Page 7 of Holly
"Thank you." I was blushing. I could feel it on my way-too-pale face. I knew it was way too pale because after a brief conversation with my mother via face-to-face connection where she told me as much, she seemed thrilled I was experiencing some sort of shift in my life. I had not told her everything, just that I needed to figure out how to talk to a guy and I kept getting tongue tied. Her answer? She tried to get me to make an appointment to have a spray tan. A new outfit arrived. New undergarments. A pallet of cosmetics that I knew how to use but the thought of them made my stomach turn, so I never did.
"Baby!" he called out and she appeared in the doorway.
She said, "Apollo! I didn't expect you today."
"I had time." He went to the refrigerator. "Apparently, you do not."
"In a couple hours." She tilted her head. He shrugged. She looked at me and then really looked at me. She shook her head no and he laughed so hard he almost choked on whatever he was drinking. " not leave. Okay?"
He made a devil horns finger gesture and she reached for my hand and said to him as she tugged me along, "Okay, then. Have it your way."
We went into her office, and I took a seat. She moved behind the desk and said, "I need you to sign this document, Holly."
I looked at it, shook my head, and pushed it back to her. "I don't—"
"But you do. You have. On the first day, after saying you wanted nothing to do with it, signing the general NDA, you put your room on the list signaling it was okay." She crossed her arms and tilted her head.
"The list" I blinked. Oh no. I shook my head no. "No. No. I-I thought..."
"You were too busy with your phone, too uninterested in the, what did you call it? Nonsense, to pay attention." She pushed that paper across and said, "He has signed that NDA. He has signed saying he will not put his dick anywhere other than his Diva and you, Holly Ringwald, put your room on that list. Now, if you decide to keep toying with him, you will be—"
"Toying with him?" I balked. I had no problems speaking my mind...except to him. Usually, anything I needed to get out that I couldn't verbally, I would put in writing. "I didn't say yes. I didn't...couldn't say anything!"
She blinked. "What?"
I looked at her and told the truth. "He came in and I had my headphones on. I was listening to a book I can't even finish now. I was about to say something, but I got pulled back by the stupid cord. I went to take them off but he...went." I indicated my lap. "And...I...froze."
She rubbed her forehead. "You didn't say anything?"
I shook my head. "I couldn't. I...he's huge. one ever...I..."
"It's okay." She didn't seem super empathetic about it. Then she pushed the paper and asked, "Then why the second time?"
I gulped. I had been asking myself that same question. I looked at the paper and said, "I...forgot to put my room number on the sheet. I did for the next two weeks and I—"
"Do you take psychology classes at all, Holly?" she asked and placed the pen on top of the papers. "Because if you did, maybe you would realize that your conscious actions are the ones you are used to. Maybe have some control of. Yet, you seem to subconsciously be sabotaging yourself." She sighed and said, "Let me give you the reader's digest version of what that looks like long term. You ignore the meeting. You put your number on the paper. He comes to your room. You give him the physical signal that you want oral. You say nothing, indicate nothing, so he thinks that is all you want, and he leaves."
Holy shit. I didn't read the manual because I had opted out of this whole thing.
She kept going. "Then, after that beautiful creature did that to you, made you cum, right?" I gulped and nodded. She huffed a laugh that seemed more irritated than not. "You somehow forget to put your room number on the paper, exactly when he would be fired if you did. He comes to your room, and again, he does what he thinks you want from him. You shun him, he leaves." Harpy seemed to be taking his side in this. "You have a man who doesn't need to be doing any of this. Who, for whatever reason, needed to do this for himself. Maybe to lock in some loyalty? I don't know. I don't know him that well. What I do know of Stormy is that he was willing to stay here if I needed him to when one of my partners said he was going to spank me. So, while I hate that you lost your ability to say no, you sure as shit made all the physical and legal signs that said yes, so sign this fucking document and decide before Saturday morning if you are going to see where this leads the two of you or if you will set him free."
"Free?" I balked. "He a—"
She stood up and leaned over the desk. She looked me directly in the eye and said, "No. If anything, you violated him. Don't ever fucking tell him, understand? And if you think that by not signing this agreement it gives you any level of protection, I'll just remind you of who you are really dealing with. Dead men tell no tales, Holly. Neither do dead women, and if you try to fuck this up for me after everything—"
Yeah, he was way less scary than this crazy bitch. I leaned in and picked up the pen. I believed her. I initialed all the way down and in some places I didn't even see spaces for. Whatever. What the fuck ever. She sat back and with a light and friendly smile said, "Just have him clean your room if you don't want to fuck him." Then she seemed to think about something and said, "But that would be such a waste, don't you think?"
"I don't know. I told you. I—" I looked down. When I looked up, she was studying me. "I didn't know his name. I've never even kissed someone and he...did that to me."
"Apollo," she called. "Once. Understand? Because you are a special case and he's been busy lately."
"Um." I had no idea what was about to happen. He stepped into the room and looked about as informed as I was.
She said, "Holly is a virgin. She's never been kissed. She needs to learn a few things. We have about thirty minutes to teach her. Think you can handle it?"
"Whuh, uh..." He cleared his throat and said with a rogue smile, "What exactly do you want me to do here, Baby?"
"Go kiss her." She indicated and watched him.