Page 18 of Holly
I thought about what Winston just said and I opened my mouth. Even though it really hurt, I stuck out my tongue. He looked at it and said, "Holy shit. It's still bleeding."
Explained why I wanted to vomit. I kept swallowing down blood. It was not the same bad taste I always got, but it was awful, nonetheless.
"You might need to see a doctor for that." He started to reach and then pulled back.
I reached for his hand, now he was clean, and pulled that giant mitt up to my face. I pressed my cheek against the palm and said, "I'm sorry, too. If I was brave—"
"Shhh. It hurts to talk, right?" he asked.
I nodded. More than he knew, and I didn't know why either. Well, I knew why it physically hurt.
About that time, Winston popped back in the open door and said, "Hey, man. Sorry. I... whoa, girl. What happened to your face?"
"She fell." Stormy spoke for me. "Is that—Doc?"
"Yeah, we were about to play some cards. I came to see if you liked to lose money. Thought after your day you could use some bro time. Doc, here... well, Doc's here, so." He turned to the Indian guy and said, "Rajesh, can you put your pre-med to use or what?"
Rajesh looked like he was from another continent, but sounded like he was from the southern states. "Well, come on, little lady. Let's get a look at ya."
I followed him into Stormy's bathroom. As we passed Stormy, Rajesh said, "Put some clothes on, Incredible Hulk." Once in the bathroom, I took a seat on the commode and followed his directions, hoping he really knew what the hell he was talking about. He said, "I'm not pre-med." He sort of rolled his eyes. "I'm in med school. One college over, but I'm renting one of the bedrooms in the Bunny House. They just like to make fun of me. I think it's because I'm Texan." He talked as he shined a little light into my mouth and poked at my tongue with another device from his pocket. "I can't help it everything is bigger in Texas." He turned the light off on that device and then smiled as he said, "'Cept me. But compared to three generations back, I'm big. Hell, all that hormone and processed food did this body good."
I didn't want to laugh but I did a little.
He said, "She'll survive. I'll get the team doc to call in a round of antibiotics. You on any other medications?" I shook my head no. "None?"
I said, "No."
He tilted his head and asked in a lower whisper, "I mean birth control."
I shook my head. I had no need for thaaat—oooh, maybe I needed that. "Um."
"And a round of those antibiotics, too." He had his phone out and said, "Don't worry. If I can work some magic, you can get the shot. It's once every three months. Most of the bunnies prefer it. Don't have to skip to delay the inevitable, and don't have to take one every day. They have it here on campus, but it's after hours so...yes. Okay, she will hook you up."
This was surreal. I came to Crossbow because it was the smallest school my parents let me apply to. My mom was thrilled because she was a legacy here. She was worried I might not make it as a Diva on another campus. Here, I was also a legacy. Well, if I failed at this mission, I would be dead. Maybe I'd get a dorm named after me. Holly Ringwald Building or Holly Hall. I sighed and shook my head. Nope. They would probably mess it up and name it after that beloved eighties’ icon instead.
The med-school Texan clapped his hands together and said, "So. Who wants to go get some pills with her?"
I really wished this giant had a kid right about now. Apollo could bitch about sharing Momma to someone else from this day forward. I was on fix his damage duty. I knew Apollo hurt her because she was jeopardizing Momma's happiness. Got through this time for damn sure. She was Team Storm now.
So was I. Shit. After watching his cousin strut out of our house like she just fucked someone, I put two and three together to realize I had at least five problems now, and Holly might be right. Storm might be in trouble in the brain department. He might have a spotless record, but Essie was well known in this house as a viper. One lying in wait to hurt Harpy for taking Ripley, or Dane as Essie still called him. She made no attempt to hide her hatred of our queen when she thought no one was paying attention. I was always paying attention in that sorority house.
Stormy said, "You should take her. I'm going to finish getting this room ready."
That did not make a lick of sense. "I've been drinking. I can't drive." I looked around and indicated, "Doc's gone, so... you're my wheels. She probably shouldn't be driving."
"My car is back at that place." He didn't even care which was not a good sign since he had a luxury SUV... just like Essie's.
"We can take my car." She finally got in this game and helped me. She turned those big green eyes up at him and said, "It really hurts."
Storm looked so aggravated. Still, he looked down at her and she looked up at him and I knew she had to be with him as much as possible because the big guy was in love. I'd seen that look on three other reluctant faces. I wondered if they had met one another on a different day in a different situation if they would just be a happy couple. Instead... here I was, doing repairs.
Storm said, "Fine. Let's go."
She had a luxury car. I actually had a motorcycle and a sports car because I had a significant amount of life insurance and other inheritance money to spend at my disposal. I did not flaunt those details, well, outside of the vehicles. She drove. Storm tried to sit in the back, but I indicated my size and he opted for the front instead. He was a total wreck.
She was not much better. She went into the urgent care with a pharmacy attached at the furthest fucking place to get a prescription Rajesh could apparently find. I stayed in the car with Storm. I said, "We should go get your car."