Page 67 of Harpy
He smiled very brightly and said, “I fucking love it when your horns pop out.”
I laughed and said, “You heard that, huh?”
“I know you’re our angel, so be his devil. I…like was he a virgin? It was disturbing how…unsettled he was in there.” He pointed to the wall, Apollo’s room, and said, “Everywhere else in his life, that motherfucker is giving Lucifer a run for his money. You see that, right? So why was he so…” He tried to think of the right word.
“I think it’s an exceptional man who can do what you do, what Tituss does with me. Did you ever think you would be doing the things we do together?” I asked as I picked up my phone.
He gulped, shook his head no. “I didn’t think I would feel like this either, ever, so…I don’t know. Maybe you are the devil.”
I sauntered over to him and looked up, wrapped my arms around him, and lifted to my toes as he leaned down to kiss me. I let him go and said, “Well, maybe later I’ll…let you play with my tail.”
He pulled me back and leaned in and whispered, “I’ll be good if you be very bad.”
I looked up. “You want to spank me, don’t you, Daddy.”
“I want so many things.” He followed as I tugged him out of the room and shut the door. “I want the code to that lock.”
“Had to do that.” I changed my lock to a code this afternoon, after that session. I wasn’t giving it to any of them. I needed my own space.
As we walked, he held my hand and talked. “What if, in the middle of the night, you like…need me to come over and bring you to orgasm? Hmmm? You want to get out of bed just to let me in?”
I laughed. “What if Tituss is already there? Hmm.”
“I’d get in the game.” He shrugged.
“Apollo?” I asked.
“I’d have to coach.” He made a sour expression. “Yeah. I’ll wait. You’ll give it to me when you’re ready.”
He seemed very sure about that. He made some head bobs of acknowledgment the further we made our way into this party. “You want a drink?”
“Can I trust these drinks?” I looked at the crazy people out by the pool and shook my head. “The ph balance is going to take forever—”
He laughed and tugged, “You definitely need a drink.”
We made our way to the bar, and he ordered me a rum and coke, heavy on the rum. I had to admit, it wasn’t the worst thing I had ever drank. I…didn’t really drink. I was nineteen. Whether he realized that or not, I wasn’t sure. I took literature, and we were about out of the Greek mythology period. Still, I remembered the argument about Helen of Troy. Some said she was young, not even a teenager, and her beauty had enraptured men to the point they went to war for her.
I was no Helen. Essie was a Helen, hell, Helen was a Helen, but me? I took another sip of the drink as I took a seat on Dane’s lap. His name on my back, his ex’s skirt on my body, Essie made her way over and said, “Hi.”
I smiled up at her. “Hi.”
She looked at him, but he looked at my knee since he had his hand on it and the skirt high enough everyone could see that. His thumb stirred. She said, “I had a skirt like that once. I can’t seem to find it anymore.”
“It’s nice. Allows a lot of access when needed.” I took another sip. He snickered. I was supposed to be misbehaving after all, and every sip of this drink ensured that was going to happen.
“Right, well. I uh. Just wanted to say hello. I…are you going home for the break?” she asked, and before either of us could answer she said, “My parents will be there.”
He looked up and said, “I hope you’ve told them because Harpy is coming home with me for the break.”
So glad that cup was up, but no drink was in, or I might have spit this on her as I choked. Instead, I took a decent gulp. Said nothing.
Then Tituss showed up and asked, “What are you drinking?”
“Rum and coke.” I offered him the cup. His eyes went wide, and he shook his head. “It’s good.”
“I see.” He looked at Dane and glared a bit. “Hey, Essie. Enjoying the party?”
“It’s Thanksgiving.” She was still talking to Dane.