Page 33 of Tutor With Benefits
But, I know none of my three guys cheated.
They don’t need to. I’ve given them the tools they need to be able to make it through this class without cheating, and it’s just a matter of time for us all to see how they did on their own.
Cory is the last of the three to get done with the test, but he isn’t the last student in class to finish. He gets up and walks to the front of the room and places his own test on the desk.
When he turns around, I see the smirk on his face, and can’t help but wonder if he gave that look to Professor Hudson like I know he wanted to.
All three of them want to make a point of really showing her that they’re able to deliver what she is asking, and I’m glad they all got their tests done in time for her to grade them all before the end of the hour. There are still twenty minutes to go before class lets out, and I have to force myself not to make eye contact with the other students who’ve finished their tests already.
There are still four more students who haven’t yet finished with their tests, and they are bent over their papers, feverishly working to complete the assignment before the bell rings. I’ve never been in that position myself as I’ve always done my best to be a diligent student, but I’m grateful right now that I’m not sitting here watching any of my three guys doing that with their own work.
Out of the corner of my eye, I keep watch on Professor Hudson, hoping to get a glimpse of what her expression is as she grades the tests. It’s tough for me to read anything that’s going on in her features as I don’t know which of the tests she’s working on as she flips through the pile on her desk.
I see the red pen and the black pen both being used, and I know she’s marking down the right and wrong answers. I can’t calm my heart as she puts each completed test on the corner of her desk to be collected at the end of the class.
Finally, after what feels like an eternity, the bell rings out in the hall and Professor Hudson looks over her shoulder at the clock hanging behind her. She is courteous enough to give every last second to the students who are still trying to get their tests done, but when the bell rings she has to call an end.
“Please stack your test in a nice, collected pile and place it on my desk on your way out the door,” she tells those who hadn’t finished. “And if you have completed your test, you may collect it from my desk on your way by. They are alphabetically arranged. Thank you.”
She takes her seat and waits for us to file out. I grab my test and head out the door, but I duck to the side and lean against the wall as I wait for Zach, Taylor, and Cory to come out with their tests in hand. My heart is pounding so hard I’m sure it’s going to burst through my chest.
Finally, the three appear, and they’ve all got grins on their faces.
“Well?” I demand.
“Well what?” Zach asks. “Did you pass?”
“You know I did,” I tell him, rolling my eyes. “I’m more worried about you three. Tell me how you did! Come on, the suspense has been killing me since you put them on her desk!”
“Should we tell her? Or make her wait?” Cory asks. “I don’t know what it is, but it’s kind of fun watching her squirm.”
“Come on, that’s not nice!” I tell him as I playfully slap his shoulder with my test. “You know I’m dying to hear how you guys did, so tell me before I have a heart attack and die.”
“Dramatic,” Taylor says. “We all scored the same letter grade.”
“Which is?” I ask.
“B’s across the board.” Zach smirks.
I breathe an audible sigh of relief. I didn’t realize I was holding my breath until I let it all out, and I could cry tears of joy I’m so happy.
“That’s a marked improvement!” I tell them. “Not a bad grade anyway, but to have done so well after you’ve been hanging around with F’s is going to make her happy.”
“Who cares what she thinks?” Zach says. “I’m happy as fuck right now. Fuck sitting on the bench the rest of the season, we are on the ice!”
We all group together in a hug, and I suddenly feel self-conscious and pull away. If anyone has ever seen me in class before, they are bound to notice that this is a change in me, and I halfway wonder if there’s a chance Johnny could walk by. I haven’t seen him all day, and the thought of him seeing me out and being so sociable makes me wonder what he’d think of me now.
Of course, I still have a long way to go.
“Do you three want to come back to the dorm in a bit?” I ask. “I’m thinking we should celebrate this victory.”
“I’m game,” Zach says.
“Same,” Taylor adds.
“Bet,” Cory says at the same time. “But I’m a little curious to know what you want to do to celebrate. I thought that was going to be the dates tomorrow.”
“I have something else in mind,” I say with a slight smirk playing at the corners of my lips. “And for once, I’m going to make you guys wait until you come over for me to show it to you.”