Page 16 of Holly
"Torden." She looked back at me. "That hurt."
I looked her directly in the eyes and said exactly what I thought, "Good. I want it to hurt. I want it to finally feel to you physically like it's felt mentally to me for years. Because I know you won't tell anyone, Essie. It would ruin the family name if this got out. You wouldn't want to give grandma a heart attack, would you?"
She was getting hit with her own words. Weapons she had thrown at me. "So, you'll do exactly what I tell you to do and like it... or else." Then I said without the hint of Essie talk in my voice, "And I just want you to take it."
I pushed her out to the tip. Heard her call my name, then I pulled as I punched my hips forward. When she tried to get up, I grabbed her by the back of her hair and pushed her down and said, "Say you want it, Essie. Say you need it. Say you love me, you fucking cunt, because that's what I had to say to you."
"I hate you!" she shouted, but into the mattress, so only I could hear her. Then she said it, "Stop! Please."
I was almost out, ready to punch forward again, but I stopped. I hated myself for what I did next.
I pulled the rest of the way out of her. I clenched my jaw and tried to figure out what the hell was wrong with me. Why did I do all that? Essie turned, crying, and reached between her legs and touched herself. I needed to apologize. I opened my mouth to say the words, but she smiled at me, laughed, and said, "Get on the bed, Torden."
I hated her. I fucking hated her with every fiber of my being. "No."
This was as routine as it could get.
"Now." She pointed. "Right now."
She wiped her cheeks. She said, "I don't like it like that. I don't like it rough. You know better. I taught you better than that."
I should have fucked her in the ass. Should have slipped and punched right in. Maybe then she would stop. Maybe then I could stop.
She reminded me, "I win, remember? Come on. No sense fighting it. We're here now."
I got into my bed and laid back, looked at the ceiling as Essie moved over me. She blocked my view and said, as she sank down onto me, "You're mine. There is no escaping it, Tor-Tor. You belong to me. It's our secret."
I did learn one thing from this whole ordeal. I could tune the fuck out. Instead of listening to Essie riding my dick in slow motion, I thought about the upcoming game. First of the season. I really wanted to make a good impression out there. I was so focused on that mental play book, I didn't realize she had brought herself to orgasm, pulled off of me. I understood why I felt the sting of her fingers across my face. I finally hated her touch enough that my dick didn't want it either.
"Torden!" She went to slap me again.
I blocked that and said, "Just go. You got what you wanted from me. Just fucking go."
She sat there, all confused as she looked from me to my decidedly limp dick and said, "But you didn't."
"I can't make myself do it anymore just because you want it." I shrugged. "You won't see me at OBD anymore. We are nowhere near one another on campus. Just...leave me alone and I'll stay out of your way, Essie."
She looked around my room and said, "I hate this fucking house. This room is... haunted. Tainted. That witch cast her cunt spell on all of them and now it's on you, too. This." She shook her head. "This isn't over, Torden. It will never be over. Understand me?"
Then she slapped my dick. I did not see that about to happen, so I buckled. It took me several deep breaths and more than a second to get my focus back. She dressed quickly and was at my door when I could move again. She opened it, laughed, and said, "Perfect timing."
She swung the door wide, and I sat there, covering my dick, and looking at the other woman who caused me to have a complete fucking meltdown today. Why the hell was she here if she thought I assaulted her? What did they want from me? Did they just want me...? Maybe. I could give up. Oh, my God. It was so clear why all of this happened. I was the problem in this equation. I just needed to eliminate the problem and they could go on with their lives and none of this would matter anymore.
Holly took one look at me, then at Essie, and then back at me. I took that time to look her over which is why my focus shifted from suicide to her. I stood up and asked, "What happened?"
I knew Winston did not punch her in the mouth, but she had been hit, something. She had blood down the front of her shirt. She looked me over and said with obvious pain, "This was a mistake."
Me coming to Crossbow in the first place? Yes. I knew it was a mistake. A huge, fucking mistake that just kept getting worse.
"Holly, wait. Please." Why the fuck was I begging her to stay? Why did she come here to begin with? She stopped, though, and I could see it, understand it now. She was really confused and not sure what she was doing here, either. "Just... let me put my shorts on."
She looked over at the table and moved to take a seat. She had a bit of a limp, too. She sat and rubbed that knee and I pulled on my shorts. I needed a shower before I walked into this room, but I needed an hour-long shower to wash this whole day off of me. Still, as funktastic as I had ever been in my life, I moved to that table and pulled the chair away. Took two steps back, dragging it with me, and took a seat.
I looked him over. It was obvious by the way she looked, he looked, the bed looked, what they had been doing. I sat there in various amounts of physical pain and knew that no matter what, I had to make things seem right between us or Apollo was really going to hurt me. Maybe end me. My freshman year of college. No one paid any damn attention to me all through high school and here, thanks to one screw up, I was really screwed.
This is why it shocked me as much as it did him, apparently, when I asked, "Where is your bracelet?"