Page 48 of Holly
"I'm about to do some hip curls, Babe. Just. Fuck. Yes." He put his hands on my hips and rocked up and into me. "Is it laced with meth?" My brow went up and I snickered, which made him groan, push higher which meant deeper into me. "I'm fucking addicted. I was trying not to be. It didn't matter. I wake up wanting to fuck you, Holly. I go to sleep wanting to bury myself so deep inside you I get lost."
He shifted slightly and the angle made him hit a new switch on that faucet. "Stormy."
My fingers curled on solid abs. He didn't need coaching to know what happened. He stayed there and did it again, and again, and again. It was so intense I had to fall forward, cover my mouth, bite into the pillow. Only, that wasn't a pillow. It was his chest. Instead of reacting badly to that, he gripped me harder, held me tighter, and ground out a sound of release I would dream about the rest of my life. When I looked at his chest, the teeth marks, and the slight break of skin from one of my canines and said, "I'm so sorry. You're bleeding."
He looked and then shook his head. "That's a scratch."
He reached for the box of cupcakes and put it on my back like I was a table. I wasn't moving. I couldn't move. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of his pounding heart thrumming strong and steady in my ear. I asked, "Which one's your favorite?"
"The one with my dick in it." He had food in his mouth when he said that. He was still inside of me. Not hard, but still there, resting.
"I don't think I should tell that to your mother." I shifted my head and looked at him as he took his next bite. "How cool is your grandma?"
He snickered and said, "Not cool enough for that. Maybe this one. But you can't tell them I'm eating these cupcakes and you shouldn't tell them I'm obsessed with your cupcake."
"Why can't you eat cupcakes?" I asked as I looked at him.
"Too much sugar, they're bad for me, no one wants a fat wide receiver, they'll move me to defense. I don't know." He frowned at the last bite and then put it in his mouth. He moved the box from my back to the nightstand and said, "Food has always been something I could control. That and working out. I... needed some control."
"I get it. Only, I wasn't making those decisions because they were smart." I looked at him and asked as he offered me the last of that frosting on his thumb, "What if I gain a lot of weight?"
I opened my mouth as he put his thumb into it. He closed his eyes and smiled as he said, "I could probably fuck you even harder."
I licked that thumb, let my teeth graze against it. I could feel him swelling inside of me again. I warned, "I'm still on limited mobility here."
"I'm still in great fucking shape." He rolled us and said, "After this, we may need a nap."
"I might start that early." I did a fake yawn and he laughed at me, punched his hips forward and I said, "Such a good dream."
"You want that, Holly? Want to wake up with my dick inside you?" he asked, and I could see the lust in his expression. That was something many would consider being bad. I nodded. "Yeah?"
"I want you to take me when you want me, Stormy." I then said some really crazy shit because the fact that he didn't care if I didn't look perfect as much as he cared that he could fuck me the way he wanted to meant everything to me. "I want you to treat me like I belong to you. Take what you want. When you want." Oh fuck, he liked that a lot. "…you...oh, yes."
Letting Holly leave that night took effort. After the blowjob, the afternoon of cupcakes and sex, we made a plan. Between good food and fucking, we covered most of the basics that a couple would need to know about one another. I liked Holly. Liked her shy, liked her bold, and liked her naked. I was still processing how that would play out in the long run, but focused on the short term because she would be meeting my mom and grandma at the game.
Today, I was encountering another beautiful woman, but this one was scowling at me. I looked at Autumn and said, "Hey, Cranky."
"I am cranky!" She threw her hands up and added, "You talk to Holly lately?"
Ah. Girl problems. I nodded. We shared this particular problem, or we used to. I asked, "What happened?"
"Do you care? You don't want to share her with me." We walked to a bench, and I took a seat while she remained standing in front of me.
"I didn't want to share her with you. No. But." I rolled a shoulder. "I realized that was nonsense.” As I reminded myself why it was nonsense, I gave Autumn a list of reasons. “I don't love Holly. I'm just in lust with her.” Well, that didn’t quite fit. I added, “I like her.”
Autumn nodded.
I wanted to stop sharing my thoughts, but kept on anyway. “We barely know each other. She's a freshman and I’m a junior, so I’ll be out of here and she will remain. I...had a plan to find one woman and settle down this year. That's what it was about for me. You weren’t exactly available.” I winked and she tensed. I didn’t comment on her blushing but I was a bit proud of myself for getting that reaction from her. “I thought Holly was that woman and she is, just not the way I thought she would be. And...that's okay, because...I don't love her."
"Me either." She sighed and then looked at the concrete. "I thought I wanted a relationship with someone, but I forgot that means...knowing more than what they sound like when they cum. You know?"
"Right." I laughed. "It was like a two-hour inquisition last night. Wanna quiz me?"
She looked at me and then asked, "You hung out last night?"
"Of course." I waited.