.” She gives me a wink and a nudge. “Now you on the other hand...”
That makes me laugh. Felicity is so much fun. I can’t believe that I actually felt threatened by her. A gorgeous redhead walks up and slides her arm around Felicity’s shoulder, kissing her on the cheek.
“Are you hitting on poor, unsuspecting straight people again?” she chastises, taking Felicity’s drink and helping herself to a sip. “I can’t leave you alone for a minute.”
Felicity’s face lights up and she pulls the girl in for a kiss that has even my toes curling.
“Wren,” she says when they both turn back to me. “This is my girlfriend, Penelope.”
I give her a smile, raising my hand in a wave.
“Ah, this is the famous Wren.” Penelope grins.
“That’s me,” I say with an embarrassed chuckle.
“Make him work for it,” she says with a wink. She grabs both Felicity and I by the hand. “Come on, I’ve been stuck at work all day and I need to dance!”
I let her lead me on to the dance floor where Ivy quickly joins us. The band is playing covers from the eighties. We shimmy and shake, laughing and having a good time, not leaving the dancefloor until Patty’s closes at one a.m.
“That was the best night!” Ivy exclaims loudly when we make it out onto the street. Jordan and Jemima disappeared hours ago, with Harley taking off not too long after. “Happy birthday to me!” she sings, flinging her arms around Lachy’s neck and planting her lips on his.
“Yes, happy birthday to you, birthday girl,” he says with a laugh. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He glances at me and Brady. “You guys coming?”
I shake my head. “I have classes in the morning. I’m just going to go home.”
Penelope offers me a lift, but Brady walks up beside me and nudges my hip with his. “I’m happy to walk you home.”
Flames shoot through my body at his touch and Penelope grins as she climbs into her red Prius. “Nice to meet you, Wren. Have a good night you two.”
Felicity slaps her arm playfully and they laugh as they pull away from the curb.
Ivy lets go of Lachy’s neck and stumbles over to hug me. “You’re the bestest friend in the whole wide world,” she says, planting a sloppy, lipgloss-covered kiss on my cheek. “I love you.”