Page 10 of Harpy
Dane asked, “Well? She pay up or what?” Mark shook his head again. “Figures. But this house does not like to owe anyone anything, so.” He motioned for her. “Come on. The majority wants to give you another try. They gave the thumbs up. Of course, now they know you’re down to fuck for a favor, so…” He rolled a shoulder. He continued with, “You said yes to this freshman. You plan to stay, you have to pay up. You want to quit, someone else here has to settle that debt for you. If no one else will, they can follow you out that door. We have the entire freshman picks to replace you with.” He looked at Mark. “Don’t think that will go over well for you.”
Oh fuck. This was some next-level weeding of applicants right here. She stepped forward and said, “Fine. Whatever. I know what I signed on for.”
She dropped to her knees and seemed to be expecting Mark to step up to the plate, so to speak. I looked over at Cass, and she was stone. She would not look at me or acknowledge me, and I knew why when I followed her line of sight to Tituss. He seemed more annoyed by this situation than anything, but as he puffed out a breath, he said, “Well?”
Mark took a step closer. Undid his button on his shorts, pulled at the zipper, then with very trembling hands reversed that motion and said, “I can’t. I can’t. Not like this. No. I can’t.”
He made a quick move to run out of there, but Dane grabbed him by the arm and halted his motion. “Send Potter over. Now!”
I think the majority of the people in this room just jerked with that sound. Dane looked over at Tituss, and Tituss, the emperor of Sophomore House, said, “We agreed that this was going to be about the work first, pussy second. While we have this brief intermission, does anyone have a problem with the quality of cleaning in your rooms, common areas?”
A hand went up. I knew this because I was looking upward at the people looking down at us. It was fucking surreal. Tituss must have pointed because the guy said, “Room 203. It’s okay, but not…clean. The shower is—”
The girl three down from me said, “The fucking shower is…stained. I used bleach! I don’t know what the hell you are doing in there, but it’s almost an art project at this point.”
The guy considered this a moment, smiled, and said, “Wow. Yeah, that’s…no. I’m good. Damn. I…gotta go work on that.”
I bit my lips. Guess I knew which floor housed the art majors. I heard Tituss ask, “Anyone else?”
They looked at each other and then shook their heads no. I was tired of holding my head back to look up at all of them. No less than thirty plus the two on this floor, and I was sure there were more not in attendance. At least thirty-two men in one house. Yeah, they needed to keep as many of us as possible for priority one, cleaning. Pussy…was most likely something the majority of them could pick up easier than socks off a floor. I didn’t know. Aside from Dane’s bathroom floor, I hadn’t cleaned anything inside the house. Both Tituss and Dane had clean and tidy spaces. The yard wasn’t that bad either. Sure, there was a lot of dog shit to pick up, but they had a scooper, and despite the indication no one was cleaning it up, that can with poop-filled bags already in it told me otherwise. It took no time to finish that task.
The front door opened, and a young man and a pretty girl arrived. He said, “Okay. She was in line behind the last one you picked. I know. I’m sorry. Mark…it won’t happen again.”
He essentially handed the girl over like she was his to give away. Only, I had been the seniors to place, so…I guessed that made sense in a twisted sort of way. Tituss said, “Potter.”
He nodded, walked over to stand in front of her, pulled a package out of his front pocket, and said, “It’s from the fall flavors collection. Caramel apple, I think.”
Potter took a moment to look at the packet in his hand and amended, “Candy apple. Not caramel.”
I blinked because I was coming to the harsh realization that the debt still had to be paid, and getting one of their bunnies was not enough. Potter looked up at the crowd above him as she accepted the package.
Someone yelled down, “We need a magnifying glass. How is anyone going to see his little dick?”
Potter replied with, “Why are you so interested in seeing my dick? You’re my cousin. Be less creepy.”
Tituss and Dane both snickered and several of the men above laughed. The call came back, “Fuck you.”
Potter, as if there was not a girl on her knees in front of him, in front of all of us, moved his arms out and said, “Again. A little less family in my blow-job would be nice.”
Tituss made a hand signal, and no more jibes were verbally thrown down. Maybe they couldn’t see if from up there, but Potter had a decent cock over there. Not an extra-large like the two men flanking him, but he was at least above average.
I looked from the guy about to get blown in front of all of us up to the two guys in charge here and realized they were taking in us, this line of women, and our reactions. Tituss said, “Door is not locked, ladies. You want out. Go.”
He was looking at me when he said that last word. I looked from his angry expression to Dane, who was studying me. I looked from his scientific gaze to the young buck releasing a bit of a grunt as he said, “Whoa. Watch the teeth. Is this…wait.”
He stilled her head and slid himself out of her mouth. He looked down at her and asked, “Is this your first time?”
She shook her head no. “Then I don’t know who you’ve been blowing that wants to throw the sausage in a meat grinder, but I need you to open wider, put your lips—" He demonstrated with his, tucking his lips over his teeth. “Like that so you are not biting me, because if you want this to be rough for me, I can make it really rough for you. Got it?”
I winced. Tituss was rough with me in that office, but we were not in front of the entire sophomore section of this fraternity. I wouldn’t have cared if we were. It’s how we got in trouble to begin with that year. She did care. She was nervous. She knew what she signed on for, and she was doing it, but she wasn’t enjoying it. I stepped back as I registered the thought running through my head, maybe you need to make it rough for her.
Tituss didn’t miss a beat. “You leaving?”
“No.” I stepped forward and up to the line.
He left that scene and moved to the end of the row of women, and as he walked down the line, almost like a military inspection, he began talking. “You signed the NDA. You agreed that if you were selected, you would be loyal to the house. House secrets are maintained. You can and will be sued if you say any fucking thing. Understand? This didn’t happen.”
“How—” a voice asked, and he stopped and took a step back to look at her. I know this because I could not keep my eyes off of him. Once he stopped in front of her, she continued. “How will they know if it was one of us and not one of them?”