Page 71 of Harpy
“They pay me to, yes.” Technically, I should be doing this one house over, but here I was, thanks to Apollo. Cass or one of the other girls could take care of our house. The bunnies wouldn’t be in this house until ten because these fuckers usually slept in, had late classes, all the things you know when college is your temporary career.
“How much?” a particularly busty one asked.
The guy with her said, “That’s rude.”
“Not if we can offer her more—”
“Hell no!” Random junior blocked her from sitting down. “Out. Thems fightin’ words. Out now.”
She laughed and asked, “What?”
“Both of you.” The other guy shrugged. “You want some…bunnies, go…figure that shit out on your own. No. Bye.”
Only, this bunny had heard enough to formulate an idea, so I winked at busty, and she smiled and said, “Fine. Be like that. Don’t call me.” Then she looked at me and said as seductive as any tone I had heard, “Call me anytime.”
I laughed a real laugh which I needed this morning. The ladies left, and the juniors looked at me like they were concerned. I said, “Breakfast first, then you can be worried about me leaving all these big dicks for some big boobs.”
Stoner laughed and said, “I think one of em’ had a big dick too. Like in her purse as a backup.”
We all laughed at that. Sorority girls came prepared.
Later that day, I went to the Sophomore House, and it was quiet. I saw Squeak and said, “Hey. I got a B on my quiz, so I think the sleep thing actually worked.”
His brow went up. “Yeah? Let me see.”
I had taken a picture of it because that was a major win for me. He indicated he needed my phone. I handed it over, and he zoomed in and said, “That one is wrong…so is that one…and…I don’t know who graded this, but I think you just got lucky. Maybe they had the wrong answer key.”
I felt my guy wrench. The deal with Apollo was I got a B. He got a favor. He cashed in on that with his cleared tests results and—he probably lied about that too. “Wow. Lucky me.”
I hung my head in shame. I thought I did well. Thought that was a real B.
“It wasn’t an F.” Squeak waited, and then he asked, “May I…hug…you need one?”
I looked up and sucked back all the emotions. “I’m okay. I…do need…the tutoring…if—”
“Of course.” He nodded. “We got you.”
“Thanks.” I gave him a weak smile, and he nodded and headed on out the door.
I wanted some comfort, and I had two options to get it. I went to Tituss’s room first because Dane was going to spank me when I finally admitted he was right. Apollo was an asshole, and I used him as an excuse. It’s just with these two…I needed to find some distance, some way to protect myself. I was trying to build a wall, but there were no materials in sight. It was futile because my heart wasn’t in it.
No Tituss. I went to find Dane. As I was leaving Tituss’s hallway one of the other guys said, “Glad you stayed with us. I need—”
“Stayed?” I asked.
“Yeah, they went home for the weekend.” He corrected, “To Dane’s anyway.”
“Oh, right. Yeah. I…have to work, so—” I tuned into the list of requests and tried to stuff the feeling of abandonment way down deep inside of me.
Last night, Dane talked about taking me home for Thanksgiving. He wanted me next to him so bad, he didn’t take me to my room, he brought me to his. Tituss wanted me next to him bad enough to get in bed with us. I woke up between them. It was so fucking good which made it the scariest moment of my life. I freaked out on them a little, but…fuck. I chose Apollo, and they…were making sure I knew it.
Later that night, back at Junior House, I had to make sure that his test wasn’t a scam like my grade. I looked at the paper, did a search online. Everything was legit for the existence of the facility, the markings, and…okay, he would have those two to contend with. Dane may not be a lawyer yet, but Daddy sure knew how to read a legal document. I somehow doubted Apollo would want to part with anything, especially his money, for lying about an STD test.
I listened at the bathroom shower wall. No sign of him being in his room. I wasn’t exactly the next great detective over here, but that man was making me…curious, crazy. So, I decided to snoop a bit in his absence. No one was in the hall. My blood was thrumming. I hadn’t snuck into a room or space since high school when Tituss and I snuck into the coach’s office to have sex on his desk. That was my idea. I…really was different from other girls, and he…has always appreciated that side of my nature.
I sucked in a breath and punched in the code. I hoped I had memorized it right. I had watched Apollo punch that code several times now. It was due to his lock that I decided to get one on my door. It failed, and I closed my eyes. I thought about his hand, the exact way he punched and…one more over on the last and…entry.
I slipped in quickly and closed that door. I inhaled. His room smelled like him. A combination of awesome and awful. The clean scent was tinged with the hint of smoke. As I looked around the room, I realized he was a bit like me. No personal photographs on display. Dane had a picture of Rip, and more recently, I tried to ignore the picture of me and Rip on his bookshelf. Tituss had all sorts of pictures. Him with a few athlete icons, him and his mom, and a strip of photos of him and me that would be easy to remove should he have a surprise visit. It was from a photo booth, his senior, my junior year. Before his prom, before the mess my mother made of our lives.