Page 89 of Chapel Bend
“Don’t say shit like that,” Cullen says. “You know I’m a cop.”
“I’m not doing it, am I?” Zeke blows out a breath.
“The problem is that everything for sale around here is a single-family home, and he doesn’t want that. He wants another condo with a water view, and there aren’t any available that aren’t already in his current building.”
“Told you”—Zeke points his pizza at Indigo—“I don’t want to have to deal with the upkeep of a house. The condo is perfect.”
“Maybe, and I’m going out on a limb here,” Wolfe says, holding up his hands, “you should kiss and make up with Cherry Dubois so you can stay in your perfect condo. Stop being a stubborn ass about it.”
“It’s Cherry Dubois?” Scott frowns over at Zeke and turns his hat backward before he racks the pool balls. “Not only is she really nice, but she’s also hot. I’ve been thinking about asking her out on a date, but my work schedule at the fire hall has been stupidly busy lately, so I haven’t had a chance.”
Zeke’s eyes narrow on Scott, and I grin. “You like her.”
“Bullshit, asshole,” Zeke says, but I keep grinning, not at all offended.
“You do, but you don’t want to.”
“I don’t usually go for the annoyingly bossy type,” Zeke reminds me. “Let’s change the subject. What about you and June?”
“What about me and June?”
Cullen’s eyes cut to me as he chalks the end of a pool cue.
“You’ve been all over town together the past few months, looking mighty cozy together.”
“Cozy? Who the hell uses the wordcozy?” Indigo asks.
“He knows what I’m talking about,” Zeke says, still watching me.
“Do you have a problem with me, Zeke?”
“I never have before,” the other man admits. “I actually like you a lot. But it pisses me off when a man is with a woman but won’t admit it to anyone because they’re embarrassed of said woman.”
“Who the fuck said I was embarrassed of June?” I set my bottle down. “You don’t know anything about it.”
“That’s my point. No one does,” he agrees. “So, what is it? Are you fucking around with her just for the sex, or is there something there? Because IlikeJune, and she doesn’t deserve that bullshit.”
I push my hand through my hair and turn away. I want to kick his ass, but he’s looking out for the woman I love, so I have to respect that.
“Is that what everyone thinks?” I look from man to man, staring them in the eyes. “That I’m just fucking aroundwith her? That I’m embarrassed of her?”
“You’ve been seen out on dates or riding around together,” Wolfe says, his voice level and calm. “You used to despise each other, and now you’re together a lot, man. This is a small town, and people talk. If you and June aren’t setting the narrative straight, then everyone else will write the story for you.”
“Motherfucker.” I pace the length of the loft, frustration rolling through me. I promised June that we’d tell our friends together, but damn it, I’m so fucking sick of hiding that I don’t give a shit anymore. I’ll beg for forgiveness later. “Yeah, okay.”
I rub my hand down my face and turn back to the now-quiet room.
“We’re together—not justfucking.” I glare at Zeke, who’s crossed his arms over his chest. “Sure, there’s sex, but it’s more than that.”
“Keep talking,” Cullen advises.
“She’s so stubborn that, if I didn’t love her so much, I’d want to strangle her. She’s funny as hell, fun to be with, and so damn sweet when she wants to be. She might seem like a hard ass, and she canbe, for sure, but she’s a softie. I sound like an idiot.”
“No, you don’t.” Wolfe shakes his head. “Keep going.”
“We’ve been together for a few months. She wanted to keep it quiet because, well, she has baggage, I guess. I think that, if it didn’t work out, she didn’t want to have to explain that to everyone.”
“Is it not going to work out?” Tanner inquires.