Page 122 of Broken Bridges
Blinking, I regained my composure. “Sure.”
She latched onto my fingers with a vise-like death grip and swung my arms from side to side as “Levitate” by Dua Lipa boomed through the speakers.
Yep. I was spinning too.
Halfway through the song, Daphne twirled away from me and ran off to join some other kids dancing nearby. Chuckling, Lee joined me on the edge of the crowded dance floor and slapped me on the shoulder. “You okay?”
“Um...yeah...sure.” I swiped my hand over my hair. “Not my first rejection.”
He smiled and shook his head. “Not Daph. I saw that stunned, what-the-fuck-am-I-doing look on your face before Daph attacked you. That look when you finally admit that it’s not over, that there is no one else, and you’re finally being honest and true to yourself. I’m sure I had the same expression when I couldn’t deny who I was anymore and when I had to be with Mateo.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a gentle nudge. “Luce won’t mind. Go get your girl.”
My girl?
Was Tia mine?...Fuck yes!
Dizziness swam through my head. My pulse hit overdrive. My breath shuddered in my chest as the brakes I’d put on my feelings for Tia gave way. No more lying or denying. I had to go home. To Tia...But shit! I glanced at my watch. 8.54 p.m.
I blinked the bewilderment from my eyes and struggled to form words. “I want to, but I can’t. I won’t make the last flight out of Cleveland or Toledo.” But I’d give it a damn good shot. I was happy to break the land-speed record to get there.
“Why fly?” He jutted his chin toward the door.
A shiver ran up my spine.
I turned toward the entrance.
My heart stopped.
Tia walked into the room.
Chapter 36
Dressed in a stunning navy strapless gown that reached the floor, Tia outshone everything and everyone in the room. She’d stolen my breath and blown my mind. Operating of their own accord, my feet carried me toward her. Oh my God. She’s here.
But I stopped an arm’s length away.
All my shock, hurt, and heartache tangled and twisted with my uncanny and unrelenting want and need for her. I wanted to draw her into my arms and kiss her until she saw stars. Hold her close. Forgive her in one breathtaking moment.
But I couldn’t.
She wouldn’t have flown halfway across the country if she didn’t want to fix us, right? I was down for that. But after she’d shattered my heart, caution ruled. I needed to make sure we were aligned. I wanted her to fight...for us. For me. Like I was ready to do for her.
Clenching my hands to prevent myself from reaching for her, I let out a raspy breath. “What are you doing here?”
A nervous smile curled across her lips as she fidgeted with the chain-link shoulder-strap on her clutch. “I’m your plus one. Remember?”
She was my only one. But I didn’t want to make this easy for her. Did I? No. “That invite was revoked the moment we broke up.”
She winced. “Lew, I’m sorry. I’m here. For you.” She glanced around the gathering. All eyes were on us. It wasn’t every day that this town saw an A-list TV celebrity. But I couldn’t blame them. It was hard to take your eyes off her. Damn, she’s breathtaking. “Can we please go somewhere to talk?” Her eyes pleaded with me.
“Why?” My heartbeat quickened as I raked my gaze over her bare, sexy arms. Arms that had wrapped around me, held me, loved me. God. I wanted them touching me again. I was failing at playing hardball. “What is there left to say? Do you have more reasons to add to the list for us not being together?”
She took a tiny step forward. Anguish surged through her tone. “I made so many mistakes, I don’t know where to begin. I got scared. I took the easy way out. I thought I was doing the right thing, but it just hurt us and made us miserable. I’ll do anything to make this right.”
I swayed on my feet, dizzy from wanting the same thing she did. Holding onto a fine thread of composure, I tilted my head to the side and arched one eyebrow. “Anything?”
“Yes...Lewis, I love you. So freaking much.”