Page 79 of One and Only
She sighed. “Yes. If everything stays on schedule.”
“And what a mighty big if that is.” I smiled. “What are they working on now?”
Adaline launched into her construction stories, something I loved hearing about because nothing was better than watching her build a beautiful, happy life with the man she loved.
By the time we hung up, I was done with my workout, and I took a quick shower before sitting back down with my laptop.
I was neck-deep in studying some plans from our architect when my phone buzzed with a text.
Beckett: I know this is last minute, but are you okay with Olive for a few hours if Josie picks her up from school? The guys kind of forced a bachelor party on me because I didn’t tell anyone I was getting married unless they found out from Parker. And I can’t really … not do it.
I grinned, imagining how this might play out in a team’s weight room. No, there wasn’t much he could do about it if he didn’t want to raise suspicions.
Me: I’d love to hang out with her tonight. But are you and Josie okay with me watching her for a few hours? Because I’d understand if Josie wanted to keep her until you got home. I’m still new.
Beckett: I trust you.
Me: Okay, then yes, I’m in. Would it be easier if I pick her up from school?
Beckett: You’re not on the approved list yet, but we’ll take care of that before Josie leaves.
Beckett: Josie said she’ll be there in about an hour. I told the guys I’d hang out, but I had to be home to put Olive to bed.
The simplicity of that trust was an even greater weight than any of the things my family had said to me throughout the day. They were viewing our situation through the lens I’d handed them. It was almost right. Sort of clear. But at the end of the day, incomplete.
Beckett was the only one truly in this with me, and the fact that he was trusting me with the person he treasured most in the world…
It was a lot to process.
Me: Then a girls’ night it is. Have fun and be safe.
He responded with a simple,I will, and I was able to get most of my work done before Josie’s car pulled up to the house a bit over an hour later. I blew out a quick breath, opening the door for them when they arrived.
“It’s the art phenom,” I said. “How was your day?”
She grinned, flipping a folder around so I could see a brightly colored watercolor painting on crinkled paper.
“Whoa, that is very cool.”
Josie smiled. “She told me all about the flower trick you taught her.” She leaned in, dropping her voice low. “I think you have a fan for life now.”
My cheeks flushed warm. “Well, so does she. She’s a great kid, Josie.”
Josie eyed me as she set Olive’s backpack down on the floor. “It’s a big deal that I’m willing to leave her here with you,” she said carefully. “I don’t take this lightly. I hope you know that.”
I nodded. “I do. I don’t take it lightly either.”
“Good,” she said. “Now, what junk food did you bring into the house for an after-school snack because I know Beckett never has anything good.”
I laughed, ushering her toward the cookies my mom sent home with me on my last visit, and the three of us sat at the island. Josie told me stories about Micah when they first started dating, how hard it was for Olive to warm up to him.
“Drawing flowers is the way to go,” I said with a shrug. When I sent a tiny wink to Olive, she giggled around a mouthful of chocolate chip cookie.
Josie smiled. “Apparently.” She stood from the stool with a glance at her watch. “I should go. Micah will be home from work soon, and I promised him we’d do some wedding stuff tonight.” She kissed Olive on the top of the head. “I’ll talk to you soon, okay?”
“Love you,” Olive said.
They hugged, and Josie dropped a few more quick kisses onto Olive’s cheeks, pulling some more laughs from the little girl.