Page 29 of Holly
I pushed him and he laughed. "I hate you. Did you talk her into this so you can see girl on girl in person?"
"Probably." He gave me a look that did not indicate he was kidding.
We were at his bedroom, so I stopped him and said, "Look. This can't mess us up."
He leaned in and hugged me and said, "It won't. I promise. I can't fuck you even if I wanted to thanks to the contract, so the most I can do is assist." He wiggled his hands at me.
"Yeah, the last time you assisted me with those hands, I got killed." We almost lost that competition and we had a rematch with those assholes tomorrow which was creeping up on us as this night moved on. Winston was absolutely my best friend in this world. If he needed me to fuck his girl with him, well. It had been three years since I last had a partner, and I was well overdue some action. I should have applied at the Diva house. At least one of those bitches had to be bi. Big Dicks Only. My dick was big. I bought it that way. I just hadn't used it on anyone or myself yet.
"Well, let’s hope you die a couple times tonight, too. Shall we?" He opened the door, and we stepped inside.
Oh fuck. She was pretty. Like let's dress up like superheroes and villains and play who wins this round, pretty.
I wanted to call her Poison Ivy but refrained. He had introduced us, but I was so lost in my head, I missed it. He nudged me and said, "This is Autumn."
"Hi." I waved.
She looked at me, at him, at me and said, "I don't know how to start."
Winston nudged me again and said, "She's a pro. We'll follow her lead."
The girl's eyes went wide, and I clarified, "I'm a professional gamer, but not a hooker. This idiot is my best friend. He said you were curious and that the two of you were interested in some exploration. It's really simple. If you don't want me to do something, say red. Think of it like traffic lights. Green means go. Yellow, proceed with caution. Red, stop. It's much easier than trying to use stop because that could mean stop doing this but keep doing that. Got it?"
"Green." She gave me a thumbs up. I smiled at her and looked at Winston. He said this was the new complication in his life and I immediately believed him. She was as green as they came.
"Can we get some music? Set a mood, dude. Damn." I moved over to his bed. I'd been in this bed several times. I sometimes napped in it when I was supposed to be working. He did not know that. Still, I only had him and the big guy to contend with on the first floor and they were both neat and tidy, so my biggest tasks were the groceries and supplies which Harper had down to a science, so I worked her system and that shit worked. This was the easiest job I ever had, and it paid well enough I was actually saving money now.
A little music, some lower lighting, and I looked at pretty, green eyes and asked, "Sure you want to do this? You can stop at any time, okay?"
She nodded. Then she closed her eyes. I looked over at the horndog that inhabited my bestie and he moved his hands together and mouthed the word kiss through a smile as big as his face. I really wanted to go slap him, but he was sharing this pouty-lipped princess with me, so I turned back to her and leaned in right as she opened her eyes and mouth as if she were going to say something.
Such great lips. Full, plump, and shy with the whole process. I let her take some time to settle into it, then feel her way through it. Yeah, okay. I wanted to help him. I wanted to fuck this girl. I also needed to figure out her name because I also wanted to dress her up like Poison Ivy and play. If that meant Winston watched, well. He was a good guy. He deserved a view now and then.
I kissed a girl, and I liked it. A lot. A wow lot. Winston's idea sounded super crazy to me, but this was my year of yes. My Only Brave Divas makeover and the crazier the better, right?
Autumn was so pretty, and she had that style that shouted ‘tomboy but fierce.’ I needed her to go shopping with me. After the third time our tongues met, I wanted to be her, forget shopping. I wanted to be this damn free with my life. Again, she moved slower through the process, so by the time we had our clothes off, I remembered Winston was in the room with us. Primarily, because he just got into the bed behind me and said, "Holly."
He moved my hand back and over his shaft and I closed my eyes because Autumn was between my thighs, licking that tender flesh to completion. It made stretching back to kiss him easy. In fact, his hands on my breasts, his tongue in my mouth as she pushed three fingers into me and made me cum was amazing. I barely registered the switch from his lips to hers but I registered the shift of my hand from his shaft to between her thighs.
She said, "You don't have to do that."
"I want to." I did. I wanted to try this. Why not? I was this far. Why not go the rest of the way? Winston, rogue opportunist that I was learning him to be, pushed into my core as I pushed a finger into hers. I did to her what Stormy taught me to do on my body and she seemed really fucking impressed with his technique. I wasn't exactly disappointed in hers or the man pushing his way to his own selfish orgasm behind me.
She shifted her leg over my hip, moving herself closer to my fingers, held on to me tighter. She broke from the kiss and leaned her head back. Winston said, "Lick her—"
I might have laughed if it wasn't for the fact that once I leaned in and licked her nipple, her legs started to shake. Close. I understood that. I licked, I sucked, she shattered, and I felt that on my fingers as she made the most intense sounds of pleasure. I did that. I caused that.
"Holly." He was breathless as I shifted my attention back to him and he leaned up enough to kiss me as he pushed deeper, stayed, and twitched with his quiet release.
I was close, but not there again. I slid his hand to my pussy and silently asked him to stay inside of me, like Stormy had. To send me sailing again. He snickered and then worked his fingers as Autumn stared quietly at the ceiling. I called out, "Yes. Yes." And then I bit my lip because I was about to call out for the one person not in this room. I could feel Winston's forehead pressed to the back of my head. I shifted off of his softening cock and reached for Autumn's hand. "Hey, you okay?"
She shook her head no. Totally understood the aftermath of an unplanned orgasm. I said, "Don't regret me."
She turned her soft, blue eyes my way and said, "No. Not that. Just...didn't expect so much to happen."
Winston, my sweetheart said, "Me either. So glad it did. Autumn, you know where the guest room is. We have a competition in seven hours. Holly." I looked at him. "You gotta go."