Page 96 of Broken Bridges
Tia’s hands shook as she smoothed them over her linen pants. Excitement jumped in her voice. “I’ve made some big decisions. Life-changing ones, and I want you to be the first to know.”
I smirked. I knew what they were—and they sure were life-changing. They just had nothing to do with the decision I was waiting on from her.
Concern darkened Cole’s eyes; his shoulders slumped. “You’re not leaving again, are you?”
Cole adored his sister, loved looking out for her and having her around. Good thing she wasn’t moving away.
“No.” Tia shook her head. “But I’m going to quit Angels in LA.”
“What?” Sutton shrieked; her hand splayed across her chest. “No.”
Tia threw her a sympathetic smile. “Sorry, Sutt. It’s just not me.”
Flint sank deeper into the sofa. His brows pinched together. “Did you get a better role?”
“Not yet. Jack, my agent, is looking.” She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “But if nothing comes up by fall, I’ll go back to school. I’m going to study technical film and TV production. I’ve found something I love doing, that I’m good at and want to pursue.”
Cole gaped. Flint’s eyebrows shot skyward. Slip bobbed his head in approval. Tears welled in Sutton’s eyes. I just nodded and half-grinned, playing along since I’d known since this morning.
“I love my tech.” Smiling, she rounded her shoulders and pressed her palms between her knees. “I love working the front of house and managing behind the scenes. So I want to become a production or floor manager, run events and award shows, or work on late-night talk programs where every day is different. As long as it’s got a zany live audience, I’m there. I’ve taken the leap. Filming for season one of Angels finishes in mid-July. School starts in September.”
“Whoa.” Cole rubbed the back of his neck. “I didn’t see that coming. Are you sure you want to give up acting? Are you prepared for the drastic lifestyle and income change?”
“Yes.” Her face glowed with a stunning smile. “My choices in life have never been influenced by money, fame, or five-star luxury. But I’m lucky. I’ve worked hard and I’m set up for life.”
Cole swiveled toward her. “I’m all for the change, but why wouldn’t you come work for us? Gena’s leaving soon. We have the tour. You can learn everything you want about production as part of our team.”
“No. You’re too big. I don’t have the experience you need for a world tour. And I want to work in TV and film, not music. Every show or event would be different. Every function would present new challenges. Every day would be exhilarating. It’s me.”
It wouldn’t be as much fun as it would be if she worked for our team, but we’d had that argument. I’d lost.
“Bullshit.” Cole glanced at each of us guys like he was assessing us for reservations. There were none. “Tee, we perform every night in front of audiences that are bigger than the ones you’ll find at any TV show or event. We have more tech than most studio productions. You love to travel. You’re family. We belong together.”
Her eyes glassed over. A knot at the base of my neck tweaked. Tia would thrive if she worked with these guys. She didn’t need to protect my place in the band. I’d survive. “Tia, it would be fun. It would work out. Trust me.” My tone came out more tense than I’d anticipated, challenging her to take the risk on us, on her dream, on living life. “Just don’t flash lights in my eyes like you did in Seattle.”
She threw me a saucy smile. “That was a once off tease. I’d wouldn’t do that again. Not on purpose anyway.”
“Good.” All had been forgiven during our steamy encounters.
Cole jabbed his finger against her arm. “Tee, you can’t fuck with us on stage. But if you promise to behave, we’d want you with us. No question.”
She tucked her hair behind her ear, nodded, and lowered her chin. “Thank you, but no. I love all of you, but I need to do this my way. I want to take every step from the ground up. No help or favors required.”
I leaned back in my seat. New theories hammered my head. Maybe her reluctance to work for the band wasn’t about our relationship. Maybe she wanted to protect her relationship with her brother more than anything. I could understand that. Working with friends and family often soured.
Cole slung his sweaty arm around her shoulders and gave her a hug. “I know you’re stubborn and like to do things your way. So whatever you decide, we’ll back you. Just know you can come work for us at any time.”
“Thank you.”
Projecting her an I’ve-got-you smile, I rubbed the tip of my chin. “It’s a big step and sounds exciting. Change is never easy but often worth it.” I prayed changing for her would be. “You’ve gotta follow your heart, do what you love, and be honest and true to yourself.”
We had to do that for our relationship too. We’d get there. The sooner, the better.
Slip shook his head. “You’re crazy going back to school, Tee. I’d stick with the acting. More money. More fun.”
“I’d love to do school and small movie roles. As long as I leave Angels, I’ll be happy with either option or both.”
“Oh, this sucks.” Sutton pouted and folded her arms. “Tia, you’re so good on our show. I’m happy you’ve found something you want to pursue but I’ll miss you.”