Page 96 of Chapel Bend
I don’t know if he’ll be exactly thrilled about this.
I’m scared that I’ll suck at motherhood, like my mom did. All babies deserve so much better than that. I’m confused, and scared, and probably hormonal. I’ll figure it out, I guess.
And I have to talk to Apollo.
After my chat with my father yesterday, I decided to follow his advice and let June take her time to “work through her mad” and then come have it out with me so we can get on with things.
That lasted a whole fourteen hours before I decided that she’d had long enough. I woke up and decided that I was going to find her so we can talk. Sure, I’m frustrated with her, but even more than that, I fucking miss the hell out of her.
I know she’s been at Luna’s inn quite a lot lately, helping to get the place ready for the wedding next week after Christmas. So, that’s where I head first. When I get there, June’s truck isn’t there, but I cut the engine anyway.
“Damn it all to hell,” I mutter as I get out and head inside to talk to Luna, who I find in the kitchen with Sarah and Mira.
“You have excellent timing,” Mira says, pulling a pan of something that smells delicious and sweet out of the oven. “I have fresh cinnamon rolls.”
“You know I can’t pass that up, but first”—I turn to my sister—“I need to know where June is.”
Luna blinks at me, turns to Sarah, who’s suddenly grinning, and then back to me.
“She left about twenty minutes ago. She’s at the chapel.”
I sigh, nod, and turn back to Mira. “Do you mind boxing two of those up to go?”
“You betcha.” Mira winks and reaches for a box. “Is everything okay with our June?”
“I’m going to figure that out today.” Glancing back at my sister, I take a breath. “I’m in love with her.”
“I know.” Luna smiles brightly and then hurries over to hug me. “And I’m so happy for you.”
“Don’t be quite yet. She’s not speaking to me.”
“She will,” Sarah says with way more confidence than I feel. “Take her those rolls and have a chat with her. You’ll see.”
I narrow my eyes and look at both women with suspicion. “What do you know that I don’t?”
“Nothing.” Luna blows a raspberry and shakes her head.
“You’re doing that thing you do when you lie.”
“Whatever.” She shrugs, as tight-lipped as she’s always been when it comes to her friend. “Cinnamon rolls are her favorite. Go see her.”
I accept the box from Mira, who tugs on my sleeve, which is her silent demand that I bend down so she can kiss my cheek. She does, and before I can straighten, she whispers, “Don’t leave there until you have your answers.”
Then she pats my shoulder and goes back to work.
“Women are weird,” I mutter as I walk back out to my truck and head toward the chapel.
Sure enough, June’s truck is parked in front.