Page 70 of Chapel Bend
“You’re buying the property I wanted.”
“That’s a personal matter and none of your business.”
“Bullshit!” He bangs his fist on the table, and I lean toward him.
“Watch yourself.”
“You snatched that property out from under me, and I want you to sell it tomefor what you paid for it.”
“Not in this, or any other, lifetime.” June shakes her head, never once dropping her indifferently deadpan look. “Who do you think you are, anyway? No one here gives a flying fuck about your money or where you come from.”
“Do you think I can’t make you sell?” His voice is only rising, and the other people in the diner are openly gawking now. “I’ll make your life a living hell until you give me what I want.”
“You can try,” June says, smiling sweetly. “But, in case you’re slow on the uptake, which I suspect you are, I’ll remind you that I don’t have to doanything.So, go away.”
“I’ll fucking ruin you, you little cunt.”
My sudden appearance in front of him has him stepping back, which shows he isn’t acompleteidiot. I’m three inches taller and outweigh the little prick by fifty pounds.
“Enough,” I say. “You won’t speak to her like that. Your business plan is done. Pack up your shit and get the hell out of here.”
“Or what?”
“Or you and I can take it outside and I’ll show you exactlyor what. Do you think you don’t have a dozen cell phones recording you right now? I’m pretty sure that your threats have warranted a call to the cops, and June’s brotheristhe cops. And in case you missed it, no one’s going to sell to you, not now that the whole town knows what you planned to do here. You’ve been blacklisted in Huckleberry Bay, man. Go find another town to terrorize. It won’t work here.”
He wants to punch me. I can see it in his eyes as they burn with fury, and I wish he’d try it, because I’d have him knocked out and on the floor in a fucking heartbeat.
Instead, he marches away and out the door.
“Before you say anything”—I sit back down and hold my hands up—“Iknowthat you had that handled. You’re a badass, and you don’t need me sticking my nose in, but if you think I’ll sit here whileanyonespeaks to you that way, you don’t know me very well.”
She starts to speak, but then clears her throat. “Okay. Well, I guess that confrontation was going to happen sooner or later. Do you think he’ll leave town?”
“He’d be stupid to stay after threatening you like at. If anyone had still been willing to sell to him, which no one was, they won’t be once they find out about what he just said.”
“Good. He’s a jerk, and we don’t want him here.”
“Your lunch is on the house, honey,” Sunny says as she sets our baskets in front of us. “If someone has to deal with the likes ofthat, they should get a free meal. Enjoy.”
“Thanks! Free cheeseburgers taste even better,” June says with a grin, and Sunny heads to her next table as June’s eyes find mine. “And thank you, too. That was kind of hot, actually. You didn’t even have to touch him, and he was scared of you.”
“He was pissed off more than anything.”
“No, I think if you’d raised your fist, he would have pissed himself. Does it make me a bad person that I kind of wish that had happened?”
“Maybe a little vindictive, but not bad.”
“Show us what you’re painting now,” I suggest to Sarah. She invited Luna and me over to have appetizers for dinner and some drinks, and I admit, I needed some girl time. “You know how much I love your art.”
“Oh, I have some really fun projects in the works,” Sarah replies, her eyes lighting up with excitement. “Come on out to the studio, and I’ll show you.”
She grabs a bottle of wine and three glasses, but I hold up my hand.