Page 36 of Harpy
I snickered as my Daddy huffed his gorgeous ass out of that aisle without us. I looked at Tituss, who had that lust look on his handsome face. “What?”
“You’re bad.” He winked.
“He started it.” I shrugged.
We pushed the carts toward the entry, and I said, “I need to grab the condoms and the soap.”
He laughed and said, “I’ll meet you at the checkout then.”
The person scanning our stuff was a little bit confused if his expression said anything. Here we were, just two people, and while the food indicated we were shopping for many, the condom assortment was still a bit more variety than he had seen in one haul, according to his eyebrows as they lifted at each scan. He mumbled, “I didn’t even know they made these.”
I looked at him as he looked up at me and said, “Important for people with latex allergies.”
“Right. Of course.” He looked at Tituss, who then handed him the Sophomore House credit card, and the man’s face registered who we were shopping for. “Ah.”
I nodded. Tituss just smiled down at me, looking happy I was next to him. It did something to my chest region, and I looked away quickly. Dane made me horny. Made me crazy. Tituss did those things, too, but…more than that. I craved his touch. I probably always would. We pushed the carts out to find Dane had pulled the truck up to the front. We loaded the back and tied a tarp over it.
Dane said, “You drive.”
Tituss moved to that side. I got into the back and was surprised when the other door opened, and Dane got in with me. Tituss laughed, but there was nothing to laugh about when the aggressive wide receiver reached for me and pulled me forward.
His lips crushed against mine before he said, “Swallow it.”
Eyes wide, I had not expected this. “Um.”
He undid his shorts and slid them down. “Now.”
His hand moved into my hair and pulled me forward, pushed me down. I gave a bit of resistance, and he pushed harder and said, “I am going to paint your ass pink with swats, Harpy. Keep messing with me and see how that lands for you.”
I smiled, reached forward, and scratched my nails lightly down the tops of his thighs as I licked out, resisting his push until he put more effort into it, and then I gave, so he went hard and fast into my mouth. He hadn’t expected that, so he was pulling. I wrapped a hand around the base of his cock and worked my hand and mouth over him.
“So fucking close.” He was pulling my hair, and that had me more aggressive, which had him more aggressively lifting. Without my hand in the mix, he would have been down my throat several times and harshly. I did have my hand, so I could control how and when those slides happened. He started to say something, but then it was a mumbled sound as he came and I gulped and tried to get him all down.
He was a bit breathless as I pulled off of him, looked up at him. Wiped my eyes, because the force at first had been a bit much. I sniffed, looked at his t-shirt hem, and then leaned forward as I reached for it and wiped my nose on it.
He smiled and let out a breathy laugh and said, “I can’t believe you just did that.”
“What?” Tituss asked from the front. Dane’s head popped up as if he just remembered we were not alone on this drive.
“She wiped her nose on my t-shirt.” He sighed, looked over at me, touched my bottom lip with his thumb, and said, “I can’t wait to get you over my knee, Harpy.”
I sort of thought that blow job was going to fix that. I didn’t like getting spanked. Probably. I sort of liked it, and sort of didn’t because…last time, it felt like punishment. It was punishment.
“Yeah, pretty sure you’re going to have to wait at least three minutes.” Tituss chuckled. I looked toward him, and then in the rear-view mirror, he winked at me. “Unless you can get me off faster.”
I teased a happy Tituss. “Is anyone planning to get me off or—”
“Depends.” They both said that, and I balked, but they cracked up laughing.
“What the hell? Depends on what?” I asked. Dane had pulled his shorts back on.
Tituss said, “Depends on how well you behave yourself.”
“You don’t like when I behave.” I looked at the evidence of that as it looked back at me and smiled. I snorted a laugh. “You don’t.”
“Sometimes.” Tituss pulled into the driveway at the frat house, and I realized Dane must have called because four guys were waiting to unload the truck. “But right now. I need you to behave. Get out of the truck, go to my room.”
I did just that. Only, once I was in his room, I took all my clothes off. This was Tituss, not Dane, and—I practically snarled as I looked at that stupid acoustic guitar on a stand in the corner of his room. It was enough of a downer that I was about to put my clothes back on. I reached for the shirt on the end of the bed but felt his hand on mine and his naked body behind me.