Page 27 of Broken Bridges
“Nah.” He pulled off his beanie then combed his fingers through his hair to mess it up. “You’ll get better. Give it time.”
But the dread set in stone on Tia’s face said otherwise.
“Sutt texted a few minutes ago.” Flint headed into the kitchen, his ski pants swooshing as he walked. “She’ll be another thirty minutes. She’s made us reservations at the tavern in the village.”
Cole rested his butt on the back of the sofa. “That okay with you, Tee?”
“Nah. I’ve done enough today. You guys go. I’ll be fine.”
Why did she look at me when she said that?
“We’ll catch the shuttle; you won’t have to walk far.” Cole clapped his hands and wrung them together. “Get your party boots on, girl. It’s going to be a big night.”
“I said no,” Tia snapped.
“Fine. Be a party pooper.” He came over to the kitchen and grabbed his spiked hot chocolate. He raised it toward Tia. “We’re going. You’ll miss out on a wicked night.”
Cole downed the whole drink in a few gulps, then poured himself a shot of vodka. He downed that as well.
Damn, these guys knew how to drink. So did I. I may be older than them, but I was far from hanging up my party shoes.
But as the guys rushed upstairs to shower, and I made another round of hot chocolates, Tia watched my every move. Her face was impossible to read again. My stomach twisted and knotted. The pressure in my temples mounted. Clouds of confusion rolled in my head.
Why was I drawn to her? Why did my body react to her?
My chest shuddered and lurched.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.
I wasn’t into guys and girls.
Was I?
Chapter 8
Just past midnight, I stumbled through the cabin door with the guys and Sutton, drunk off our asses. Laughing, we ripped off our boots and coats, dropped them on the floor and headed over to the sofa in front of the roaring fireplace. The trudge home from the shuttle stop in the freezing temperature had frozen my face. I needed to defrost. But finding Tia stretched out on the chaise in her black Batman flannel pajamas was enough to warm me from the inside out. No fire required.
Or maybe the obscene amount of bourbon I’d drunk had raised my body temperature. Either way, I was fucked up.
Tia shuffled straight and switched off the TV mounted on the far wall. “How was the tavern?”
“Oh, Tia.” Sutton flopped onto the sofa and flung her arms around Tia’s neck. “You missed out on an awesome night. We ate. We drank. We danced.”
I chuckled as I stood near the fire. We’d also chatted to just about every person in the bar. The guys had taken it all in their stride, smiling and posing for photos, talking and having drinks with the guests. I hadn’t had that kind of attention in years. My less-than-zero self-esteem hadn’t minded the gentle stroke.
“I didn’t miss out.” Tia patted Sutton’s arm but wrinkled her nose, no doubt at the stench of champagne I could smell on Sutton from where I stood. “I had a great night. I had a date with Vin Diesel. I’m up to Fast & Furious 4 in my movie marathon.”
“Vin?” I threw her a drunk grin. Swaying on my feet, I warmed my hands near the flames. “No Christmas holiday movies or New Year rom-coms?”
“Ew! No.” She straightened a wooly blanket over her legs. “Not my thing. Action all the way. Michelle Rodriguez is my idol. She’s so badass.”
“And her ass is fucking hot in a pair of tight jeans.” Cole smirked as he stumbled over to join me. He wriggled his butt toward the fire, then turned and staggered. If he wasn’t careful, he’d fall face-first into the flames...or ignite. We both reeked of alcohol.
Slip sank onto the end of the sofa, placed his feet up on the coffee table, and ripped off his beanie. “The band tonight was good too. They weren’t as good as us. But you should’ve been there, Tee.”
“Yeah. Next time.” Her nod lacked conviction.