Page 54 of Shadowed Radiance
Our allies finally came to full consciousness, waking much less groggy than they otherwise would have thanks to my rejuvenation spell. They helped us physically restrain all of the now-sleeping attackers, and one stayed behind to wait for the authorities to arrive and take them into custody. No way was I just leaving them there to wake and bolster Alexander’s forces.
With all our enemies finally taken care of, we scrambled toward the SUVs in the driveway. This time, Finn claimed the driver's seat of our vehicle. Something none of us argued against. He regularly indulged in not-entirely-legal races with other Shifters. Those canine instincts he tapped into whether in wolf form or human gave him a significant edge. Something we desperately needed at the moment.
Even so, it would take us precious minutes we might not have to reach the first safe house. I couldn't just sit there worrying myself sick, so I pulled out my cell phone and called Sanai.
She answered on the first ring. "We're almost to the Pack safe house."
A surge of relief flared. I would rather it be us there, but the girls needed help sooner rather than later. "Wish we could say the same, but they hit us hard at the second safe house. We should be there in five minutes."
Hell, the way Finn was driving right now, it might be more like four. He was driving so much like a bat out of hell that the second SUV was having trouble keeping up with us.
"If Alexander's attack is already in progress when we get there, should we engage or wait for you?"
I bit my lip, trying to calculate a dozen different possibilities. Each carried significant risks to my nieces. It was impossible to figure out which plan might be the perfect one. Not that anything in life was ever perfect. A good leader simply had to weigh the risks, make a decision, and commit. And maybe send a few prayers to Mother Moon and Father Sun.
"I trust your judgment. If you think you can get the girls out safely, engage when you get there. I assume you brought some of the remaining Pack Spellbinders with you?"
Not that there were many left by this point.
"Actually, all of them except one stayed at the Manor." Panic briefly flared but she continued before I could verbalize my fear. "Your mother brought a dozen Spellbinders with her and those six Radiants your grandmother sent are heading straight to the safe house from the airport. They should arrive about the same time you do."
My breath blew out as relief swept across me. We were by no means out of the woods yet, but having those magic casters to back us up, along with the forces Sanai had brought, meant we had a much better fighting chance than expected.
“Good. We’ll be there as soon as we can. Until we arrive, please. Do your best to protect the girls.”
“Of course,” Sanai said in a gentle tone. “As captain of the Pack guardians, I would lay down my life for those girls.” Her voice resumed its more typical confident cadence. “Not that I plan to do any such thing tonight. We’re going to show our enemies justwhythe St. Louis Pack is a force to be reckoned with. But we’ll try to save a few for you.”
I gave a fierce smile even though she couldn’t see it. “Just make sure one of them is Alexander, and I’ll be happy.”
Buthefor sure wouldn’t be, not once my bonded wolves and I were done with him.
It felt like an eternity until we reached the intersection two blocks away from the safehouse where we’d left Regina, the girls, and their protectors. In reality, it had been more like eight minutes since I’d gotten off the phone with Sanai. We parked our SUVs on the side of the street and approached on foot, hoping to maintain some element of surprise. I texted Sanai for an update as we walked.
She replied seconds later,There was a magical barrier we can’t bypass around the house, so we just finished evacuating all the nearby homes. Your mother says it’s going to take someone with Radiant strength to break through that barrier. Or more likely several someones.
Wow. Alexander must be working with at least one or two Radiant allies of his own. Although I suppose if he’d brought enough Spellbinders with him, they could be augmenting his strength.
I texted back,ETA on the Radiants my grandmother sent?
They’re approaching the house we’re using as a staging ground. It’s the one on the northeast corner of the block. Two-story red brick building with a three-car garage.
We’ll be there shortly.
Before we could reach the temporary HQ they’d established, however, my phone rang. I didn’t recognize the number, but Shea froze next to me after reading over my shoulder. “That’s Alexander.”
I frowned, wondering why he was calling me instead of one of his nephews, and then accepted the call. “You so much as harm one hair on their heads and I’ll kill you.”
“Now, now, now, my darling niece. Is that any way to greet your uncle?”
“I’m not your darlinganything. And don’t expect me to invite you to the next family reunion given that you fucking murdered my sister!”
“You must be aware that it was two members of your own Pack who killed Kayleigh and Maddox. And they were in cahoots with a rogue group of Spellbinders. Not working for me.”
I decided not to show all my cards just yet. “Whether they were workingforyou orwithyou, the results are the same. You conspired with them because you have some ancient vendetta against my grandmother. I may not be her biggest fan, but you’re just as bad as—if not worse than—her given your willingness to kill two innocent people just to hurt Muriel.”