Page 32 of Chapel Bend
“Who doesn’t?” I ask, biting into a piece and then turning to June. “Are you sure you want people just walking around in your backyard whenever they want?”
“No,” she admits and licks her finger. “But there has to be a way that I can make it work because, like Harvey said, a lot of people are buried back there. Sure, some no longer have family living here, but some do. I don’t have the time to figure out a visitation schedule or something.”
“Adding the fence will help,” Cullen says. “Just make sure you keep it locked and put up some cameras for added security.”
“I already plan to,” June assures her brother before tilting her head and adding, “Maybe I’ll get a big dog. I’ve been thinking about it anyway, having a big ol’ dog that I can take to job sites with me. Maybe I’ll rescue one.”
“Not a bad idea.”
The men come out of the chapel, and it looks as if the last of the windows have been taped up, which means the messy work is about to start.
“Here we go.” June closes the pizza box and shoves it at Cullen. He just shrugs and moves to set the leftovers in his passenger’s seat. “I’msoready for this.”
Even with Juneand me jumping in to help the crew, it was well past dinnertime before the last window was out, packed, and loaded onto the truck. When we finally left the chapel, we were both filthy and sweaty, but now that I’d showered, all I wanted to do was call her and see if she wanted to grab something to eat with me.
Before I can, though, my phone pings with a text from my sister.
Luna:Pack a bag for the weekend and come to the inn.
I scowl.
Me: What??
Luna: Just follow orders for once! No questions. Do it now!!!!!
“What in thehell are you up to?” I mutter as I follow ordersfor onceand pull out a duffel bag, toss in enough stuff for a couple of days, and then head toward the inn.
I didn’t hate growing up out on the cliffs, but I didn’t love it like Luna did. From an early age, I knew I wanted to be in town where all the action was because I didn’t enjoy the feeling of isolation that came with being at the lighthouse.
Luna thrives there, though, and she’s an excellent lightkeeper.
She’ll be an excellent innkeeper, as well.
I park next to Tanner’s vehicle, noting June’s truck not far away, and then head inside.
It isn’t hard to figure out where they all are since I can hear laughter coming from the kitchen, so I head toward it.
They say that you choose your family, that it’s not always blood that links people together. I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, that it’s true. Yes, Luna is my sister, but the others are my family because I’ve chosen it.
The six of us spend a lot of time together as a group, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
“You’re here,” Luna says when she sees me at the entrance to the kitchen.
“I was under orders,” I remind her and smile when she throws her arms around me and gives me a big hug. “Hey, Luna bug. What’s up?”
“Now that you’re all here, I’ll tell you. I want the first people who stay here to beyou.And Wolfe and I, of course. The six of us are the first guests of Luna’s Light. Mira made us dinner, which is already waiting for us in the oven, and she’ll be back in the morning to make us breakfast.”
“We get to stay the night?” Sarah asks, already bouncing on her feet in excitement, her blonde hair dancing on her shoulders.
“You’re staying theweekend,” Wolfe corrects her. “Zeke will join us tomorrow night. He’s busy tonight.”
“This is so freaking awesome,” June says with a grin as she fist-bumps Sarah. “Do we get to pick our rooms?”
“Nope!” Luna replies, shaking her head. “I kind of designed the rooms with you guys in mind, so I want everyone to stay in the room that is kind of theirs.”
“Which room is ours?” Sarah wants to know, as Tanner grins at her. The man is so gone over her that they should be the center of a Hallmark movie.
“You have the Rose room.” Luna claps her hands with excitement. “Apollo has the Lighthouse room.”