Page 46 of Shadowed Radiance
I retraced my steps back to the first floor and quickly explored the layout so I would know where everything was in case of an emergency. My stomach growled, reminding me we'd all exerted a lot of energy with little food to fuel our bodies.
When I wandered into the kitchen, I glanced inside the fridge without much hope. There wasn't anything in the refrigerator portion. Fortunately, the freezer had been stocked with a number of frozen meals that Connor would have sneered at, but I was too hungry to ignore. I grabbed one and tossed it in the microwave before rifling through the cupboards. Most of them held dishes and utensils, but the pantry had been well-stocked with paper towels, plastic ware, and nonperishable food like canned goods and snacks.
Nothing my youngest brother would want to cook when he woke, but it would serve those of us keeping watch in the meantime well enough. Once I devoured my frozen meal, I prepared a few more and delivered them to the two guards keeping watch on the first floor and those outside the primary bedroom. They thanked me, and I asked one of the Spellbinders to run magical interference while I made my phone calls. He followed me to the breakfast nook in the kitchen and cast a Radiant Seal, something I took on faith after feeling him cast a spell.
Sanai answered her cell phone before the first ring had even ended. Magic thwarted her caller ID, so I received a generic greeting. “Mutemba here.”
“It's Shea. We're all still alive. So far. How are things at the Manor?"
"Glad to get some good news, but you do realize we would know if one of you died, right?"
I let out a bark of laughter. "True as far as Ava, my brothers, and I go. But I thought you might also like to know that the guardians and Spellbinders you sent are also still kicking ass and taking names."
Her tone grew more serious. "That is good to hear. And I assume the girls are still safe?"
"Last I heard. I'm going to check on them next."
"How did your mission at the bank go?"
I sighed. "We learned some new information that was enlightening, but received no definitive proof we could bring before the Circle. Right now, it's still our word versus Alexander's when it comes to tying him into plotting with the rogue Spellbinders. Someone bombed our elevator as we were on our way out of the bank. Luckily Finn's wolf warned us before the door closed so we were able to get out in time."
"Jesus. They’re really determined to take this Pack down."
"That maybe the motive for some of the players involved. But Alexander seems to have a much bigger, even more sinister goal in mind. How did the police react when we disappeared?"
"About as well as you might expect," she replied dryly. "Detective Rosen left a number she assures us is untraceable for you to call her. And I quote, 'Sooner rather than later if they expect any more help from me.' Although her language may have been a bit more colorful."
"We're at a safe house recovering from all the shit we faced this evening, but I'll call Rosen once the four of us are fully rested. Go ahead and give me the number please." I quickly jotted the number down on a miniature notepad I always kept in my wallet. "Let's plan for me to call you every 6 to 8 hours. Once we figure out our next steps, I'll let you know if we need any further support. Are you able to hold down the fort there while we get the proof we need to nail Alexander's ass to the wall?"
"Hell yes I am. I didn't earn my way to this position on my good looks alone."
I laughed. "Anyone who has ever seen you fight would never make that accusation. I know that technically it’s your job, but thank you anyway. Talk to you soon."
"Of course. Stay alive."
My lips twisted even though she couldn't see it. "We'll certainly do our best."
On that statement, I hung up and called the other safe house's land line phone. Regina reported that the girls were sleeping peacefully and all had been quiet since we left. I gave her a quick, detail-sparse report (since I still wasn't 100% convinced she could be trusted) before hanging up and staring pensively at my notepad. There were a couple other calls I could make, but I decided it’d be better to make them once Ava and my brothers woke. Besides, I did my best thinking alone when everything was quiet. Now was the ideal time to put pen to paper and figure out just what the hell Alexander was up to. And howwewere going to stop him.
Exhaustion from all the magic I had used must've chased all my dreams away. When my eyes blinked open, a moment of panic at the unfamiliar surroundings had my pulse pounding so rapidly I felt a little dizzy. I didn't remember nodding off in the SUV, and I for damn sure didn't remember walking into the safe house. My vision adjusted to the room's dim lighting quickly, thanks to my Shifter heritage, and I recognized the safe house's primary bedroom around me. I moved to stand, only to realize there was a muscular arm draped over my body. Pinning me in place.
I glanced next to me and saw the sleeping body of Finn pressed as close to me as he could get. My eyes couldn't help wandering over the gorgeously sculpted lines of his bare upper chest, and then my heart rate picked up speed for an entirely different reason. Damn, sometimes I forgot how unfairly sexy Finn and his brothers were.
Or at least I tried to.
Finn's normally no-nonsense face looked much softer when asleep. His expressive brown eyes may have been closed, but it didn't make my attraction to him any less intense. Even in sleep, he still retained enough of that "bad boy" edge to make my internal bratty persona salivate. His thick red hair and matching beard paired with all the tattoos crawling over his arms and shoulders drew my attention, and I softly traced a hand along the midnight black wolf snarling at the center of his chest. No longer able to resist the urge to touch him. After so many months of fighting that instinct, I just didn't want to anymore.
Especially not when I'd come so close to losing him. No thanks to his Uncle Alexander.
No, scratch that.MyUncle Alexander. Not that I wanted to claim him after he'd basically murdered my little sister.
"If looks could kill, doll face, I would be rolling in my grave right now," Finn's gravelly voice murmured.
My breath rushed out and my gaze zoomed to meet him staring at me. Now wide awake. Those soulful brown eyes sucked me in and made me feel impossibly beautiful the way they devoured me. I bit my lip and couldn't help asking, "Since when do you call me doll face?"