Page 67 of Broken Bridges
Like there is any other option. “Yes.”
“Let’s go.” After a quick chat to the guys, he guided me through the crowd, down the corridor, and toward the rear exit. He opened the heavy back door.
We slipped into one of the band’s waiting cars and disappeared into the night.
Chapter 19
The driver dropped us off at home, but rather than heading inside, Lewis took my hand, and we wandered up the street at a slow pace toward the dirt track that followed the ridge of the mountain. The stress of being around reporters, the high of the show, and the hype of meeting fans at the party had begun to fade from my mind, only to be replaced with a smoldering livewire from being alone with Lewis. Each smile, each touch of our hands, each stolen glance, blurred the lines of us just being friends.
We ambled along the track with the sea of LA lights sprawling endlessly to the south and a gentle breeze rustling through the dry grass. With each step, the simmering heat between us stirred. We couldn’t go on like this. Either this had to evolve into something more before we went insane or one of us had to move out so our connection could be severed once and for all. With Lewis tied to my brother’s band, I guess that would have to be me.
He fidgeted with my fingers. “That reporter, Gloria, was nice.” Sarcasm rolled off his tongue.
I puffed air through my nose. Nice deflection. “Just another joyful day of dealing with the crappy press.”
“Not all of them are bad.”
“True. Just the tabloids and gossipmongers. Thanks for saving me.”
“You’re welcome. Cole was too occupied with that chick in green to come to your aid.”
“He was in fine form, like always. Don’t deny the guy some fun.”
Just short of a pathway lamppost, I tugged on Lewis’s hand to stop. Leaning my butt against a wooden fence railing, I rolled and massaged my ankle. I’d walked far enough without resting for a few minutes. “Cole screws around to hide the fact he’s just as messed up as the rest of us.”
“I gathered that. Anyone who obsesses with running ten miles a day, rarely sleeps, and drums till all hours of the morning has issues. Slip’s got shit going on too. We all do. The more I learn about each of the guys, about Phil, and how his death has affected everyone, I think Flint is the sanest out of everyone.”
I stood straight and dusted the railing dirt off my hands. “Nobody’s perfect.”
“No. No one is.” He edged in closer and tucked my hair behind my ear. He lowered his voice. “You don’t have to be either. Not ever. Flaws and all, I still like you.”
The breeze tousled the ends of his hair. My body quivered. I was mesmerized by the city light reflecting in his gorgeous eyes. “Is that all this is?” I whispered. “You just like me.”
He lowered his chin. “I’ve being trying to convince myself every day that there is nothing more between us.”
“And have you done that?”
“No.” He turned to lean against the fence railing beside me. “I’ve come up here numerous times to think. The city seems so peaceful, yet the reality is it’s full of mayhem and chaos as well as endless opportunity.”
“It fills your head with dreams and hopes then rips them away.”
“And brings changes you never saw coming.”
I gave him a sideways glance. “Are you talking about the band?”
He half-smirked. “And you.”
“What does that mean?” A tug-o-war pushed and pulled inside my head. “What are you saying? Do you want to be with me?”
He stared out over the cityscape. “I wish I could give you a straight yes-or-no answer.”
I closed my eyes and took a steady breath. “But we’ve skirted around this for long enough. I like you. So much that it kinda hurts now. I don’t understand why this attraction between us is so strong, intense, and just won’t stop. It messes with my head every day. But we’ve reached a crossroad and have to choose what direction to take.” My stomach swayed. Neither outcome would be easy. Any decision came with uncertain consequences. I pushed my past hurt down, deep inside my heart, and took a leap. “I’m open to the idea of seeing if this thing between us is real, if we can be more, but I’m also willing to leave, move out, or walk away to end it. I’m not going to waste another second of my life questioning what this is if you don’t feel the same way.”
Lewis took my hand and rested it against his thigh. “What you’re asking isn’t as simple as just dating someone new or opening up to the idea of falling for someone again. It’s a complete change in who I am and all I’ve ever been.”