Page 45 of Blood Ties
Angel assessed my damage and frowned. “Are youtryingto undo all my work?”
I shook my head. “I’m fine.”
“It’s not that bad. It won’t take much out of me. Let me rest up and I’ll take care of your girl, too.”
“No. Her first.”
“Stubborn ass,” Angel muttered.
Trying to ignore the ache from where I knew I was probably bruised, I took him into the bedroom where Nivea still slept. He placed his palms on her back and closed his eyes. It didn’t take long, but when he removed them, he stumbled back a step.
“Come on.” I hooked his arm around my neck and helped him out to the couch. The movement was excruciating, but I gritted through the pain. He collapsed to the cushions and was out like a light. Squirrel and Facet were already rolling the body up in plastic.
“Venom is sending the Mystery Machine, as Cookie called it. It’s gonna cost you, though.” Facet smirked.
I gave a huff and rubbed the spots on my sides where the cord left friction burns and bruising was already starting to develop.
“Give me a few minutes and I’ll take care of you,” Angel mumbled from the couch.
“Thanks man, but I’ll be fine,” I assured him as I waved off his offer.
Squirrel began the initial cleanup of the mess I left after shooting Carl. I grabbed more trash bags and paper towels. He tossed me a pair of rubber gloves.
“You walk around with these in your pockets?” I asked as I looked down at them, then back to him.
He shrugged. “Hey, you never know what you might come across. Present situation a perfect example. Aren’t you glad we decided to stick around a few days?”
Sending him, Facet, and Angel a thankful gaze, I nodded. “Yeah, I actually am. Thank you—again.”
“That’s what friends are for, right? Hiding dead bodies?” Facet added, as he gave me a cocky grin.
It said something for our intestinal fortitude that we could sit there and joke about something like that after I’d put a bullet through a man’s head. In the past, I would’ve said I could do that with zero emotion.
This time? It had been personal, and the emotions involved had been rage and love. That was when the true realization hit me. Nivea almost died. Had I not decided enough was enough and headed to her place, she would be gone.
That was a sobering thought.
“I can’t believe no one called in the gunshot,” Squirrel chimed in.
A huffed laugh left me and I shook my head. “This is Chicago. There are so many gunshots here that people rarely get personally involved. With all the buildings around here, anyone that might’ve been tempted to call it in probably wasn’t sure where it came from. And luckily people kind of mind their own business so it’s unlikely anyone saw Nivea hanging from the window. If they did, it’s the same as the gunshots—don’t get involved.”
“Oh, and I was going to put some anti-listening devices in the condo for you, but it looked like someone beat me to it,” Facet told me.
“Gee, I’ll give you two guesses who that would’ve been.” I cocked a brow and Facet laughed.
“Yeah, I should’ve figured her dad would’ve covered that here. But I thought you’d like to know they’re already installed, working, and some of the most high-tech ones I’ve ever seen.”
“Not surprised.” I smiled and shook my head.
“Oh, and the food and flowers you left in the hall? I brought them in for you.”
I glanced over to the counter where he had motioned. He had put the flowers in a water pitcher, which didn’t surprise me. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”
Once I helped them clean up what we could, I went in to check on Nivea. The guys went to get some food and have a couple of beers. They said they’d be back when the van arrived. She was still out like a light, but Angel had warned me she might sleep through the night. In a way, I hoped she did. The last thing I wanted her to wake up to was any evidence of me killing someone in her home.
At first, panic took hold as she nearly seemed still as death. Then the even rise and fall of her chest made me breathe easier. Knowing she was safe comforted me. As I watched her lay there sleeping, I debated kissing her full, red lips. Instead, I pacified myself by pressing a kiss to my fingers, then placing them on the comforter that covered her.
With a soft sigh, she turned to her side.