Page 44 of Tearing You Apart
Lightning sparked between us at his moan, and he drew me closer, our bodies tight together.
“You are incredible,” he whispered against my lips.
I notched my head back. He was too close, making it too easy to give in.
“You have no idea the things I would do for you.” His breath stroked my skin, and he leant forward, my breasts pushing against his chest. I had to keep the lead. He was lost, his steps all over the place, my hand riding firm on his back to keep us steady. “I’ve been thinking about it, you know.” He sounded so excited. “What if I could be devoted only to you?” Where was this going? His voice was so sincere, I almost believed him. “What if I only lived for you? What if everything I did was for you?”
Had he been drinking as well? Or had he gone out the back with the younger guys for a joint? Anticipation trembled in my belly. This was exactly what I needed to avoid. I had to stop him, but the idea of having him at my beck and call threw up images of his classic leather and chains in a very different situation.
“How would you show me your devotion?” I asked, too turned on by his words to stop myself from being dragged in.
He’d already shown me how weak I was against his romantic questions. The idea was to tease him and make him lose himself, not get lost in each other. It caused us to turn so slowly that other dancers were waltzing into the centre of the room to avoid us.
“I would sacrifice myself on an altar dedicated to you. I'd strip myself bare before you, just to give myself to you, only you.” He never took his eyes off me.
Power and heat surged around us, and that bloom of awareness that held us in my office separated us from the rest of the room. The song continued; the music went on, but it fell on deaf ears as mine started ringing. We moved to our own rhythm, consumed in our own song.
Only Max spoke to me like this. Max, the man I had loved, who I believed loved me without reserve, until I saw the video. Everyone else I’d been with — the ones who loved me, at least — told me how they felt, but they didn’t pour their hearts out like this, this poetic, romantic nonsense that got me every time. Lazy days where we would lie in bed, Max’s fingers tangled in my hair as he told me I was his queen, his empress, the one he would lay down his life for. Those were the days I missed, the ones I longed for when I woke up alone and panting.
“Those who worship you, the ones who love you, they say —” he paused for the drama, and I would have rolled my eyes if I wasn’t already under his spell. “— ‘There walks beauty divine. She is a goddess, sent from above to grace us with her presence. Men fall to their knees, begging for a glance at your precious face. Every word that drops from your lips is a gift from an angel, driving us wild with your song. How could we not build temples and churches in your honour? How could we not praise the ground you walk on?’”
We’d stopped, the rest of the world dancing on, our feet stuttering to a halt as we simply watched each other, breathed together, and sank.
My lips had dropped open, my body loose as he shook in my arms. Why would he say something so stupidly romantic? No one spoke like that anymore. He’d hit every single one of my buttons, and I wanted to take him down for even trying to seduce me.
I was torn between rewarding him and tripping him up, leaving him on the floor while I walked away.
A half-smile formed on my lips. I tried not to preen and show him how deeply his words were affecting me, but damn, the ocean had nothing on me. I was so wet I was surprised I still stood. He was an idiot, but I was the one losing myself in his smile.
“What would you do if you could have her?” The words escaped me before I could even pretend I wanted to stop myself. I was too far gone to try.
There was a sharp intake of breath before he squeezed me, our chests grinding in our need for closeness.
“Anything,” he whispered, holding me with an intensity I’d never seen before. “Cat… I… Anything… just tell me what you want, baby.”
His muscles tensed as he held me so delicately that I felt treasured in his arms.
The begging was perfect. The only thing missing was him on his knees, but that could soon be fixed.
My eyes landed on Bunny, who was lost in her own world. Darcy Hastings stroked a hair behind her ear and whispered something that had her blushing. She pressed into him and looked up, gazing deep into his eyes.
I released Max as the violins played the last notes, and the dancers slowed. Other couples stopped to clap. The chatter was starting again, filling the room with a comfortable buzz. The band took a break, cheers roared from the games room, and waiters merged with the dispersing crowd, offering champagne and canapés. In all of that, we stood, staring at each other. We were in sync, our bodies in rhythm, our breaths a mirror of our desire.
I stepped back, walking towards the darkened corridor whose archway flared up behind us. It was his choice to follow me or not. Bunny seemed preoccupied, and my beating heart drowned out the voice telling me this was a bad idea.
Istared after her, longing clawing at my chest. I wanted nothing more than to trail after those gold beads that swayed around her smooth thighs. Every step revealed a new flash of creamy skin, and the only remorse that came with holding her close enough to draw in her scent was that I couldn’t stand back and watch the beads wave their hypnotic dance.
I watched her leave, groaning to myself.
She paused under the archway, running a silky black glove against the decorative plaster, her eyes hooded as she beckoned me with a smile. It took everything I had not to run after her like a dog, stripping off my clothes as I went.
My body was already begging me to go deeper. The thin silk separating our hands killed me. Our clothes blocked every place we touched. It was too much. They needed to go. I’d been so close to dragging her away during our dance, demanding she finds us a room. She might call me pathetic, but her breath was hot, her eyes lusty, and her body was answering my call. She could tell me she hated me as many times as she wanted. It couldn’t hide the need pulsing between us.
“Don’t you fucking dare.” Bunny slid in front of me as I was paces away from the archway, an angry guard blocking my way.
“You have no control here.”