Page 11 of Broken Bridges
“Lewis.” Cole’s voice hollered from somewhere behind me.
I whipped around. Cole and a, gorgeous...brunette headed toward me. Well, I’ll be damned. I might like men, but I could appreciate a good-looking chick when I saw one.
Oh, wait...She looked familiar. Oh...shit.
“Lewis?” Cole hooked his arm around the young lady’s shoulders. “I’d like you to meet my sister, Tia.”
Sister? My mouth ran dry. I swallowed hard. When I’d researched the band online, I hadn’t delved into their families. Was it wrong to have a fan moment? I wiped my clammy palms on the back of my jeans, then held out my shaky hand. “Hi.”
Tia slipped her fingers around mine and shook my hand, firm and strong...and a strange ripple snaked across my skin.
Her electric-green eyes shimmered with a glassy haze, and she swayed back and forth on her feet. “Nice to meet you. Soooo, you’re the new bassist.”
Yep, she’d had a few too many drinks and was possibly high, but that didn’t stop my heart rate doubling. “Yeah. And you’re on the show Through The Smoke, right?”
“Was...past tense.” Her thick fake lashes couldn’t mask the sorrow that flashed in her eyes. She scooped her long dark hair over her shoulder, straightened, and pasted on a flimsy smile. “I had to leave because of an injury. Messed up my leg.”
“Shit. I’m sorry to hear that.” But she looked fine from what I could see. Her heavy makeup, black skinny jeans that looked like they’d been painted onto her skin, and sequined T-shirt gave off a hardcore party animal vibe. Just like her brother. Scanning the even curves of her body from the ground up, I stopped at her well-toned, almost muscular arms. Hmm. I had a thing for arms. Nothing too bulky—I just liked them sexy and strong. I’d love those arms wrapped around my shoulders when we fu—
Wait. What?
I’d clearly had way too much to drink. Maybe I was still turned on from making out with Benson. Maybe I was a little starstruck. Maybe both. Yep. That was it. “I love your show. It won’t be the same without you. Are you alright?”
“No.” She shrugged like it was no big deal. “But I will be.”
The current of anguish threading through her tone struck a chord inside my chest. I knew all too well how life-changing events could rip your heart out. Break you. Set you on a path you never saw coming. And time didn’t always heal the wounds.
“Tia, you’ll be fine.” Cole ruffled Tia’s hair, as if he were oblivious to the waver in her eyes. “Lewis, don’t be fooled by Tee. She’s a hell-raiser and troublemaker. She can talk smack, smut, and shit better than the rest of us. And she’ll out-drink and out-party everyone.”
I doubted she could in her current state.
“Is that a challenge?” I raised an eyebrow and threw her an I’m-game-if-you-are stare.
“God, no.” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “I used to outdo the guys, but they’ll run circles around me now.”
“Never.” Cole kissed her on the cheek, then hugged her tight. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Yeah. Me too.” She patted his cheek and cuddled him.
I had a huge family but didn’t get along with the majority of them like Tia and Cole seemed to. That had been my family’s fault, not mine. I was better off without them.
I straightened my shoulders and thumbed toward the bar behind me. “Can I get you two a drink?”
“Nah, I’m good.” With a mischievous grin, Cole pointed in Slip’s direction. “Looks like Slip might need some help with those two ladies. I better go offer my assistance. Lewis, are you okay to keep Tee company?”
“I warn you.” Cole waggled his finger at me. “Don’t let her lead you astray.”
I smirked. I’d like to see her try. “I’m sure we’ll be fine. Have fun.”
“Cool. Catch up soon.” Cole took off toward the far end of the bar.
Chuckling, I turned to Tia. “Those guys are awesome.”
“Yeah. I love them to bits.” Her gaze, full of sisterly love, followed Cole. “And they like their women.”
“They can have them. Not my scene.” I threw her a saucy grin, then flicked my finger toward the wall of spirits and liquors lining the shelves behind the counter. “So...what’s your poison?”