Page 22 of Shadowed Radiance
I felt Ava draw in energy through our bond, something I recognized from when Kayleigh had done it, but then she froze, presumably pausing before banishing the Radiant Seal. “Oh! I forgot to mention. Turns out I recognized the patient who Deion asked me to treat while you were out chatting with the police.”
The expectant way she looked at me had both my brows raising. “Oh?”
“Remember the Spellbinder we overheard speaking open treason just past the ballroom balcony?”
I blinked several times. “Wait. You’re not saying...”
“That’s exactly what I’m saying. I clearly recognized her voice, and when I blocked out her pain she recognizedme. She didn’t know I realized exactly who she was, though. I pretended my mother had pointed her out at some Circle function. And I also got my hands on her cell phone just long enough to work my magic.”
Connor whistled, Finn gave a fierce grin, and I squeezed her shoulder in approval before drawling, “Let me guess. That long-distance eavesdropping spell you used on the mayor’s phone to win that bet with your sister?”
Her expression dimmed slightly at the mention of her sister, but she set aside the grief to nod. “Exactly. I’ll be notified any time that she makes or receives a call. And then I can listen in on it.”
“Well done, Blondie,” I half-praised, half-teased. Hoping to help take her mind off Kayleigh’s death for at least the moment.
She smiled slightly, although whether for the first or second reason, I wasn’t sure. But I’d take it for now.
“I’m gonna banish this Seal now, so we can finish up here and go get our girls.”
Damn. It feltsogood to hear her say “our” girls. Not the circumstances leading up to them becoming our responsibility, but for the simple fact she acknowledged how inextricably entwined we now were. Hopefully we lived long enough to make sure she didn’t regret our bond.
Sanai rushed over the moment Ava banished the Seal, since Shifters could usually sense magic being manipulated around us, a grim expression on her face. I assumed that stony look Ava had called me out for just moments ago. We just couldn’t catch a fucking break tonight.
“What now?” Finn growled, echoing my sentiments exactly.
The captain of our guardians bowed her head for a moment before saying, “I’m afraid Belinda and Logan weren’t our only traitors this evening.”
Ava shook her head in denial, as if she sensed what was coming. I had the sinking sensation that I did, too.
Sanai’s gaze moved to meet Ava’s. “I’m so sorry, but your parents just called to say that Marie and Chester have disappeared with the girls.”
Connor and Finn cursed loudly, and I for damned sure wanted to but managed to fight back the urge. “What do you mean,disappeared?”
Ava shook her head again. “That doesn’t make any sense. How would Marie and Chester make it off my parents’ estate without AlexanderorRegina sensing them? They knew to be on red alert tonight.”
Sanai hesitated before replying, “Alexander likely would have sensed them, but he had his hands full magically sedating the Shadow Wolvesother thanMarie when the Beacon tether snapped. And given that Regina’s now nowhere to be found...”
It killed me to see another wounded look cross Ava’s face as she said, “They think she helped Marie and Chester abduct the girls during the chaos.”
“Thatdoesseem the most likely scenario.”
My brow furrowed pensively. “Perhaps. Or there may be another explanation. We shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”
Ava appeared torn between hope I might be right and despair that I wasn’t. “Whichever it is, we can’t just stay here doing nothing. Those areourgirls now. And if Reginaispart of this, it’s going to take another Beacon to get them back.”
Connor shot her an oddly hesitant look. “Ava, I hate to say this but...that might be just what they want us to do.”
She turned a furious expression his direction, and he held up his hands defensively. I broke in before she could unleash her anger on him. “I’m afraid Connor’s right, Ava. Remember how the three of us were supposed todieat your parents’ estate when the tether snapped?”
That dark reminder had her staggering as if I’d struck a physical blow. Guilt flared, but I ruthlessly shoved it aside.
Ava’s voice sounded betrayed when she asked, “So what? Are you saying we simply cower here when we could be out there getting them back?”
I bared my teeth in a fierce smile. “Absolutely not. But Iamsaying we need to be smart about this. Rather than rush in like fools, we’re going to your parents’ place to pick up Alexander. He’ll have the best chance of helping us figure out just what the fuck went down—and in tracking Regina and the girls. And if Regina helped them willingly, we’ll need all the help we can get to take them back.”
Her expression immediately cleared, and she looked from me to Connor and then Finn. “Are we all in agreement?”
“Damn right!” Finn growled as Connor nodded enthusiastically, “Hell yes!”