Page 32 of Broken Bridges
I laughed, short and sharp, and shook my head. “Yes, I can. My leg won’t handle the crowds and the walking around. After New Year’s, you’ll be spending eighteen hours a day in the studio. You won’t have much free time.”
He lowered his chin. “But if you don’t come, and I don’t make it past recording, then this is our last night together.”
My ribs ached and shuddered. My head hurt with all the chaos spinning through it. I had to stop spiraling. I dialed down my voice to just above a whisper. “Lewis, can you be honest with me?”
Worry flooded his silver eyes. “Yes.”
I sucked in a deep breath. I had to know if I was concocting all this shit in my head. “Is there something between us? Or am I imagining things?”
He winced and closed his eyes. “What do you mean?”
“This.” I stepped in close so our jackets touched. His eyes shot open and locked onto mine. “When I’m near you, your cheeks flush. You tense. A thousand questions and concerns darken your eyes. My heartbeat quickens. My skin tingles. A spark ignites in the air.”
“Tia.” Anguish turned his voice into a breathy whisper. He took a small step back. “I never believed in kindred spirits until I met you. I think that’s what we are. Please don’t twist this into something that it’s not. I just want to be your friend.”
My ears hurt hearing the truth, as did my chest, but it was the slap I needed to get my shit together. “Friends, right? Just friends.”
“So why did you get turned on the other day when you gave me a foot massage?”
“Um...” His eyes shimmered with a playful glint. They always did that when he’s been sexy. “You rubbed my dick with your foot. Hard not to.”
“So why didn’t you stop me?”
Two heartbeats passed before he swallowed hard. “I did.” He swept my hair back over my shoulder, then rested his hand on my forearm and gave it a gentle squeeze. “Tia, I like you. I’m sorry if you want more, but that’s not going to happen.”
A sharp pain stabbed my heart. Foolish heart. Why was I hurting over being rejected by someone who wasn’t mine? Who’d never be mine? Ergh! At least I knew where I stood. It still didn’t change the fact I’d rather be fucking him senseless than being his kindred spirit. “Okay. I can accept that. But if that is the case, can we tone down the sexy glances and flirty comments? They’ve made me question your intensions.” Suggestive banter had been fun up until a certain point... but now it had become too much.
“Shit.” He grimaced. “I’m so sorry. Can we just reset? Be friends?”
“Yeah. I’d like that.” Somehow I’d get over this messed up mindfuck.
He play-punched my arm. “Can we do that in New York? Please? When the guys are at marketing meetings I’m not involved in, we can hang out.”
I loved New York. I could drag Sutton along on any outings. That would surely help contain the flames between Lewis and me. But was staying at home a better option? Yep. “I’ll think about it.”
He shook his head. “Nope. Don’t think. Just do. Tomorrow morning, I’ll make sure the guys convince you to join us.” Thumbing behind him, he backstepped toward the door. “But for now, I’m gonna get a couple hours sleep before we head off early. Catch you later. Night.”
He disappeared inside.
I sipped the last mouthful of my hot chocolate and licked the sweetness off my lips. Could Lewis and I be friends? I didn’t have many. At school, I’d studied in the library or played sport to avoid the bullies. At home, I’d hung out with the guys. At college, people had used me to get to the band, then splashed our wild partying ways across social media. In Chicago, I’d socialized with the cast and crew at the beginning of the show, but Rhett had become my world. It was hard to find good friends these days. I needed ones I could trust and respect, and who didn’t have ulterior motives. Ones who didn’t care about my fame, who I knew, or my A-list status ...and who didn’t want to get in my pants.
That was Lewis.
Sutton was on that list too.
But did I want to go to New York and spend more time with Lewis? Was that a good thing?
Ergh! I’d sleep on it.
The next morning, Cole shoveled a forkful of pancakes into his mouth. “Come on, Tee. What if I fly you first class so you can stretch out your leg?”
Hmmm. My brother’s attempt at bribery was tempting. My former studio had often flown me and my fellow castmates around the country to attend events in business or first-class. I’d often thought it was an unnecessary expense, but now the extra leg room was essential. “Flying isn’t the only issue. I don’t want to crash in a bedroom with you the whole time.” I loved Cole, but sharing a bed in their three-bedroom rental apartment would push my limits...and I was sure he’d bring home random girls. I didn’t want to sleep on the sofa.
Flint crunched on a piece of crispy bacon. “You won’t have to. I’ll call April. We’ll upgrade so you can have your own room.”