Page 52 of Shadowed Radiance

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Page 52 of Shadowed Radiance

The oven timer buzzed, reminding me I needed to add the garlic bread so the cheese would melt in time for the lasagna to finish cooking. Shea was kind enough to step over to help dish portions of both lasagna and bread for our guardians and Spellbinders. We served those to the ones who were currently on duty before returning to the kitchen and carrying our own servings to the breakfast nook. Seeing the excited smile on Ava's face as she breathed in the delicious aroma wafting from the food was reward enough for all my hard work over the past few hours.

None of us spoke for the first few minutes, too caught up in piling generous portions of lasagna and bread upon our plates and then devouring it. Eventually, however, Shea steered us toward discussing next steps. In responsible big brother fashion.

Ava mostly listened as we ate, nodding occasionally. We went over everything we could personally remember about Alexander's background, which was admittedly spotty before he actually married our aunt and joined the San Francisco Pack. He had told the occasional story from his childhood and early adult years, but mostly surface level details. The more we tried to recall, the more we realized he had been keeping everyone at arm's length without really seeming to for decades. All while convincing us he truly cared and was a loyal Pack member.

Finally, Ava must've eaten her fill because she dropped her fork and tilted her head. "We now know he’s tied to my grandfather and why he has sworn revenge against my grandmother. But where's his connection to the Spellbinders?"

Shea's brow furrowed. "Couldn't he have just hired them as mercenaries? After all, we’re assuming they’re a rogue group rather than ones loyal to the Guild."

She gave him a thoughtful look. "It's possible those Spellbinders are rogues, but I don't think they're just some fly-by-night splinter group either. Remember Victoria Blythe? She’s a very well-connected Spellbinder who I recognized from attending a lot of the same high-society functions as my parents. And remember how many bodies they were willing to sacrifice just to kill Ava and Maddox? They were fully prepared to start an all-out civil war. And I have the strongest sensation they have many more Spellbinders waiting in the wings to wage that conflict."

I nodded in agreement. "I have to agree with Ava. They seem to share at least one motive with Alexander: Doing whatever it takes to overthrow Muriel Sheridan."

Ava's lips twisted. "I think it's even bigger than that. I think they want to overthrow the Circle itself; or at least redistribute the power balance so that Spellbinders have more political strength than they currently hold."

Finn grunted. "That makes the most sense. It always comes down to power and wealth at the end of the day. They’ll probably claim to be freedom fighters. But they could’ve fought for those things the legal way rather than murdering people."

I couldn't resist poking a little fun and shot an incredulous expression in Finn's direction. "Who are you and what have you done with our middle brother?"

He flung a piece of bread crust at me. "Just because I listen more than I jabber, unlike you, doesn't mean that I don't pay attention. I may hate politics and prefer using my fist and claws to solve problems, but Ididminor in history in college."

Ava's eyes suddenly widened when a chime suddenly rang out. She pulled out her cell phone, waving it in the air. "Speak of the devil, she must be using her phone."

We fell silent as she set her phone on the table and worked whatever magic allowed her to tap into Victoria's phone through her own. The Spellbinder's voice sounded as clear as though she were in the room as we came in mid-greeting. "...bloody gracious of you tofinallycall with an update, Alexander."

Every one of our mouths dropped open. It was about damn time something went our way, but never had I expected an answer to the question Ava had just posed to practically fall into our laps.

"I've been a bit preoccupied the past 24 hours, Victoria. Carrying out my part in our opening salvos." His voice sounded both amused and mildly annoyed. Kind of impressive to pull off both at the same time.

"Carrying out your part?" She sniffed disdainfully. "I believe you mean failing to achieve your main objective. That wretched Kansas City Beacon snatched those girls right from under your nose and they're now so well-hidden none of us have been able to track them down."

"Is that what you think?" The amusement in his voice grew more pronounced. "IallowedRegina to escape with those girls. And now that the dust has settled, I'm free to spring the trap that will bring them all under our control." Humor faded when he spoke again. "I assume your Spellbinders are waiting outside the second safe house now?"

"They stand ready to storm inside the moment Brittany signals everyone has succumbed to her sleep spell. Which should be any moment."

"Good. My people and I are nearly at the first safe house. Make sure your people delay Ava and my nephews as long as possible. We'll contact you when we have Regina and the girls under our control."

"See that you do. The instant you have them, and not a moment later. No more delays in prompt communication, Alexander. We are allies after all. It would be a pity if that changed."

Victoria must have ended the call, because both voices and magic faded. Leaving a panic-stricken Ava shoving the phone into her pocket and jumping to her feet with a wild look in her eyes.

Finn stood and tucked her against his side before she could dissolve the Radiant Seal and run to the front door like she appeared set to do. I cursed a blue streak before managing to spit out slightly more calmly, “Brittany made a phone call outside while I was paying for the groceries.”

Shea and I had risen to our feet along with the others. He, normally the most cool and collected among us, kicked over his chair before smoothing his expression. “And we’ve been inside this Radiant Seal focused on ourselves while she’s doing Shadows-know-what out there.”

“I’ll fuckingkillher if anything happens to the girls before we can get there!” Ava growled. Finn pulled her closer and stroked her arm comfortingly. Something that seemed to take the edge off her fury.

“Call Regina and warn her,” Shea suggested before trying to peek around the nearest wall without actually stepping outside of Ava’s magical bubble. I did the same, but found I couldn’t really see down the hall and into the dining room and living room, where two groups of our bodyguards had been presumably eating. And possibly now sleeping thanks to an enemy among them.

Yet one more of many unseen enemies. One I’d failed to stop when I had the chance. Something that left a bitter taste in my mouth.Whyhad I ignored the “off” feeling that had struck when Brittany stepped outside the grocery store to place that call?

“She’s not answering!” Ava cursed even more colorfully than I had. “We need to get therenow.”

Shea, Finn, and I exchanged grim looks. The odds weren’t good that we’d get there in time, even if thereweren’tattackers waiting outside our safe house to delay us from reaching the other one.

My eyes widened. “Call Sanai and tell her to send reinforcements to that Pack safe house now. They’ll get there way sooner than we will.”

Ava’s expression brightened slightly as she immediately did what I suggested. Once she hung up from that call and stuffed the phone back in her pocket, she pointed down the hall. “Let’s go deal with our latest backstabbing traitor, shall we?”

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