Page 131 of One and Only
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Later, after showers and a huge meal and no more sex because our bodies couldn’t physically handle it, I was sketching exteriors for a new client while Beckett sat at the kitchen table with his laptop and a stack of paperwork.
The sound of a car broke through the silence. He glanced up. So did I.
She and Micah got out of the car, Olive with them.
I looked over at Beckett, and he gave me a tight, nervous smile.
“She’s here with them. That’s a good sign.”
He nodded.
I stood from the couch while he closed his laptop and took a deep breath. “Do you want me to give you guys some privacy?” I asked tentatively. I hated asking, but I knew that I might be a touchy subject for Josie for a while, and I wanted to respect that, before anything else happened.
His brow furrowed. “No.” Beckett grabbed my hand and pressed a kiss to my palm. “No. You’re in this with me. You’re my wife, Greer.”
I smiled, relief sweeping through me like a tidal wave. “I will be, as soon as the courthouse opens tomorrow.”
He ducked his head, eyes intent and face serious. “You’re my wife now. Whether that paper has been filed yet or not.”
I curled against his chest when he tugged me in for a hug. “I like having a husband,” I said quietly.
“Remind yourself of that when I piss you off,” he said. “I’m sure it’ll happen soon enough.”
I was still smiling when Josie and Micah got to the door.
Olive burst in first, giving me a hug, and then Beckett.
“Can you go play upstairs while we talk, sweet pea?” he asked quietly.
She nodded against his neck before he set her down. She bounced up the stairs. Beckett and I locked eyes, and he held out his hand for mine. With a smile, I took it.
He tugged me into his side, dropping a kiss onto the top of my head.
“Well,” Josie said quietly. “That answers one of my questions.”
Micah smoothed a hand over her back.
“Let’s sit,” Beckett said.
They sat on the couch opposite of us, Josie openly studying our body language when I curled into Beckett’s side and he laid his hand over my thigh where it rested on his leg.
“Why don’t you two start again from the beginning,” Micah said gently. “I’d like to hear it from both of you, now that the shock is over.”
Beckett held my gaze for a moment, then nodded.
“You know most of it,” I told them. “What we told you about my dad is true, but it’s the other side … for him and Olive. That’s what we didn’t. And I’m sorry for my part in that.”
Beckett’s hand squeezed my leg, and we took turns telling our story while they listened patiently.
When we were done, Josie took a deep breath. “So you’re … together now.”
I smiled at Beckett. He swept his thumb over my thigh, then he turned his attention back to Olive’s mom. “Whether it was this week or next week or a month from now,” he said, “we would’ve ended up right here. I was already halfway in love with her when I decided to tell you the truth.”
“Only halfway?” I teased.