Page 92 of Chapel Bend
“I was thinking more like irritating.”
He looks over his shoulder as if to make sure my mom isn’t standing right behind him, and then he leans closer to me. “Sometimes that’s the case, yes. Want to talk about it?”
“I feel like all I do is talk about it.” I blow out a breath before taking a sip of coffee. “Juniper Snow.”
“Really?” He raises an eyebrow in surprise. “I wasn’t expecting that.”
“Well, because you were always sniping at each other. I didn’t think you liked each other.”
“We’ve smoothed all of that out.”
“About time. I’ve always liked that girl. She’s damn talented, too.”
“I know. She’s remodeling that little white chapel in town. She’s going to live in it.”
“Is that right? I can see her doing something like that. Good for her.”
“She’s avoiding me.” I don’t like saying that out loud. “I’m sure I did something to piss her off, but I have no idea what, and she won’t talk to me about it.”
“Ah, the old cold shoulder.” He nods as if he knows all about that. “It happens from time to time. It’s been my experience that, if I give your mom some space and let her work through the mad, she’ll come out the other side and let me have it. Then I apologize, and we get on with our wonderful life.”
“She’s had a damn week.”
He taps his fingers on the arm of the chair, which is something he only does when he’s concerned. “That’s quite a mad she’s in.”
“And I don’t know why.”
“That is irritating, but you’ll figure it out. My son isn’t an idiot.”
“I feel like one today.”
“Nah.” He reaches over and pats my shoulder. “How’s the electrical business?”
“And everything else?”
I’m quiet for a moment as I watch the waves crash against the cliffs. The ocean looks angry today.
“As soon as I figure out what makes Juniper happy, everything will be just about perfect.”
“Good for you, son.” He settles deeper into the chair and sighs with contentment. “You’re happy. Luna’s getting married and built this amazing new business while still managing to take care of the light. My kids are the coolest people I know.”
I glance over and find him smiling at me.
“We really are pretty cool, aren’t we?”
“Damn right.”
“Who thought it would be a good idea to throw this party right between Christmas and New Year’s?” I blow some hair out of my eyes and take a breath. “Hanging all of these lights is a lot of work, but it’s going to look awesome.”
“That’s the last strand,” Luna assures me. “I’m sorry that I keep adding things. I know it’s a pain in the butt, but it’s notonlya huge holiday party. I wanted to throw the party after Christmas day so more people could come. I didn’t want anyone to feel like they had to choose between spending time with their own families and coming out to see the inn.”