Page 15 of Harpy
“This is our house, Harper Harrington. You want to be welcomed here. You want to wear our ears. You want us to pay you for cleaning services, but we all know that’s not what being a bunny is about, now, don’t we?” I rubbed my hands over my arms, trying to abate any one of the chills, tingles, errant spikes of fear striking out at me with no pattern because it was all happening at once.
“I have to say yes.” I didn’t know why I said that.
“You did say yes.” The sound came from yet another direction. “You signed the contract. You knew exactly what you said yes to. Us.”
“But I—”
The laughter came from multiple locations and got louder and more layered. I hated that voice. I fucking hated that voice. I put my hands up and over my ears and said, “You have to stop with the voice box.”
“You have to stop thinking you can make that request of us.” Something touched my arm, and I again jolted sideways.
“You…please. I…it…I don’t like it.” Was I going to have to beg them to use their own damn voices for whatever this was?
“No one cares what you like, Harper.” And that statement made me entirely too aware of the fact that I was not going to be able to manipulate this system to my benefit as I had originally planned. I was suddenly fully aware of my reality and the fact that Tituss was downstairs flirting with Cassidy when I came up here. He was not going to save me.
“Tituss,” I whispered.
The round of laughter came again. I shouted this time, “Stop it! I get it. You want to scare me. I hate that fucking voice! Change it, and I can at least…answer questions…whatever this is.”
“You don’t tell us what to do.” Yet another direction in this room produced that voice. “You’re scared and still trying to be the boss. You’re ours and still trying to set terms.”
Then a hand touched my arm, and I stiffened. The fingers slid down my arm to my hand and then moved it to place it at my side. I was trembling, trying to see anything other than the insane art in this room. I couldn’t see this person at all. I could feel him, though. My other hand was placed at my other side, and I was told, “Keep those there.”
“I—” I wanted to say something, but the fingers came across my lips and silenced me. A large hand slid down my throat. A thumb pressed against the base of it, and I gulped. I gasped in a breath. Would they really choke me? It was maddeningly dark in here, how would–they could see me. Probably had on some night vision device.
I clenched my hands into fists at my sides as the person in front of me slid two hands over my breasts and said, “I think you should take the bra off when you walk through our door from now on.”
That request coming from my nightmare man did not have the right effect on me. I cringed. Didn’t reply. Just tried to alter the tone in my head. Then I realized the hands on my breasts were still there as another set of hands pulled my hair out of the ponytail and said, “No more of these unless you get permission.”
I had nowhere to go. I could lean forward to get away from the altered voice behind me, but that just meant pushing my breasts, responding to the unknown man in front of me, into his hands.
The hands behind me slid down my back, then cupped my ass, gave a firm squeeze, said, “I don’t think she can keep up.”
“Keep up with what?” I asked in a small voice and hated that they could affect me just because I had nightmares about that character when I was younger. I mean, how the hell…oh…no, he didn’t! Tituss. That’s how they fucking knew to do this to me.
“Well, now. Someone seems to have changed her mind about being compliant.” The one in front of me had to have on some sort of night vision device because I knew my expression was laced with pure anger. His hands were gone. The one behind me was still there. I could sense that somehow.
“Someone seems to think it’s fun to share my secrets with an entire house of boys in an attempt to scare me. I was a girl when I had those nightmares. It’s just a digital voice box. You’re…not that character in the movie. You’re not going to come into my room as him and then turn into a vampire and—” I screamed because the image that just flashed in front of me was just that. I slammed into the person behind me as I jolted back a step. “Stop!”
All I could see now in this complete darkness was a seizure-inducing flicker of horrific images of a creature coming to get me. I turned to the man behind me, not caring who he was at this point, and said, “Stop it! Please, stop it!”
“Stop what?” he asked. I looked up.
“Mother fucker!” I stepped back because that was just another version of the vampire.
In the darkness, I was being pushed, pulled, guided until I was pushed again, and this time my knees bent, and I went back into a sitting position. I shook my head as two vampires, the scary kind, not the pretty or sparkly ones, came toward me in that haunted house light flickering motion until I pulled my knees up and wrapped my arms around them.
It was useless. I knew that. I just…had one option. “Tituss.”
Nope. Louder. “Tituss.” Nothing. I shuffled backward on the bed and reached for anything to put between me and the monsters. “Dane!” I screamed that, and one of the monsters paused a beat. “Help! Dane! Tituss! Anybody!”
The laughter was everywhere. The person talking was still laughing as he said, “Why are you calling for them? Do you think they care about you?”
I shook my head. “No. Maybe.”
“You think you’re special, don’t you?” No more vampire faces. The other things in the room started to light up again. I realized as the pillow I was holding illuminated to reveal a giant dick head on it, he was right. I did think I was special. I always had. Just didn’t know how I was special or what way that would reveal itself to me, but I knew I had a gift inside of me somewhere, and one day— “You’re not special, Harper. Not unless we say you are. Not unless you become a house bunny. That will make you special, all right. Special to us. The sophomores in this house, the fraternity brothers at large. Some girls are here to collect husbands. As if after fucking a frat house, anyone is going to want to marry her. What are you here for?”
I was crying. I wiped at my cheeks and admitted the truth, “I don’t know.”